Czy to wygoda? Nie. Po prostu jeśli szukam rozwiązania problemu z aplikacją, to najłatwiej szukać po angielsku. A kiedy interfejs jest w tym języku, to też nie muszę się zastanawiać co jak przetłumaczyć i gdzie czego szukać.
No i przeważnie interfejsy po angielsku są najbardziej dopracowane.
Jednak ostatnie lata przeważnie zostawiam po angielsku (z wyjątkami). Choć badania wykazują, iż najskuteczniej pracuje się (uczy, komunikuje…) w języku natywnym, tak muszę wyznać, iż cenię też standaryzację i konsekwencję, a że korzystam prawie wyłącznie z Wolnego i Otwartego Oprogramowania (FLOSS – Free-Libre and/or Open Source Software), np. system operacyjny GNU/Linux, tak różnice w społecznościowych tłumaczeniach pomiędzy aplikacjami rodziły niekiedy konfuzje/dysonanse poznawcze.
I started playing on a PC in the 90s so as long as it’s above 40 with consistent frame pacing it’s fine. Those VRR displays and games targeting 40 are a game changer for me and why I play on Xbox with a modern LG OLED.
For shooters, especially competitive ones, as high as possible up to my monitor’s refresh rate (165Hz). Everything else 60 FPS is fine. Even 30 FPS can be fine, especially if I’m playing something on Switch.
Just be patient. Those new GPUs are so new, expensive and rare that no game has them as target hardware. Stay on your current setup and wait until games are catching up and prices go down.
Honestly, you’re right. I’ve been patient for a long time and I can pull another year or two. I’ve been eying the RX7800xt. It’s on Amazon for $550ish. Maybe it’ll get cheaper when the new GPUs launch and I can then snag me one of them. Or maybe even the 7900xt? Will see
i am 100% with you. there must be something to it if it's that important to so many people but i genuinely can't tell the difference as long as it's stable
and if it does make a difference, for competitive games wouldn't you want it to be consistent between all players instead of "better" based on whoever has more horsepower? it all makes no sense to me
@penquin oh! Well in that case I used to be a 1080p 60Hz monitor kinda guy, and about a year ago I had to upgrade to dual 1440p 165Hz monitors.
While I can definitely feel the difference, 60 FPS is barely noticeable, and even 30 FPS is acceptable.
I grew up with slower machines so sub-30 was fairly normal, even older consoles targeted 30 and faltered below that, so at this point I'll take anything above what's acceptable for film
So far, all my mentality/generation folks. <3
I just don’t care about FPS, as long as 25 or higher. Once you get to the 20ish, you start seeing the jitter.
@penquin like, I can tell the difference under 60, and I can tell it gets choppy under like, 40? But I probably don't make a comment about the "lag" or framerate dropping until it's below 20-30
100%. I can absolutely tell, but I just don’t care. I’m here for the fun. Playing God of war with my son and fighting all these bosses and getting into it and yelling is just way too much fun to worry about FPS.
@penquin sometimes it's even more exciting overcoming the FPS drops, especially when I can tell why it's happening and/or if it's only temporary/rare. I've definitely caused my fair share during some overly modded Doom setups
Newegg has gotten some 5080 stock around 4:30 PST the past few days. They’re only in stock for a few minutes so mash F5 and buy whatever is in stock and figure out the rest after checkout. Most are bundled with a PSU, but the ones I’ve seen aren’t crap PSUs they’re trying to get rid of like the 40 launch.…/full_history/
I manage to get a 5080 at launch with a bundled PSU, then sold the PSU and my old 4080.