
Cmar, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023

RDR2 on Steam Deck. I never got far when I originally played it on my PC a few years ago and have been itching to play it again for the last few weeks.

Started a new game and so far it’s running really good.

Work and IRL stuff does not leave me with a lot of hours to game, but I did manage to put in a good few hours.


Reminds me so much of my situation. I have two kids and having a steam deck has changed everything for me, I went from not having time and/or brain space to game to being able to pick up my deck here and there and play when and where I want and not need to be at my desk or the couch.

I’m going through CP77 and plan to pick up RDR2 next sale.

linkinkampf19, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023

Cyberpunk minus Phantom Liberty, been too long since I’ve played properly.

Skyrim VR with all the fixins, maxed the esp limit, no esl support 😞

Floufym, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023
@Floufym@lemmy.world avatar

I started Baldur’s gate last week. That’s a really nice game !

And also playing Factorio, of course

doggish, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023

Grim Dawn on Steam Deck and finishing up the collectables on Quantum Break which I usually stream that from my PC to my Steam Deck. I absolutely love the Steam Deck.

For better or worse I can sit and play way longer sitting on the couch with my Steam Deck than at the desk in front of my computer.

jennwiththesea, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023
@jennwiththesea@lemmy.world avatar

Against the Storm. I can pick it up whenever I have a free minute, and pause it or save and quit when I need to be doing something else. It’s just enough of a challenge to be immersive when I’m playing, but the stakes are low enough that it’s not stressful. And the music/ambient noise is lovely.

rockerface, (edited ) do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023

Torn between continuing my Zenith playthrough of Terraria and learning more Oxygen Not Included. I probably shouldn’t have started both of those at the same time

Edit: So it turned out that what my brain wanted was to come back to Darkest Dungeon and try to actually beat it


I played oxygen not included a few month ago and realy had fun. At some point I just stopped, don’t even know why. Realy want to replay though. So probably going to start again soon.

alphacyberranger, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 02-10-2023
@alphacyberranger@lemmy.world avatar


scrubbles, do games w Starfield has some beautiful landscapes!
!deleted6348 avatar

Man I’m real tired of the constant negativity around new games. I rarely see positive stuff online.

You don’t like a game? Just move on. Hell, downvotes and move on. But leaving comments on things like screenshots about how idiotic a game is, man find something else to do.

I agree OP, it is a gorgeous game. The landscapes are incredibly striking


It does help those on the fence make a more informed decision whether to purchase or not. Just whitewashing with only positive reviews and comments is misleading and stifles innovation. Trolling and opinions without examples suck and should be ‘downvoted.’

BG3 has plenty of bugs but has glowing reviews for a new game. People should be able to voice their opinions without attacking other users and receive the same in return.

I have put in over 50 hours and enjoy this game, but would definitely NOT recommend it to someone who isn’t familiar with Bethesda’s other titles.

!deleted6348 avatar

There’s a thousand places to leave negative reviews. I’m just annoyed at the “Hey look X game has a cool thing” and the immediate “You enjoy X game? You’re an idiot for finding enjoyment out of this, you’re stupid, look how cool I look for shitting on it”. It’s transparent and annoying.

Voice your opinions sure, but if all you do though is shit on people for enjoying something, then that’s a dick move.


I don’t think anybody is shitting on anyone. It’s a public forum and we’re all allowed to say what we think. How shallow would the discourse be if we were limited to only talking about things positively? Everyone has their own tastes. I played through and enjoyed cyberpunk a couple of months after launch at a time when it was roundly shat upon but it didn’t spoil the game for me.

@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

I don’t think anybody is shitting on anyone It’s a public forum and we’re all allowed to say what we think How shallow would the discourse be if we were limited to only talking about things positively?

It doesn’t matter what you think. Try posting something positive about starfield - even in the Starfield community. You will get shat on. A lot.

The problem isn’t that negativity doesn’t have a space, its that positivity doesn’t have a space. If someone posts something positive and gets shit on, they’re going to be less likely to post positive things in the future. Or react to negativity with their own positivity. That’s how psychology works. We do a thing and get a shock, we’ll be less likely to do it again.

