delmain, do gaming w Annapurna Video-Game Division Imploded Because of Power Struggle – BNN Bloomberg

A billionaire’s kid ruined a perfectly functional company/division due to being a poor judge of character and overly greedy?

Here’s my surprised face: -_-

misk, do ekg w Polish Bonds Beat Treasuries as Fed Cut Bets Reverberate

Głupi dziennikarze z Bloomberga nie wiedzą, że te referencyjne stopy procentowe mamy tak wysokie po to, żebyśmy mieli najdroższe kredyty hipoteczne w Europie.

BigTrout75, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

My crystal ball says, “Limited stock and only available in expensive bundles for the first year”.

mlg, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed avatar

as long as it comes with an unpatchable hardware vuln thast exploitable

homebrew on switch has been abysmal compared to previous consoles because no ones gonna pay to get their switch mod chipped if they cant just gg ez the system with an sd card.

hell even the “old” switch exploit isn’t even a coldboot so you need to either keep a trinket/phone/pc around or never shutdown the console.

callouscomic, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

I was just looking at Switch games in the store this weekend. Even games that came out when Switch launched are still nearly $60. The console is slow and laggy. Nintendos online networks are laughable and cheesy. It’s such a barebones and cruddy system with overpriced games and it never drops in price or popularity. People make no sense to me.


First party Nintendo games maintain value forever. This is not exclusive to the switch.

None of the first party games are slow or laggy.

Online is nothing special. Splatoon 3 plays great, though.

First party games and indie games are the only great reasons to own a switch and if you stick to those guns, most everything you said doesn’t hold water.


Well, except Pokémon. But we don’t talk about Pokémon.


Game freak doesn’t count lol. They are terribly made games lol.


Pokemon is second-party, the publisher (Nintendo) owns part of the IP but they don’t own the developer (Gamefreak).


Yeah, you’re technically right, but everyone just fully associates Pokémon with Nintendo.

Toribor, avatar

None of the first party games are slow or laggy.

Links Awakening runs like ass most of the time. I’d consider it’s performance pretty poor for a first party title. Generally though you’re right.


Ok, I concede to LA. One out of how many games, then?


Most of the time? Doesn’t it mainly lag when moving to a different region? It also looks really good.


I bought my Switch solely for Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Both games alone were worth it.

Fortnite, Minecraft, No mans sky and all the other third party stuff does not always run smoothly but still are nice games for recreation.

toxicbubble, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

looking forward to the next wacky controller concept

Katana314, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

I noticed there’s now a Batman Arkham Knight port on Switch. As you might expect, like a lot of other AAA ports, it doesn’t run so well. Seems there’s demand for these games on there, indicating a lot of players only end up with one console. Even if Nintendo can work with their low-power devices, I get the impression third party developers will generally need more to get Unreal Engine going smooth.


It’s the Arkham trilogy. I have read some reviews that two of the games play ok-ish. The one is a total shit show. The problem with the Switch is that Nintendo has been milking this one nicely and the hardware is overdue for a refresh. I salute the devs that make power hungry games work on the Switch. The Switch is my only console, but as a handheld fan, the next one may be something else but I will hold out to see what Nintendo comes out with first.


The problem developers have is why should they bother with all of the effort of trying to get their game working on the switch when they can just twiddle with it a little bit to make it work on the Steam Deck?


It’s probably to do with the 60x install base.

Evotech, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

Delayed from what exactly


It says in the post description, it was originally set for Q4 2024 but now it’s going to be in Q1 2025 allegedly

mlg, avatar

Delayed from what exactly


I don’t think the request is obvious when it’s worded that way, could you elaborate?


“What is the cause of the delay”

kandoh, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

Switch still feels like such a fresh system to me. I’m in no hurry for an upgrade


I’m ready to quit hearing jealous PlayStation and Xbox owners gripe about the lack of power in the portable they wish was fast enough to subdue their midlife crisis 😅


If it’s 100% backwards compatible, as it should be, I won’t mind upgrading and passing down mine to my young child or perhaps donating it to a children’s hospital.

asexualchangeling, (edited )

Considering there’s now a switch flashcart I wouldn’t keep my hopes up


Luckily I’m one of those short sighted fools who prefers to buy games digitally, so that may still work out for me.

