morsebipbip, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

Mandatory Dishonored 1 and 2 recommendation, but Prey is also very good

ELLIOTTCABLE, do gaming w Anyone else remember those giant scale maps that used to be in shooters? e.g. bathroom, kitchen, office, backyard, that made you feel so tiny?

I haven’t actually played it yet, but HYPERCHARGE: Unboxed has been in my Steam library for ages. That looks like it may scratch your itch …

I really miss some “toy soliders” 3D shoot-em-up that I can just baaaaaaarely remember from the 1990s … does anybody remember the game I’m thinking about? (There was definitely a series, I distinctly recall the name ending in “2” …)

snowbell, avatar

Army Men: Sarge’s Heroes 2? I played the shit out of that

nottheengineer, do gaming w Anyone else remember those giant scale maps that used to be in shooters? e.g. bathroom, kitchen, office, backyard, that made you feel so tiny?

Ah yes, good old ttt_teenroom.

Those maps make callouts very easy because pretty much everything has a name already, so you don’t need to argue about what’s what.

rekkar, do gaming w Anyone else remember those giant scale maps that used to be in shooters? e.g. bathroom, kitchen, office, backyard, that made you feel so tiny?

Grounded comes to mind

Ocean, do gaming w Anyone else remember those giant scale maps that used to be in shooters? e.g. bathroom, kitchen, office, backyard, that made you feel so tiny? avatar

Not a shooter, but superliminal I think has a few levels that let you use portals to change your size, and there’s no limits on how many times you can do it, so you can shrink yourself to be microscopic to the point where you can fit inside a straw and it takes like a minute to walk to the end of the straw. Everything in the room is modeled to be quite detailed, so there’s also a chess board, and you can get on top of the rook piece and it’s like being on top of a castle.

Pretty fun puzzle game

Sagethefolxhero, do gaming w Anyone else remember those giant scale maps that used to be in shooters? e.g. bathroom, kitchen, office, backyard, that made you feel so tiny?

Theres hypercharged: unboxed its oretty fun. Also some toy story games kinda scratch that itch for me

tulwinn, do gaming w What forgotten cult classic games are worth revisiting?

I’m probably alone in remembering this game but I loved Hardwar back in the day. It’s an Elite style trading game set on Titan. The player pilots a ‘moth’ ,a small flying craft, between craters.
It had an interesting story that played out as you explored with areas blocked out, due to events, and made accessible later on.

The developer closed doors but IIRC at least one member of the team released a patch that had been developed later on.

I played it pretty obsessively and it had a small passionate community but it wasn’t a hit.

Grimlo9ic, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games? avatar

+1 vote for the Dishonored games. If you want a quick showcase of what's possible in this title or the whole series, StealthGamerBR is probably one of the best people to watch.

F4stL4ne, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games? avatar

The Dark Mod of course!

JanoRis, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

A lot of the games you tried are on gamepass, including hitman world of assassination.
There are some others aswell, like Aragami 2, sniper elite and plague tale.Might be worth just trying gamepass for 10€ for a month or to see if you can buy a trial key for cheap somewhere, to test the games.

Another game I can recommend but it is a bit different genre is Outlast:Trials. It is a stealth game but if you fail you have to escape and hide. Though this game is pretty explicit with nudity, violence and gore

sic_semper_tyrannis, do gaming w Games on GOG?

Spirit Farer & Machinarium are must haves

ELLIOTTCABLE, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

I absolutely adored Invisible, Inc (by Klei — yes, of Don’t Starve & Oxygen Not Included fame — what a diverse bunch!)

It seems a little different from your usual vibe (it’s not an first/third-person shooter-y thingie; iirc it’s isometric and pixel-art?); but it’s easily the best stealth game I’ve ever played. :D


Mark of the Ninja is an incredible stealth game. Also by Klei.


Plus one for Invisible, Inc. It’s like XCOM but spies. Such a great game from an awesome developer. One of many of their games that I’ve got every stream achievement for.

phynite, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

I recently played through all three Thief games. Start with Thief: The Dark Project, then Thief 2: The Metal Age. Finally, Thief: Deadly Shadows is a bit controversial but i still think its worth a playthrough. Don’t bother with Thief (2014). They are old but IMHO some of the best stealth games made to this day. If you check them out, highly recommend looking up some mods. Tfix for the first game I think, and there are even some HD mods if old graphics bother you.

Also, I’ve never played them but heard the Splinter Cell games are fantastic stealth games. Might be worth a look.

Skeptic043, avatar

To follow up on what was said above, Thief: Gold/The Dark Project and Thief 2: The Metal Age are easily two of the best stealth games out there, especially with all the work fans have done to keep the games playable and fantastic on modern hardware. Between the phenomenal level design, a unique and pretty engaging story, and all around fun game play offering tons of ways to approach situations, they're always worth a recommend from me for at least a single playthrough, easily netting 15-30 hours of game time per game. The wide variance in time spent with each is partially due to the freedom you have, but also since each difficulty step up changes your objectives for each mission, giving you further reasons to explore and have fun with the world.

Thief: Deadly Shadows is harder to recommend due to it being built with consoles in mind, but once again, with some fan patches it becomes a much better experience and can definitely be worth the time, particularly when they're all on sale for so cheap. Each of them is currently just under $1 on steam, one of the best deals you can get.

Coming from someone who bought Thief 2014 at launch (and enjoyed it), I'd recommend a skip on that one. It's not a bad game by any means, but it doesn't feel like it's nearly as good as the original 3 for a variety of reasons.

Splinter Cell also are fantastic games in the stealth genre, but I'm not familiar enough with them to speak at length on them like the Thief series.

TwilightVulpine, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

If you want something really different but really cool you should look into Invisible Inc., rogueline turn-based tactical stealth in a cyberpunk setting. The way they handle the levels of alertness and challenge ramping up as you remain for too long and take risky actions in each level is really interesting.

Hellnikko, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

I don’t know if it fits the criteria, but A Plagues Tale series are great stealth games. A little different genre compared to the others, but unique enough to shine among these others in my opinion.

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