But more importantly, a lot of negative nancies on the internet love to defend yukking on other’s yums with lofty goals around “discourse” and “free speech”. But they seem to forget that’s not how the real world or human psychology works. This post isn’t looking for “discourse”. OP is just saying " wow this game has cool vistas" maybe hoping for some stories or reinforcement or fun conversations with other fans and you all are responding with “game sucks”. What is this “discourse” supposed to accomplish other than, at best piss off OP, and at worst tear down his enjoyment of the game.

I mean think about it. What if someone were showing off a coat they brought and like with some randos, and you waltz in and are like “that coat’s fucking ugly and you should feel bad about buying it.” What kind of discourse would you expect other than “the hell? Who asked you? Fuck off”.

Sure, we’re all entitled to post and reply what we want, but it won’t stop us from calling you an asshole. You want to shit on a game? Go for it, there’s plenty of hate circlejerks you can join in on.


I was specifically meaning that I didn’t think anyone was shitting on anybody here in this thread. I didn’t say the game sucked or that it’s fucking ugly or any of those other hyperbolic statements. I read somebody else’s thoughts on the game and provided my own. I agree the game can look very good, I said I really enjoyed some of the quests. I’m not a part of the starfield community, I’m not trying to piss on anybodies parade. I just like playing games and talking about games I’ve played.

eochaid, (edited )
@eochaid@lemmy.world avatar

Right, because the people who are paid to review the full game over hundreds of hours and have spent, in many cases, years, analyzing their biases and determining the right way to construct objective criticsm and have peer review editors to check their work…

Nah. Randos on the internet who have tendancy to form circlejerks for fake internet points and for minor doses of dopamine and who may or may not have even completed even a tiny portion of the game - that’s what I need to make an informed decision.

EDIT Lol at the coward downvotes with no replies. You know I’m right, you just don’t want to admit it.

@ArmoredCavalry@lemmy.world avatar

Just makes me wonder if the same thing happens in other communities. Say someone posts a photo of a National Park, are there replies how they’ve hiked most of the trails at that park and decided it’s not worth visiting?

I can see both sides too, “well we are informing people about the cons of that park, so they aren’t eaten by the vicious bears!”. I get that, I do! People have an opinion they want to share, nothing really wrong with that. Does that understanding make it enjoyable for me as the person just sharing the photo? Not so much…😂

@Send_me_nude_girls@feddit.de avatar

You have this a lot in Apple user dooming Android, just to never get out of the golden cage.

Psythik, do games w Starfield has some beautiful landscapes!

Beautiful landscapes, boring gameplay.

spleaque, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

currently playing Anima : The Reign Of Darkness on my laptop via Bluestacks. it’s an ARPG game and i like it.

inclementimmigrant, (edited ) do games w Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext.

While sending your password in plaintext over email is very much a bad idea and a very bad practice, it doesn’t mean they store your password in their database as plaintext.


Passwords shouldn’t be stored at all though 🤷‍♂️

@Vlixz@lemmy.world avatar

You mean plaintext passwords right? Ofcourse then need to store your (hashed)password!


The hash is not the password.

@Vlixz@lemmy.world avatar

My bad! I just misunderstood >⁠.⁠<


If they stored the hashed password this thread wouldn’t exist.


Point is, a hash isn’t a password. giving the most you don’t need tech knowledge analogy, it’s like the passwords fingerprint.

The police station may keep your daughters fingerprint so that if they find a lost child they can recognize it is your daughter beyond any doubt. Your daughters fingerprints, is like a hash, your daughter is a password.

The police should not store your daughter… that’s bad practice. The fingerprints are all they should store, and needless to say the fingerprints aren’t your daughter, just as a hash isn’t a password.


Would you accept “in a way that can be reversed”?


It’s possible that this email is a result of forum user creation, so during that submission the plaintext password was available to send to the user. Then it would be hashed and stored.


I don’t know why you’d give them any benefit of the doubt. They should have already killed that with this terrible security practice.

But yeah, sure, maybe this one giant, extremely visible lapse in security is the only one they have.


I’m just explaining how user authentication works for most web applications. The server will process your plaintext password when your account is created. It should then store that as a hashed string, but it can ALSO send out an email with that plaintext password to the user describing their account creation. This post does not identify that passwords are stored in plaintext, it just identifies that they email plaintext passwords which is poor security practice.