Z3k3, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

While not the 1st household Nintendo product the switch was the 1st device that I bought for me I think imdone with Nintendo. I’m not interested in another device that will likely try to drop me in the hole close to £100 to keep playing the games I already own.

My wife bought me bayonetta3 which is where she drier. Kicked in for me. I would play the new zelda game but the new controller cost doubles the price and there isn’t enough games for me yo sink that cost again


What in the fuck are you talking about? Who charged you $100 brexitpence to keep playing games you already own?

And why do you need a special controller to play either Zelda? They work fine with the controllers you already own.

Z3k3, (edited )

Controller drift. Require new ones. They are expensive as hell. There for to enjoy new games I need to buy the game and new controllers.

I tried the replacement because of the class action suit but because I no longer have the receipt they won’t accept replacement

By the way brexit wasn’t my idea I hate those fuckers

Edit for context I’m still using xbox 360 controllers with my pc


Joystick drift can be fixed at home with like 15 dollars worth of replacement parts lol


Link me


I have gotten two sets of drifting Joycons replaced for free. If you are in the US make sure to check out their support page.


I tried that but the form wanted copies of receipts which I have long since lost (not in the us)

DarthYoshiBoy, avatar

I'd recommend that you get these ones, but you can pick them up plenty of places that aren't Amazon too, just make certain you get the ones made by Gulikit, any others are probably as cheap as your originals and you'll have to come back and replace them again in short order. The Gulikit ones use Hall Effect sensing rather than resistive contact pads that will eventually scrape down and break.

That kit at Amazon comes with all the tools to do the job and as the sticks are Hall Effect based, they'll theoretically never drift unlike the ones that ship with Joy-Cons straight from Nintendo.

iFixIt has the process for doing the work: and


Ordered. Thanks for the info


It works so well I’ve done it several times! On the same joycons.
Speaking seriously, DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN. Those ribbon cables are super brittle.


I had the same problem. Never noticed the drift until tears of the kingdom and then it made the game nearly unplayable. Decided to buy a pro controller only to discover it sold out nearly everywhere with many being sold online for scalper prices.

However, once I found one it was a game changer. The thing fits very well in my hands and works well. I don’t regret buying it, but will be pissed if it does not work with the next console.


This but third-party. I love my 8BitDos.

Microplasticbrain, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

And it will be outdated and underpowered at launch and probably like $400 minimum


I’ll be surprised if it even approaches the hardware power of the PS4/XBO. It won’t matter. Fan boys will eat whatever they’re given, and ask for seconds.


ohh nooo, games that are actually fun


Found the person who does not understand the switch and what it is. Who is a 700 dollar pc gamer but wishes they could afford a 4070 TI since they are using a 1030 or a Voodoo4 3dfx card. All video cards that are almost as much as the switch alone other then the troll card which on eBay is going for over a 100 bucks for a 20 year old gfx card right now


“I will decide what the Switch is”

Oh, the arrogance. Also I don’t play games on my PC. Now don’t you just look silly.

Calm down, Susan, everything will be OK.


What’s the troll card?

garretble, avatar

I like how the switch had two Zelda games that are still more mechanically impressive than all the open world games on “better” systems.


All that proves is Nintendo writes great software.

It doesn’t make their hardware not criminally underwhelming.

HerbalGamer, avatar

Also those games have a lot of typical nintendo stubbornness like not realising they’re still putting the buttons on the wrong way around.


Nintendo put the buttons in their order 2 decades before the Xbox even existed, if anything Microsoft is putting buttons on the wrong way around. Unless of course you’re referring to something other than the order of X Y A B.

HerbalGamer, avatar

After which the entire gaming industry decided Nintendo was silly and put them the other way around.

