CheeryLBottom, do games w Are there Cozy shooter games?

I miss No One Lives Forever.

bjoern_tantau, avatar

Yeah, it really needs a Revival.


Wait a minute… There is a remake? Who is it by?

bjoern_tantau, avatar

No remake. No One Lives Forever Revival is a site offering it for download with patches for Windows 10 and Widescreen.


Ohhh, Ok, thanks for letting me know!

Nibodhika, do games w I'm tired of every game being live service

While I get where you’re coming from, Fallout 76 was a bad example, you don’t need a subscription to play (unless your preferred system of choice asks you for it regardless of the game you play) and it is intended to be a multiplayer first game, you might not like it, but it is not an example of what you’re complaining anymore than Elder Scrolls Online or World of Warcraft (which actually has a subscription model).

And the answer is simple, don’t buy those games, there are thousands of excellent single player games, if always online games start to fail companies will stop doing it, vote with your wallet. I recommend taking a look at indie games, there are several excellent games and almost assuredly they don’t have DRM, or at least not always online ones.

sirico, do gaming w Day of the Tentacle – Game Dependency Graph avatar

I could complete this blind, my brother and I loved it. “Don’t touch my stamps” was a regular saying in our house.

scala, do games w I'm tired of every game being live service

Easy solution don’t buy them. Sail the seas if you must play it.

blackluster117, do games w Day -13 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots avatar

I remember there being complaints about issues with the master collection when it dropped on Steam. How has your experience been? I’ve been considering picking it up.

theangriestbird, (edited ) do gaming w Silent Hill 2 (2024) Review Thread

how tf there only 2 comments in this thread? Y’all this is SILENT HILL TWO and it’s scoring WELL I guess my reason is horror games aren’t really my cup of tea. but this is a BIG DEAL!

Edit: here’s a key passage from the Eurogamer review that is hype:

The original game was both combat-light and a little short, and Bloober has addressed both these issues head-on. For the latter, the remake has opened up a slew of new landmarks for us to explore, so I devoted a lot of time picking through the streets of Silent Hill, revelling in the new-found freedom of being able to visit shops and buildings that had hitherto been out of bounds for us. This, coupled with longer levels and more places to visit, more than doubles the original eight-ish hour run-time.

As for combat? Well, be careful what you wish for, I guess. Silent Hill 2 was outrageously easy, even on its hardest difficulty, and Bloober’s edition is not. The good news is Remake doesn’t exactly make combat central to the experience (at least, not on standard difficulty). But it sure does make it harder to adopt the typical survival horror strat of run-away-run-away-run-away. Because of its claustrophobic tight spaces and nooks and crannies, it’s incredibly difficult to retreat from a fight, and there is essentially no meaningful way to stealth around the place, either. On top of that, most boss battles - they are all here, as well as a surprise or two - will deplete your ammo reserves with ruthless efficiency. It’s also often tough to finish off foes without taking damage yourself as a result, burning through your ever-dwindling medical supplies. (Yes, Lying Figures spewing toxic vomit in your death throes - I’m looking at you.)

They took a legendary game and made it better. Props to Bloober team, guess they still got it.


You get whats up!!! Unbelievably stoked for this

Faydaikin, avatar

Already played the original and found it perfect the way it was.

I don’t feel the need for a remake when it comes to SH2.

gcheliotis, do games w Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda DLCs of all time

Sometimes I wonder whether Starfield truly deserves all the bad publicity or whether people are also still upset because it became an Xbox exclusive and that is clouding their judgement. I know it does affect me for one. I got a ps5 for gaming and I’m automatically much less interested in anything that isn’t on the platform. And I was of course very disappointed when Microsoft outright bought all these huge IPs and made them exclusive to Xbox.

gamermanh, avatar

Sometimes I wonder whether Starfield truly deserves all the bad publicity

Having played it on games pass, which I was mostly paying for for other games I was enjoying at the time:

It’s quite literally the worst Bethesda game I’ve ever played. And yes, I’ve played Battlespire.

Honestly even the harsh reviews tend to go nicer on it than it deserves, imo


Well with an average in the 80s on metacritic one would assume it’s a very decent game. But user reviews tend to be a lot harsher indeed.

gamermanh, avatar

If you take any major gaming publications scores as at all legitimate then I have a bridge to sell you

Major publications give it a passable score because “lol glitches are Bethesdas thing”, ignoring objective critique because of reputation, as well as our of fear that they won’t be given access to the next product released by the or Microsoft because they give games “bad publicity”

Starfield is a broken, poorly written, dumpster fire of a game. It objectively doesn’t function correctly often, like many Bethesda products, and was designed by a team lead by a man allergic to basic game design ethos (seriously fuck Emil, my dog could do game design better than me "fuck design docs). It has moments of being interesting and, much like Skyrim, could be the base for some cool mods, but people hated it so much it won’t ever even get that


I was on Windows at the time and had GamePass, so I pleasantly had access included with what I was already paying for. I ended up pirating it so I could mod it (that is prevented on GamePass), because it needed mods.

