victron, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Minecraft (as usual), just finished Wolfenstein New Orden again. Just started Breath of Fire (GBA version). Nonogram (picross, android). Maybe I’ll get back to ToTK (what a drag, that game is huge). Not touching my huge backlog yet.

Yes, I’m a parent and patient gamer, how did you know?

vintprox, do adventuregames w The biggest "narrative dissonance" in adventure games set in the modern day is the lack of retail stores. avatar

I think it’s a fun idea to explore.

For example, would you take a shortcut and make items appear because you’re fishing them in the pond (which makes pond a source of “outworldly” items), or rather come up with something more creative? The logistics of it can tell the story better than 1000 words on a wall made to push the narrative. Of course, at the same time, you don’t want to make this a main focus to the player, unless it’s an objective.

terkaz, do wiadomosci w O nas, bez nas
terkaz, do wiadomosci w O nas, bez nas
Thebazilly, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

My life has been completely subsumed by Baldur’s Gate 3. I spend all day at work thinking about it.

My husband called it a “tactical combat dating sim” and that cracked me up.

aaronstc, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Restarted the Demon’s Souls PS5 remake. It’s going much better than my previous attempts. Not quite back to where I was last time but got there aot faster.

terkaz, do wiadomosci w O nas, bez nas
Blackmist, do gaming w Rant: Frustration Related to Ethics of Games Companies

They’re all big companies. They’re all shitty somewhere. If you want to play something just play it. I find the worst of them are also making games that don’t interest me in the slightest, but even Activision put out the Tony Hawks Remaster and EA put out It Takes Two so I was all over them.

If you spend all your time worrying about shitty companies, you’ll be living in a cave eating moss. It’s OK to lament the state of things and then do them anyway. It’s on the workers to unionise and shaft the management back, because without them there’s no product and no money.

loudWaterEnjoyer, do piracy w RealDebrid Payment avatar

Just pay with crypto



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    You can only pay with kyc

    You don’t need to KYC for your real debrid payment

    once you login to your account without it they know your ip

    That’s a real bummer that always applies - that’s why you need to have a kill switch, configure your firewall and check for leaks on a regular basis. I am always connected to some VPNs



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    Well if you want to pay real debrid with crypto, you just select BTC as payment option, then you get redirected to coinbase.

    Here you can select BTC, ETH or LTC, it will then generate a payment string you can transfer funds to from every wallet, no KYC required in any way.

    Other than that, yes VPN is part of a good “OpSec” and will also grant you most probably the privacy need



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    You don’t need a coinbase wallet, its just one of the options, you can pay with any wallet. Just start a local node, fire up a wallet and send your funds



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

    What utter bullshit is this? Why is there no private way to pay?

    You can even buy BTC at an centralized exchange, split it into 25 wallets, throw them into a tumbler, convert to monero, throw it in another tumbler what ever and recombine everything on a Wallet you generated yourself with a node you are hosting by yourself. Do that on a Tails live OS.

    There are countless ways to get crypto anonymously. Please if you want to learn something here, I am willing to explain everything, but if you make a claim like that

    It’s still bitcoin so there is still no private way to pay

    Please at least try to back it up with something that atleast comes close to an argument or something. I am going out of my way here to show you reality, just because of good will. Are you aware how long it took me just to upload those damn screenshots.

    Again, there are countless ways to get BTC or what ever crypto anonymous, but still look at your original claims

    You can only pay with kyc so it’s not anonymous and even if you use a vpn with real debrid once you login to your account without it they know your ip so there is no way to use it anonymously.

    You do need kyc. Could you explain how to pay for real debrid without kyc? Vpns are not private or anonymous anyways. You don’t think law inforcements can figure out who you are just because you use a vpn?

    You do not need KYC to pay with BTC, ETH or LTC on real debrid.

    Now you are telling me, you need KYC to get your hands on some crypto. Wake up. You can also buy drugs in the street, guns what ever.

    You can’t pay without KYC, but thats a huge difference to your original claim.



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  • loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar
    Fazoo, do gaming w How much 5e do you have to know to enjoy Balders Gate 3? avatar

    It is very similar, but you don’t need to know anything to start playing. Just a basic understanding of turn based RPGs. The rest will come with playing the intro tutorials.

    MaskedMan, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    Battlebit Remastered

    Waiting for POE 2 ಠ_ಠ - the new POE league

    Some Cities Skylines while I wait for Cities Skylines 2

    Some Chivalry

    db2, do piracy w Recommended FLAC converter?



    It’s a very old tool. Is the quality decent?

    beto, avatar

    ffmpeg is written by Fabrice Bellard, who’s one of the most underrated programmers in the world (he also wrote QEMU). It’s probably the best tool out there, still actively maintained, and most commercial apps are probably using it under the hood for any kind of conversion.


    It is the engine powering most of the audio/video tools you use today.

    JCPhoenix, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

    Playing Danganronpa v3 and FF7 Crisis Core Reunion, both on Steam Deck.

    I started Danganronpa a couple weeks ago. And so far, it’s definitely the weakest of the main trilogy. I really don’t like any of the characters. They’re all just too edgy, weird, and/or outright dumb. And not in a funny endearing way often seen with characters in the first two installments. I just finished the the second class trial; the twist there was pretty stupid. The first trial and murderer at least made sense and was unexpected. This second murderer, while also unexpected, just had the dumbest reason; totally unbelievable. That said, the game itself isn’t terrible. And the story is just interesting enough that I wanna see where it goes.

    I started FF7 Crisis Core Reunion last week and I’m still in the early stages of it. Don’t really have any opinions on it so far. After finishing FF16, I was in the mood for another action-based FF game, so tried this out.

    Continuing to play FF14; still in Shadowbringer expansion (SHB). I’ve been taking my time with it as I had to level up a Machinist so that I can take advantage of the experience gained from MSQs. I finished the Titania trial over the weekend. I am enjoying the level of difficulty with SHB; I felt like Stormblood was a walk in the park. Admittedly, I was massively overleveled through most of Stormblood, but even with level adjustments, it felt easy. So it’s nice to see some challenge again.

    Also I’ve gotten back into Eve Online after taking a few months off again. Idk; null blob fleet stuff is something to do, I guess.

    nac82, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

    Yall i was fucking with Baldur’s Gate 3 splitscreen with my wife and found out that using an Nvidia graphics card and 2 monitors, I can turn vertical split screen games to broadcast to 2 different monitors so it looks like 1 screen each.

    Fucking awesome.

    None of my friends were half as impressed as me and the wife were. I feel like a technical God recently (all because I figured out how to enable a setting and set an aspect ratio properly for 2 screens lol)

    korthrun, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

    Right now I’m waiting on the new PoE league as well as the GW2 expansion. For now it’s either a MUD, The first Skyrim save I’ve kept long enough to complete the main quest, or Yakuza: Like a dragon.

    It really just depends on mood and if anyone else is active on the MUD.

    I’m glad to have finally found a Skyrim build I enjoy. I’ve always appreciated the game but never managed to stick with it. This Illusion/Thief/Assassin combo is a great time. Calm + backstab for life.

    Yakuza is a delight. It’s a lot like FfXIV in that it’s a pretty fun movie that is sometimes interrupted by RPG game play elements. Loving the humor.

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