Just because they were the first ones, doesn’t mean they did it correctly.

force, (edited )

I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not, ngl… if you’re being serious though then why do you suppose that having B be above A and Y be above X is the “correct” way? The way I see it, having A be the interact button seems more natural than having B be the interact button, and the former is how it’s set up on games like BOTW that use Nintendo controllers. Tbh though I actually wish bottom was X, left was A, right was B, and up was Y. An abomination to modern gamers, I’m sure, but it seems the most sensical considering the cultural perception of the symbol X imho.

Also Xbox isn’t the entire game industry… Playstation doesn’t even use the same symbols, and I can’t think of any relevant consoles which use similar controllers to those 3. The only “official” controllers I can think of that use the Xbox order are ones made for specifically Xbox/Microsoft. I guess also the Sega Dreamcast? But that’s more because Microsoft played a large role in making the Dreamcast, and later based the Xbox heavily off of Sega consoles/controllers, and the button layout just came along with everything else. They didn’t want to conflict with Nintendo and potentially get into legal issues based off of controller button layout, so that was the easiest route.

That being said, I’m so used to the Xbox controller layout that using Nintendo controllers gives me an aneurysm because Xbox switches the buttons. Any time I emulate a Nintendo game I just use my Xbox One controller and a mod to display the input tips differently. But that’s not anyone’s fault.

HerbalGamer, avatar

Any time I emulate a Nintendo game I just use my Xbox One controller and a mod to display the input tips differently. But that’s not anyone’s fault.

That’s very much where I’m coming from. Go look at the mods for any non-nintendo game and see how many mods change it to a nintendo controller. Other way around and you’ll find a lot more so I can’t base this on nothing, right?

force, (edited )

I mean that’s mostly because a separate Nintendo controller that wasn’t highly specialized for Nintendo games specifically is mostly a new thing.

We’ve had Xbox controllers and Playstation controllers for 2 and almost 3 decades respectively, and Nintendo games are the most targetted for emulation so of course there will be a lot of community effort put into mods for those.

Meanwhile your options for Nintendo controllers practically boiled down to Wii controllers, the Wii U gamepad, the NES controllers, the N64 controller, the consoles themselves like the 3DS/DS/Gameboy, and some others. Most of them are part of the consoles themselves so are out of the picture, the Wii controller is just not suitable for other consoles, the NES controllers don’t have joysticks, and the N64 controller has a single joystick.

The Switch controllers, which are relatively new, are really the only ones suitable for emulating other consoles’ games, and you can use the Switch controller to comfortably emulate many non-Nintendo games now.

Considering that, another important factor is that since the Switch controllers are more recent, they’re less likely to have been adapted to older or more obscure games especially, since to do that people now have to go do “back in time” modding for old games years or decades after their release. And since most modern non-Nintendo console games are available on PC natively and aren’t emulated, there’s really no incentive to make QOL mods for people using Switch controllers (or any other kinds of controllers for that matter, including PS & Xbox controllers) on newer titles.

It has nothing to do with the button layout itself, it wouldn’t even make sense for that to be the reason. People will use whatever controller they have available, so people who play Nintendo games most often will likely use Nintendo controllers and people who play the Xbox most often will likely use Xbox controllers.


Do you only think the hardware is underwhelming because you’re comparing it to a PlayStation that’s about ten times larger? As a handheld console you can’t deny it was impressive.

Patches, (edited )

I’m comparing it to the fact that their own games drop to single fps on very expected situations.

The Nvidia shield came out in 2013 and had the same hardware as Nintendo Switch in 2019 so no it wasn’t that impressive.…/nintendo-took-the-guts-from-the-nv…

I loved my shield. If they had given it the ability to run Linux and play PC games. We would’ve had the Steam Deck a decade earlier. It was a great emulation station.


Fair enough, I’ve only played a couple of switch games and they seemed fine to me


You don’t buy Nintendo for pure computing power. I prefer Nintendo consoles for the portability and game library.

I also have a pc with a 3070ti for more demanding games. Games that Xboxes and playstations runs like shit anyway.


I don’t understand why it would be preferred over a steam deck, especially if it is at that price point.