No, it’s not negative because it’s MS owned. It’s a very bad game. I love older Bethesda games and I love sci-fi. This should have been an easy win for me. Wow, it was disappointing. The actual combat gameplay is fine, but everything between combat sucks. Too many loading screens taking you out of the gameplay.

The writing sucks. They make use of established sci-fi tropes, but then they don’t understand how to make them work in a story. They give you very few choices, often not including the most obvious ones.

Despite this being the “exploration” game, exploration is essentially non-existent. Every planet pretty much has the same stuff. There’s like five bases that spawn everywhere identically, and a handful of “natural” points-of-interest, which appear all over the planet identically, as well as being the same as every other planet with the same ones. You might see some benefit to explore if you’re building bases, but that system is incredibly clunky and frustrating to make operational. Even once you have things running, it’ll still require managing storages from overflowing and blocking incoming supplies. It’s really bad.

The universe is incredibly unreactive too. If you thought this was true for their previous games, it’s worse in Starfield. There’s no ships bringing supplies to colonies. No colonies being built that weren’t there at the start. No fighting between factions, besides pirates randomly and it’s the same random event that happens when you warp into a place, not something that happened because pirates are raiding a supply line or something. It just doesn’t change ever.

Basically, no. Starfield actually sucks. I really wanted to like it, but there’s nothing to like in my opinion. I’ve seen some people say they like it, but I honestly don’t get it. Every aspect seems like a downgrade from FO4, which had its own issues but had reasons to like it too.

gcheliotis, (edited )

Thanks for the review. Disappointing to be sure. I was hoping to play it at some point and that it wouldn’t suck as much as people say it does. Or that they would turn it around in time.


Still give a try, it’s not for everyone and it’s not to the same quality as their previous games but it’s honestly not a bad game. At worst I’d say it’s aggressively average. But I still have a great time with ship combat and exploration, the loading doesn’t bother me as much and people act like the quests and writing are BAD, They are not, it’s just not to the level of their previous games. But there are still a few quests I absolutely love.


I would say most of the writing is bad. There are a handful of interesting quests, but most aren’t. Then there’s things like the generation ship, which they don’t do anything interesting with, it uses the same technology as the modern ships, and also the quest path to end it is stupid. There’s also so many things that just don’t make sense in the universe it’s set in, and it’s overall just boring.

I agree overall the game is just aggressively average though. It plays fine enough, but it gives no reason to want to play it. It’s not actively painful to play, but it gives no feedback to make anything feel worth doing.


I really enjoyed the Ryujin quest line, the quest where the world was shifting, and there’s tons of great smaller quests and interactions, but I agree the generation ship was a big miss, the main quest flounders and flops hard about half way through and overall they didn’t do enough with universe building.

skulblaka, avatar

I was holding out hope that the modding scene would help support the game, because traditionally speaking Bethesda modders have done some incredibly amazing work on other titles. But no, alas, Starfield is such a fuckin’ trash fire that not even the modders are willing to put in the work to unfuck this heap of shit. Somebody might release a killer overhaul for it after they’ve had a couple more years to basically rewrite the entire engine, but frankly I don’t see anyone caring that much about this game to make it happen. I know of at least one guy who rather than getting involved in the mod scene, instead got on Steam and said fuck you, I’ll make my own fuckin’ Starfield, and started whipping up Spacebourne 2, and even this half-baked early access alpha jank has clear signs of being the seed of a better game than Starfield was. I’m sure that others have had similar ideas.


I feel like starfield is an experiment in user driven content (mods) to sell a game. The issue with Skyrim is that there is really only one map, and before any map extension mod came out, there were so many mods out there that competed for space on the map. Even today, large world overhaul mods are constantly stepping on the toes of other mods. City redesigns are also a problem unless you’re really good at load orders and merging.

Starfield feels like each world is an open map, ready for people to start designing content: either a colony, a cave, or anything really. The story seems loose and open ended so that it won’t interfere with large collaborative content. It’s not a game they are selling, but a modding storefront. It’s like Skyrim Creations, but putting the horse (armor sold separately) before the cart.


The UI and perk system is actively hostile to playing the game. It was one thing when you could always try to pick the lock in Skyrim and the more locks you picked the better you got. Now you must take the perk and it’s a requirement to pick locks before the next perk.

You cannot even craft or use core gameplay mechanics without perks. Booster pack? Perks. Targeting sub systems? Perk. (Which is hilarious because it’s in the tutorial mission and they just hard coded the event ship not to blow up. So until you visit the Internet you don’t actually know how to board other ships)

Out post building is ridiculously complex, resources take up a bajillion spaces in your inventories, there’s no guidance on production chains, and basic resources aren’t even on the same planet. So you’re back to just buying resources to get it off the ground and why are we even building an outpost again?