This particular poor security practice is very much like a roach. If you see one you have a bigger problem.

See, I can also repeat myself as though you didn’t understand the first time.


Encrypted passwords are still an unacceptable way to store passwords. They should be hashed.


(and salted before hashing.)


And marinated in butter milk.


Peppered if you’re feeling extra


Just because they send out the password does not mean it’s not hashed. They could send the email before hashing.


You’re correct and after reading more of the thread I saw OP say this was sent immediately after registering. I don’t have reason to believe it is stirred in plaintext unless they’re storing s copy of every email they send.

anakin78z, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023
@anakin78z@lemmy.world avatar

Just played the Lamplighters League demo and liked it quite a bit. Only bummer is that it does not play well on steam deck, so I will hold off for a while.

arudesalad, do games w The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 25-09-2023

I’ve recently started playing deep rock galactic and it’s an amazing game.


Rock and Stone brother!


Rock and Stone!


Such a great game and community which I feel was enabled by the devs who has the forethought to make spamming a cheer button so enjoyable! End result: everyone cheers and the community gets just that little more happy.

Rock and stone!


Rock and Stone!


Did I hear a rock and stone?

jonne, (edited ) do games w Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext.

Sending your password right after you created it might not be best practice, but it doesn’t mean it’s stored unhashed in the database. It looks like they’re using a third party forum software, so it should be pretty straightforward to figure out whether they do or not.

Looks like they address it here: forums.larian.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&amp…


it should be pretty straightforward to figure out whether they do or not

Not really since it’s closed-source: www.ubbcentral.com

But they seem to have been in business since 1997, so I highly doubt that they’d fuck up the “never store passwords in plain text” rule.


Yeah, I was looking it up, and when I saw they’ve been selling this forum software since 1997 I was less confident about passwords being hashed. They address it in their forums and they’re making it clear that the passwords are actually hashed, and they’re looking at migrating to other solutions regardless.


That thread is from 2020, where they said they fixed the password send issue.

Op, how old is ths image above?


Image was taken immediately before posting. The issue, apparently, has since shown up again.

AlmightySnoo, do games w Larion Studios forum stores your passwords in unhashed plaintext.

That doesn’t really mean that they store it in plain text. They sent it to you after you finished creating your account, and it’s likely that the password was just in plain text during the registration. The question still remains whether they store their outgoing emails (in which case yes, your password would still be stored in plain text on their end, not in the database though).


Yes, still not worth risking using a duplicate password though.


Honestly, why risk duplicate passwords even then? I have one strong password that I use for accessing my password manager, and let the password manager generate unique random passwords. Even if I had an easier password that I duplicated with some small changes, I’d still use a password manager to autofill it anyway. I use bitwarden personally, you can also self host it with vaultwarden but it seemed like more trouble than it was worth imo

Decoy321, (edited )

This is a friendly reminder to everyone that password managers are not risk free either. LastPass was hacked last year, NortonLifeLock earlier this year.


Personally the risk of bitwarden is outweighed by its convenience (compared to self hosted/local only solutions) in my opinion, but I know that’ll change real quick if bitwarden ever has a breach. If it does I’m jumping ship to a self hosted or local only solution, but I’m hoping that doesn’t have to happen

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

Bitwarden is end to end encrypted. If the host gets hacked your passwords are still as safe as your master password is. Self hosting wouldn’t really be a huge help there. Possibly even detrimental depending on your level of competence at securing a public facing web host.

@NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

I heard people’s LastPass accounts were getting compromised after that theft, but I also don’t know how strong their master passwords were.

@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar

Yeah at this point it’s considered likely that LastPass vaults are being cracked, based on LP being the common link between various other accounts that are being breeched.

A small number of rounds of encryption being the default for users with old enough accounts is believed to be a significant part of the issue. It means even if their password was a good one, the vault can be brute forced comparatively quickly.


If their password was actually good (18+ random characters) it’s not feasible with current day technology to brute force, no matter how few PBKDF2 iterations were used.

Obviously it’s still a big issue because in many cases people don’t use strong enough passwords (and apparently LastPass stored some of the information in plaintext) but a strong password is still good protection provided the encryption algorithm doesn’t have any known exploitable weaknesses.

