Hej, osobiście bardziej identyfikuję się z Myślą Stricte Wolnościową (gdzie przestrzeń na Lewicowość istnieje – jako Twardy Proponent UBI/Nordic-style Welfare State = mentalność “dej!”, też w wielkiej mierze realizuję – lecz nie jest obowiązkowa), czytam fenomen w kategoriach miksu:
konsekwencja w sprzeciwie wobec wolnej Wigilii (mat liberała na szach Lewicy) – “practice what you preach”,
obrona liberalizmu gospodarczego, naturalnych cykli ekonomicznych – “żadna praca nie hańbi”, “raz na wozie, raz pod wozem”, pan Biały Kołnierzyk poszedł tyrać do Biedry,
postpolityka – gesty i ustawki są równie ważne, jak nie ważniejsze, od słów/argumentów; fartuch później na WOŚP,
zdrowy dystans do siebie,
cokolwiek mogę myśleć o .Nowoczesnej, to wypychać typa z polityki (życie publiczne), bo się z Koleżanką partyjną umówił (życie prywatne), dowodzi jednoznacznie, że nigdy się nie zidentyfikuję z głównym nurtem społeczeństwa w tej części świata i dobrze mi z tym, więc też rel do Rycha.
For the longest time, I could never understand how anyone could put more than like 100 hours into a game. The most I’ve ever gotten is 200ish, but that was from years of drunk Rocket League with friends.
Then, in the same week, I got an adderall prescription and discovered Noita. I’m sitting at around 500 hours since June. That game has my soul.
Don’t have a number for it since I have it on itch.io, but I’ve put a lot of time into Celeste. Beating everything twice (including b-sides, c-sides, and farewell) took a while, but I’ve also put a bunch of time into the amazing mods it has, like Strawberry Jam and Glyph.
A nontrivial amount of my gaming time was reset by steam around 2010… IDK why, but there are games on my steam account that I know I’ve sunk over 100 hours into that show zero hours.
Right now, one of my highest is satisfactory, sitting around 1500+ hours.
Yeah, I used to play 1.6 and source. Then my family and job life had me quit playing for a few years. When I came back it said 1.6 hours for both. Cannot say when it happened though.
Never got into GO, but I was probably just too old to compete at that point.
Yeah, I have a ton of time into HL/HL2/CS:GO/Audiosurf/PvZ
Pretty much all of that was lost.
I did a quick Google search and according to some commenters on websites, the great reset was around 2010.
I’ve been on steam since the early days, I think I installed it around the time that blue shift came out? I forget. But back then, if you had any HL2 title, and you put that into steam, you would get what is now known as “the orange box” (more or less). So, yeah, I got a bunch of valve games basically free and I’ve only expanded that collection.
Recently I’ve tapered my spending on games because life/work/family doesn’t allow me a lot of time to play. Which is probably why I like satisfactory so much. If I get an hour, I can build my factory, save it half complete and go back and continue building later.
The biggest thing that I feel like SF has going for it, is that they give you all the tools, tell you the objectives and let you figure everything else out. You have 100% control over how you accomplish the task at hand. You can save/quit anytime you would like, and there’s no demands to get things done in a particular timeframe.
You can save halfway through a build, and you’ll come right back to where you left off. Most games now-a-days are match based, once you’re in a match, you feel obligated to finish the match, and there’s seasons or limited time objectives that you must play a minimum amount in order to even have a chance of getting… There’s just so much pressure, micro-transactions, and effort required.
I’ve got over a thousand in Space Engineers, although some of that is from leaving it on overnight to refine materials. Or possibly exiting the game, but forgetting to actually leave the main menu. Does Steam track time when the computer is asleep?
But I’ve likely got close to ten times that number in Dwarf Fortress. I’ve been playing it off and on for close to a decade and a half now, and when I get into it whole days can just fly by.
just pasted a screen snip so hopefully that worked. Not pictured: League of Legends which CS:GO only wishes it could be, Runescape (either of them) which is counted in months and Minecraft if it counted my hours would be 5 figures at least.
Finally! Someone with over 1000 hours in a game. I think I have over 3000 hours in Stellaris alone. Granted I’ve definitely walked away from that game in the endgame for over an hour and come back with practically nothing changing. It’s a very slow game.
Play smaller and taller. Playing a wide game is tougher but not impossible. Also don’t do what I do, do not have a custom built species for every origin. There’s a lot of origins now and it’s a little cluttered. Just build a race you like and get playing.
The beginning of D:OS2 felt like a cheat code to get more BG3 after I’d already finished BG3, but as time went on, I found that everything from RPG systems to pacing of combat/non-combat is leagues better in BG3, to say nothing of the production value that’s obviously better in BG3. Still a good game, but the improvement between each of their RPGs is immense.
I have to say I very much prefer the combat system in OS as it feels much more natural and less restrictive than the DnD combat in BG3. Of course the latter has far more content, but I’m looking forward to Larian’s next game where they can finally go wild again and do things they want exactly the way they want.
I felt far more restricted by D:OS2’s armor system. Freeform classes sound great on paper, but it also means you kind of naturally end up at a spot where you’ve got everything instead of making meaningfully difficult choices in classes or multiclassing. Learning abilities from books leads to a lot of money bottlenecks and leveling decisions that I didn’t care for. The way that the combat usually doesn’t have any chance to hit, but then does very occasionally, makes missing an attack feel like bullshit rather than a calculated risk. I’m also looking forward to whatever they do next, maybe even a sci-fi interstellar RPG, but I hope they don’t go back to the Divinity well too often for RPG mechanics.