loboaureo, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

Bg3 it’s not an strategy game, it’s and RPG, in fact based in the trrpg rules of d&d 5

Also BG1 and 2, weren’t grided, so it’s not like they doing it to “modernize” the game.

I really enjoyed all xcoms (from the msdos first games, so many hours wasted with xcom apocalypse…) But also enjoyed al bg (including not MMO Neverwinter, icewind Dale, etc)

Simply, it’s not one of these games.


5e rules explicitly refer to spaces on a grid and had to be changed in several ways to work in a gridless setting.

BiNonBi, avatar

I believe that’s officially a variant rule. The system itself works fine without a grid. It can be done completely in the theater of the mind.

The grid is just commonly used because it simplifies movement and positioning greatly.


Right? I only played like a campaign and a half of 5e, but I specifically remember the 5’ spaced grids.

Rubric, do xbox w Giving away a Gamepass Ultimate code (for new accounts only)

I don’t have an Xbox, but that’s very kind of you, OP. Well done whomever gets it.


Yeah, got the WD C50 which included the code but I couldn’t redeem it

Katana314, do games w Sea of Stars Review Thread | (90/100 OpenCritic)

I’d still really like a better story evaluation than a nostalgic “It’S jUsT likE cHrOnO tRIggEr. REmemBer ChRonO trIGGer? MaN tHaT wAs a gREat gAme.”

Look, I played that game. Combat was sometimes fun. Music was great. Story did not live up to modern standards. I have other JRPG memories that are more about having a unique and impactful story, and seeing their characters grow, than about being a JRPG.

Honestly, anytime we review new games, I’d almost rather the analysis start with what the game did well on its own invention. Even allow for the possibility it’s going to be better than a classic.

MrGerrit, do gaming w Sea of Stars (2023) review thread

Got my steam and switch codes in my email box and the physical is on the way. Can’t wait to get home and start playing! I’m so hyped right now!

Janis, do piracy w Live sports for Chromecast with Google TV

it is called a browser and


Thank you for the link!

bernieecclestoned, avatar


MrGerrit, do games w Sea of Stars Review Thread | (90/100 OpenCritic)

Downloading it on my steam deck right now. Backed the game because I liked the messenger very much and that it plays in the same universe.

hunt4peas, do piracy w What's the best way to rip music off Spotify so that I can store it on my HDD?

For listening, I use:

  1. SpotX for Windows
  2. xManager for Android. For downloading songs in my Spotify playlist, I use Spowlo for Android. It downloads songs at the specified quality (I choose 320 kbps and but you can download even in FLAC; I chose FLAC for some songs). So far, it has been able to download all my 1910 songs from my personal playlist.
balderdash9, do piracy w What's the best way to rip music off Spotify so that I can store it on my HDD?

Is Spotify generally the highest digital format of music files available? Or do people source music through other paid or unpaid methods?

JVT038, do piracy w Best place to get forced subtitles? avatar

Maybe check out open subtitles?

Besides that, in my experience movies with foreign languages usually have the subtitles embedded in the file itself (usually as ASS / SSA format), so maybe try to download movies with embedded subtitles.

bionicjoey, do piracy w Best place to get forced subtitles?

I wish this style of subs was just baked into the media. I had the same issue with the Dany parts of GoT and also with parts of BCS (Spanish and German are fantasy languages, don’t @ me)


I have bazaar setup to pull full subtitles (and strip cc from them) but I have never gotten a release without forced subs I’m pretty sure. Maybe check where your pulling releases from, I find Usenet releases are good for including subs in the file.

HipEscapism, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th

Endgame of Devil tickled me for a bunch of hours this week. It’s a neat little auto-battler / deck-builder. You are the devil and need to protect your treasure from adventurers. To do so you fill up your dungeon and your deck with lots of evil minions and set off insane combos. Slime deck! Rat deck! Ghost pirate deck! Burst worm toxic fog death loop deck!

I love these types of casual experiences in this genre.

Also check out:


Dicey Dungeons

Luck be a Landlord



Got Peglin on my tablet and bought it on Steam as well. A really fun time killer, although advancing and unlocking new characters is a bit of a chore.

kniescherz, do piracy w Where might I get German (mostly tv) content?

Everything which is aired on the public channels lands in the mediathek and you can legally download it for a while. Here is a handy search tool:


While that is a nice service and a great resource it’s not what I meant. I was looking for shows produced by Amazon or the like explicitly for the German market.

burgersc12, do piracy w Any sites or torrent sites to download mac apps?

Maybe a site on the megathread like

unperson, (edited ) do piracy w Any sites or torrent sites to download mac apps?

You can’t go wrong with rutracker.

You can either get the torrent or download the official image form the website and apply the perl patch at the end of the post.

NotGeorge, do piracy w Best place to get forced subtitles?

Check out Bazarr, it can automate finding subtitles.


I use that but still have issues…

Any tips for settings?


Depends on your issues, the more info you give the more others can help

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