@Zagorath@aussie.zone avatar

your passwords are still as safe as your master password is

They’re as safe as your master password is…and as the encryption is. LastPass famously got hacked recently, and in the aftermath of that many users noticed that their vault was encrypted using very small numbers of rounds of PBKDF2. The recommended number of rounds had increased, but LastPass left the number actually used too low for some users, rather than automatically increasing it. Users of Bitwarden and any other password vault should ensure that their vault is using the strongest encryption available.

Self hosting wouldn’t really be a huge help there

Well, self-hosting makes you a smaller target. The most determined attackers are likely going to go after the biggest target, which is going to be a centralised service with thousands of users’ vaults. If you host it yourself they probably won’t even know it exists, so unless there’s reason for someone to be specifically targeting you (e.g. you’re a public figure), or you get hacked by some broad untargeted attack, you might be better off self-hosted from a purely security standpoint.

(That said, I still use centrally-hosted Bitwarden. The convenience is worth it to me.)

@underisk@lemmy.ml avatar

You’re underestimating the attack surface of a self hosted set up. You don’t need to be specifically targeted if, for instance, someone hacks the Bitwarden docker image you’re using, or slips a malicious link into a tutorial you’re reading. It’s not a set it and forget it solution either, you’re responsible for updating it, and the host OS. Like I said, depending on your competency, it’s not inherently more secure.


This is why I don’t use a common centralized password manager, just like I don’t use any of the most popular remote desktop solutions like TeamViewer for unattended access.

I run a consumer copy of Pleasant Password Manager out of AWS and use NoMachine for unattended access to any machines where I need it.

Security through obscurity is tried and true. Put as little of your security attack surface in the hands of others as is reasonable.

@Hexarei@programming.dev avatar

Centralized, third party password managers, yes. Local-only managers like KeepassXC though, no concerns over some company getting hacked or cheeky


Applies to every site ever


I actually think this is the case. I could be completely wrong but I swear I saw the same question like 6 years ago in another forum software that looks exactly like this one lol. And people compalined about it storing plain text, but the response when asking the forum people was that it was only during that password creation, it’s not actually stored.

I don’t know if it’s crazy for me to think it’s the same forum from that many years ago, still doing the same thing and getting the same question.

ono, (edited )

Your guess is confirmed here.

There are plans to update the forum, including for better security (the main issue with changing the forum software is concern over reliably migrating all of the existing content). After emailing (admittedly not current best practice), the passwords are hashed and only the hash is stored.

…and later…

The forum has been updated to https, and passwords are no longer being sent by email.

Which raises the question of how old OP’s screen shot is.

Also, no, the password would not necessarily still be stored in plain text on their end. The cleartext password used in that email might be only in memory, and discarded after sending the message. Depends on how the UBB forum software implemented it and how Larian’s mail servers are set up.

EDIT: I just verified that this behavior has resurfaced since it was originally fixed. OP would do well to responsibly report it, rather than stirring up drama over a web forum account.

Asudox, (edited )
@Asudox@lemmy.world avatar

It is still a bad idea to send the password in plaintext via email. You never know when Bard will peek a look and then share your password along users as a demo account to try that forum.


Nobody suggested otherwise.


You should always change your password from the system generated one to prevent that from happening. The app that you signed up for should enforce that by making you change your password when you log in.


It’s not a system generated one they sent, it was user generated.

Empricorn, (edited )

There’s a lot of reasons why emailing passwords is not the best practice… But AI bots stealing your password to give people free demos is a wild paranoid fever dream.

EDIT: Apparently, I replied to a joke.

@Asudox@lemmy.world avatar

It is meant to be as a joke, of course the AI is not that dumb enough to give it away as free demo. Why am I being downvoted? Why don’t people understand jokes these days? Do I always have to include /s when making a sarcastic joke even though it is so obvious?

@elephantium@lemmy.world avatar

I’ve seen people argue stupider things earnestly.


OP would do well to responsibly report it, rather than stirring up drama over a web forum account.

¿Porque no los dos?

Took them 23 years to fix it last time, seems public awareness would be important in the interim, no?


Came here to say this


Well you’re late


I’m good thanks


We all know that they store it in plain text.

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