To be fair, the story, the fly here, shoot this, listen to story parts of the game are fine. But literally everything else around it is made as obtuse as possible because yes I want to go through a loading screen every time I need to access my main stash.

As some one said when it released. It’s Fallout 4 in space. But if all the ancillary stuff was made 100 percent more inconvenient.

Nikls94, do gaming w HDMI 2.1

Upvote because it made me angry.

I’ve come to the point where at least some people come to me for advice on buying electronics.

Girl friend asked me for a TV to connect with her PlayStation, not that expensive, 4K/60 and low input delay for casual gaming, and it should last for at least 10 years and should be cheap. Long story short, I got her a 4K/60fps TV with a gaming mode that has like 2~3ms delay for € 550. It‘s a dumb Philips TV running Linux, so no google play and you can remove all spyware. It has apps, but she got the PS to do all of this anyway.


Huh, that’s interesting. I would have thought that a TV running Linux would be called ‘smart’.

I’m with you though, it’s better to be more ‘modular’ and have your playback device- be it PlayStation, media server, heck even television receiver, seperate from the display itself.


Yeah i think that tv is still a smart tv just not an android based smart tv (or it might still be Android since that is also very Linux like, especially when you remove Google services)


whats the specific model number?


Philips Ambilight 55PUS8109 4K LED Smart TV

Runs on TitanOS

lowleveldata, do games w Shower thought, traversal in open world games have turned from game mechanics to loading screens

I have been playing death stranding recently and the gameplay (= traversal) is surprisingly fun. It’s challenging and the characters acknowledge that too.

7112, do games w Day -11 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots

Great game. So many little details.

BURN, do games w Why do Counterstrike and the other top 10 games on Steam NEVER change?

The games that sit at the top of the player counts are almost always multiplayer competitive games. In a lot of ways, there’s been nearly 0 movement in the space at all since covid. The same games are still right there at the top because no new massively multiplayer game has released to top them. FPS players play CoD, Apex, Fortnite and Pubg, Dota is massive in Asian countries, GTA V has a huge cult following (check out its twitch category).

Satisfactory being top 10 is an outlier rather than the norm, being a single player game.

I agree with the other commenter who said that players of these games consider themselves players of Apex/CoD/Pubg before they consider themselves overall gamers. That’s the case with me now, and I rarely launch anything outside of CoD or Apex as I have little to no interest in single player games.


Satisfactory isn’t massively multiplayer but it is coop up to 4 players, been enjoying it with my brother since 1.0 release

kralk, do games w Day -10 of posting a screenshot from a game I've been playing until I also forget to post screenshots

Y’all need Jesus


Jesus hung out with fishermen.

missingno, do games w What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres? avatar

While it definitely felt to me like turn-based RPGs were looked down on for a time, particularly when Final Fantasy abandoned its roots, I'd say the pendulum has been swinging back in the other direction for quite some time now.

Persona 5 was a smash hit, Fire Emblem is doing quite well, Dragon Quest is still going. Bravely Default and Octopath Traveler were solid mid-budget titles carrying on FF's roots where actual FF won't. Mario & Luigi is getting a revival. Over in the indie space, Sea of Stars and Chained Echoes have done well. And then you have tons and tons and tons of classics that have been getting remasters or even full remakes lately.

Oh yeah, and then there's a li'l game called Undertale that seems to have been fairly well received.


I started replaying the original ffVii on my steam deck, now. Using several 7th Heaven mods that really make the game look and sound like it didn’t come from the PS1 Era. It’s a slow start, but so far it’s still shaping up to be the great game I remember playing 25+ years ago.

Plus, unlike the remake, it’s all one game instead of 3+ take your money releases across two or three console generations.

eezeebee, do games w What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres? avatar

There’s a turn-based RPG sale/event happening on Steam right now. I can’t vouch for any of those games, but new ones do exist.

As for why they seem to have declined in popularity I can only guess - smartphones happened, removing the need for a home computer from many would-be RTS gamers.

simple, do games w What happened to the turn based RPG and RTS genres?

They’re just not as popular as they used to be, and there are so many players on console nowadays. I can’t imagine playing an RTS with a controller.

Age of Empires seems to be doing really well though. The first 3 games got great remasters, and AoE 4 is well received from what I understand.


I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more gaming pcs now days, too. Consoles have been loosing out on the gaming market share since the 90’s. PC overtook consoles in both popularity and profits a bit over a decade ago.

Disheartening enough though, is that as far as profits are concerned, mobile games make $ more than pc and console combined.


Many fans of RTS and Halo swear on Halo Wars when it comes to RTS on a console. Apparently, they really figured out how to do it right, but I haven’t played it myself.

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