Not hating on people who like and enjoy PvP games, but to me it feels like it’s a good way for a developer to make a game that doesn’t actually have that much substance. Lacking content? Nothing to actually do in the game? NPCs are difficult to make interesting to fight? Just have players shoot each other. It’s basically content that creates itself, not to mention (if you have good matchmaking) the difficulty ramps up naturally without you having to write better enemy AI.
I just want to fight stuff alongside other people, rather than potentially making another person’s day just a little worse because I shot them before they shot me, you know? Is that too much to ask?
Fallout: NV and Skyrim. People kept recommending them to me but neither really clicked. I put about 20 hours into each before just kinda dropping them and not looking back. Even tried mods since everyone says they’re better modded, but just found I was spending more time modding the games than playing them. Maybe Bethesda games just aren’t my thing.
I have been playing a lot of BotW and DRG on it. Playing BotW on it is amazing, for DRG or mainly any shooter on it there is the problem of me not being used to aim with the gyro properly yet.
I’ll always have a soft spot for Minecraft and it’s open world base building goodness.
If you want “Minecraft, but more grown up,” I can’t recommend Vintage Story enough. It’s actually an offshoot of a survival modpack for Minecraft if I recall correctly. A more involved crafting system (i.e. knapping tool heads out of stone, casting and forging metal tools, etc) and a threatening winter make for a very fun survival game. Still in active development with a pretty good pace of new content regularly, and a lively mod scene.
Brittle Hollow spoilerRealizing that Brittle Hollow crumbling actually results in you being able to uncover more mysteries. I always tried to find some solution before it collapsed and frenetically search for a solution that didn’t even exist at the time. The simplicity of just waiting didn’t even cross my mind for so long.
I’ll probably get roasted for this but… Pokemon. It just seems like endless copy/paste and might be one of the laziest game franchises I’ve ever seen. I’ve really tried to get into them. I was there when the Pokemon cartoon started, I saw it rise to the phenomenon it is today, but damn if it isn’t the most boring grindfest ever.
There’s been some great advice in this thread. In the future though here’s a shout out for one of my favorite wikis out there, the before I play wiki .
It’s great and has useful tips for all kinds of games. Good luck in Hollownest!
I’ve been playing System Shock 2, the original version i got from GOG (it took a bit to make the controls work but it works fine, though i found a weird bug with non-Steam games in that if you rename the game it loses the control settings - e.g. i set up the controls when the icon was named “SS2.exe” but when i renamed it to “System Shock 2” later it lost the settings until i renamed it back to “SS2.exe” :-P).
I also played a bit of Stranger of Sword City, a turn-based and grid-based blobber. I find the deck works fine with such games.
Also both games play just fine at ~5Watt settings (i like to optimize the settings per-game to get more battery life out of the system).