The blue demi-human vendor in Marbule. Not the guy at the entrance, the one you want is closer to the tavern, in an alleyway. Ignore the dog fighting arenas in the area. You aren’t high enough level to take on the entirety of The Mob at one time.
Edit. I’m not sure what the difference is between deluxe and ultimate but for a couple more dollars i got the ultimate. Might as well while it’s still available.
I bought this last time it was on sale, and while the game is fun I have a word of warning for people looking to buy this to play with friends: The online is NOT stable!
It often hangs while connecting to a race and waits for the server upwards of multiple minutes. That’s bad since a race itself can be a minute or two long. Also, you can’t race against each other with AI cars, the options are either playing co-op which is piss easy or face each other alone. Races are just a bit lonely with 2 or 3 players.
Multiplayer aside, Forza is a really fun time, I just wouldn’t buy it if you’re mainly looking to play with friends.
Also, if it gets delisted, you will be unable to play single player or multiplayer. I found this out the hard way with Forza Motorsport 7 and Gran Turismo Sport.
I have the physical DVDs or BluRay disks for both games. Neither will work even for single player because you have to download the tracks from the server every single race. No server means no tracks.
I quit a couple years ago for good, but my main account on RuneScape was created in classic as a kid. I had about a year and a half of PLAY time on the account, mind you the vast majority of that was back when you had the hard 5 minute afk timer, so that was at least moderately active play. Then if you add my ironman account I have nearly 1/15th of my whole life logged into RuneScape. I don’t regret it, my whole friend group as an adult stem from those friendships I made online during my young teen years. However, as a modern game as much as I have a place for it in my heart, I found I had more of a negative addictive relationship with it. Maybe I always did, but I didn’t feel a negative mental effect at a young age.
I have over 1k hours in The Long Dark and 7 days to die. Around 500 in space engineers, darkest dungeon, binding of Isaac, enter the gungeon, grim dawn, and satisfactory. ~300 hours in ToME4 and Caves of qud each. That’s just steam stuff though, there are a lot of games that I know are up there that aren’t on steam.
I’m sure I have at least similar numbers to 500-1k if not much higher in Diablo 2-3, and I’m sure more than a few thousand in wow though I lost my og account after wotlk because I forgot the details when I quit so I’m really not sure.
Made sure to only buy some Indies.
As I wanna make sure in the future as well.
While I aint moneybags but more stable than the start od the year.
I wanna make sure I buy one indie game a month when in able to.
Haven’t bought yet but I’m thinking of getting Old School Rally. I played a few racing games that looked just like this when I was a child so the visuals are giving me intense nostalgia
This game is fun! It’s still early access, but it is worth the regular price. There’s a decent amount of courses and the driving physics are fun. If you are talking about the old Colin McCrae games this will be your jam.
I played this one and wasn’t super impressed with it. It’s fine but the levels are very simple and don’t have that dangerous rally style to them. It felt more like you’re just driving on casual dirt roads.