Size. Not everyone has ginormous hands. The steam deck feels big and unwieldy despite being fairly light. I also don’t like the ergonomics of the steam deck, and I would miss the colours and so on. But also not everyone wants to emulate Nintendo games. Half the fun of animal crossing was sharing experiences with other players online. Same with smash bros. Emulation isn’t at a point where I would consider it to be for the masses and certainly not for a lot of kids these days.

The steam deck is a great device and there should be competition in this space of portables. But not everything about it is perfect for everyone.




First party software. I buy Nintendo consoles for their ip, not their power. My desktop is where I do most of my gaming, but I have an attachment to Zelda games that I don’t think will ever go away. I still have my official prima guide for links awakening dx. I have a map on the wall of twilight princess’s over world.

I don’t even like the switch for portability because it feels bulky and uncomfortable. But connected to the dock, I can forget that it’s supposed to be portable and enjoy my Zelda games. My wife also likes animal crossing, and I got her to play her first Zelda and Pokémon games in the last year, and those were games that shaped my childhood.

So I guess my answer is shared experiences and nostalgia.

JusticeForPorygon, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed avatar

Nintendo is talking about Switch 2? When did that start?


Only to its partners, there were many reports that they showed a devkit behind closed doors a couple of months ago.


There’s been a good amount of evidence they’re working on it. Then some rumors of a dev kit being shown to publishers. And then the distinct slowdown of releases and announcements of major Nintendo IPs. So likely the plan was to announce the new console in the spring or summer for a winter/Christmas release.


They always start working on the next console as soon as one nears completion and release. It’s just a question of how far along with the plans they are. If they have an approximate quarter then the hardware is probably mostly ready


I feel like it was the past month or two? There’s supposed to be a Nintendo direct soon which might tell us more. Lots of speculation as of now. Only thing that I’ve read is that it won’t have an oled screen

slimerancher, avatar

There has been no official announcements, its just rumors, leaks and speculations.

cyborganism, do games w Nintendo Is Telling Game Publishers Switch 2 Will Be Delayed

I think I’m going to download all my digital purchases into SD cards and hopefully they’ll still be playable when the OG switch reaches EOL.


I hope that works! I never got into digital downloads on consoles in any big way, how companies make games from the online shop inaccessible once the console goes end of life is a damn shame! It feels like the more and more consoles move toward digital only, the less we’ll have viable retro consoles in the future.


Also, I wouldn’t know how to back the sd cards up in case they break. You can’t exactly do an image and duplicate them. It doesn’t work so well with SD cards.


Uh, you very much can take an image of an SD card, the same as with any other block device.


You can have errors when you write it back into another SD card and end up with a corrupt card. That was from experience a long time ago.

Maybe the tools are better adapted now?


That’s going to be a function of your SD card reader and the quality of the card itself. If you’re really concerned, copy it to your HDD, then read again and verify. And then when writing, do a verify step as well.


If this were universally true then SD cards would be completely useless, as regular writes would fail in the same manner. Bad card, bad slot, or bad tools.


If you have write errors, you have a bad card.

But the filesystem is just FAT, isn’t it? You should be able to copy at the file instead of block level.


Not with a Nintendo Switch SD card I would think?


The only difference there is the specific formatting, it can still be cloned

HerbalGamer, avatar

Sure just use Yuzu


No thanks.

Ashyr, do games w ‘Dead Space’ Co-Creator Departs Startup After Newest Game Flops

The game in question is The Callisto Protocol, which clearly has Dead Space visual and thematic inspirations.

The primary complaint from the one review I read was that the combat was punishing and unenjoyable. You’re never really given the tools to feel like you can handle encounters, making them trudging slog of endurance and frustration.


Haven’t played the game myself but what you are describing is one of the worst sins you can commit in game development.


I just played through the game a few months back and I thought it was awesome. I hope we get something else like it in the future. The ammo was never too scarce, there were enough upgrades to make the combat very satisfying. But I also played it after all the updates came out to kind of balance.

zipzoopaboop, do games w Unity Overhauls Controversial Price Hike After Game Developers Revolt

Too little too late. Needs to be completely reversed, tos restored, and execs fired to retain any shred of trust.

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