2xsaiko, do gaming w [Request] Retro Recommendations avatar

Thief: The Dark Project and Thief 2: The Metal Age (PC, 1998/2000). (the second game is essentially just more of the first, but more refined)

Still the best stealth games to date if that’s your cup of tea, and holds up excellently.

Telorand, (edited )

Both excellent games, and better than Thief 3, Thief 2014, and Dishonored.

Edit: wrong year for the latest Thief game


Thief 2023

I think you meant 2014, unless there’s something I missed from last year.


Yep, that’s the one. I misremembered the year. Maybe I got it in 2023, I dunno.

SmokeInFog, avatar

Huh, confusing last year for a decade ago is unusual


post-covid time experience is wild


Not really, when you don’t buy games when they come out. A lot of mine are freebies, and I never buy anything that isn’t a deep discount (especially from AAA studios), which means “new” for me is often several years old already.


Huh, I’ll see if they’re available anywhere. I’ve heard excellent things about the thief games but for some reason never taken them on.

ICastFist, avatar

The Thief games are all available on GOG, probably Steam, too, but I prefer GOG.


Always a fan of DRM-free :)

comicallycluttered, (edited )

Do note that in your post you mentioned things that have aged well, and while I think it’s fine, they can feel a bit clunky, especially in comparison to some of the games heavily influenced by them (e.g. Dishonored, among others).

Edit: I’m mostly referring to direct melee combat here, and not the rest of the game. Truth is, you probably won’t find yourself using it much against humans, but the sword can feel a bit dated against some of the nonhuman creatures. And now that I think about it, Dishonored’s swordplay isn’t exactly super fluid either unless you’re countering and parrying.

You might want to add some mods just to touch some things up.

Also, while the second game is my favourite, don’t sleep on the third, especially if you like horror because one of the later levels is fucking incredible. I say all of this as someone who ordinarily hates supernatural-type horror.

And the third game also expands on the lore, which I like.

All of them are available on GOG and Steam.

Similar to Thief, the original Deus Ex is a great game which might also show its age a bit, but I think stands the test of time for the most part.


I’ll look into mods, thank you for the recommendation :)

I do love having GOG versions available.

I remember playing the original Deus Ex and I think my mum forced me to stop playing because it was too violent or some such nonsense (this being the same mother that had me playing Oddworld while I sat on her lap at the ripe old age of like 5. A game that routinely features people and monsters being blown/crushed/ground/shot/shredded/chewed to giblets). I may have to look this up again.

2xsaiko, avatar

The main patch you’ll want is TFix/T2Fix, posted on TTLG Forums. I think it comes prepatched from GOG, on Steam you’ll have to patch it yourself.

@comicallycluttered what do you mean by very clunky? I don’t think they are at all. Except maybe the default control scheme which is pretty bad today, but you can rebind everything (or use my bind file, works for both games)


Maybe “very” was too strong a word, but I mainly meant the melee combat.

Although to be honest, other than the blackjack, people shouldn’t really be using melee much, so it’s not that much of a problem.

It’s mostly when the zombie dudes come into play that the sword combat can feel dated if you take them on directly.


Thanks for the advice :3


No prob. The first game actually has some fantastic mods and also a ton of incredibly well-crafted fan-made levels.

You might want a few tiny mods for Deus Ex as well, though it doesn’t really require much.

Kind of funny that it was “too violent” because you can go through most of the game without even killing anyone. It’s my preferred playstyle, just sleep darts and stealth stuff.

Actually, you’ll have a bit of a rough time if you go in guns ablaze. A lot of people used to shooters end up being obliterated on the first level when they initially play it, which is what happened to me when I first played it on release. Came back to it years later after I’d discovered Thief and suddenly felt right at home.

Edit: Oh, and it’s also available on GOG. Most of the earlier immersive sims (Thief, Deus Ex, System Shock, Ultima, Arx Fatalis, etc.) are.


Awesome to hear

And yeah, like I was quite young so the idea of having weapons and not using them probably went a bit over my head at the time so it ended up being violent. I was also coming off of the back of games like Duke Nukem 3d and DOOM (which I somehow was not discouraged from playing - go figure)

ICastFist, do gaming w [Request] Retro Recommendations avatar

Mega Man X on the SNES is an amazing trilogy and still holds up. Moving on, X4 and X5 are great to play as well, X6 and beyond can be avoided.

Mega Man Legends 1 and 2 (PSX) are interesting games, a mix of action platforming and light RPG elements, but I have deep nostalgia and still enjoy the games, so you may find them very archaic. Playing the first game, the first thing you should do is change controls so turning around is left/right and L1/R1 strafe.

If you haven’t tried them yet, Donkey Kong Country 1, 2 and 3 are well worth playing, but the games can be unforgiving, especially in later levels. While there’s no coyote time, doing a forward attack off a ledge will allow you to jump once anytime during the fall. It’s very clearly a deliberate feature, as some level skips can only be accessed with that trick.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night on the PSX, if you haven’t played yet, you definitely should. This motherfucker stood the test of time with gold marks.

I know you asked to avoid final fantasy-esque titles, but Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) is worth checking out. If the battle system, or the party management/job system, don’t pique your interest (things that you should get a feel within the first 20-30 minutes), then it’s not for you, no problem.

Tekken 3 on the PSX is probably the best 3D fighting game on the console. Graphically ancient by today’s standards, but it still has its charm. Later games got better with more characters and everything, but that game has the normal arcade mode, a “volley” mode and a beat-em’ up mode.

Bomberman games are their own category. The SNES ones are some of the best, but playing them all in sequence will get really tiresome, as the formula doesn’t change. Bomberman World on PSX can be completely avoided, it sucks.


I’ve been hesitant of the mega man games for some reason, I’ll check em out!

DKC I have never tried, but it sounds like there could be some fun movement

I definitely need to try castlevania sotn - thanks for the reminder

FFT I’ll give a go just because your other recommendations have been on point :P

Tekken 3 (and Tekken Tag Tournament) was fucking awesome, loved playing that. I spent so much of my pocket money on tekken games at the arcade growing up.

I have played some of the bombermans(bombermen?), it’s a neat concept but it gets stale very fast for me.

Thank you!

ICastFist, avatar

I’ve been hesitant of the mega man games for some reason, I’ll check em out!

I can understand that hesitancy for the NES games. If you never played anything like them, they can feel unfair or too hard. A lot of people love Mega Man 2, but my personal favorite of the NES era is 6, which could be a decent entry point if you ever decide to venture that way. X improves everything and the first is my personal favorite as well (it easily has the best music of the 3, too).


Sweet, I’m no stranger to difficult gaming so hopefully I won’t bounce off


FF Tactics on PS1 is great. Playing my roommate’s copy was what led me to buy FF Tactics Advance, which is even better, I think.

ICastFist, avatar

It took me a number of attempts before FFTA grew on me. I’m not too fond of race-locked classes there, or the judges, but the progression felt fun.

Worth noting: Ogre Battle (Tactics Ogre) was released for SNES (then re-released more than Skyrim) and is basically FFT’s father. FFTA’s sprites come straight from TO.


Oh, nice. I’ll check that out

chloyster, do gaming w [Request] Retro Recommendations

I’ll list off some of the older titles on my faves list

  • Earthbound is on there, so glad you got that one :)
  • Mother 3 (GBA)
  • Mario and Luigi superstar saga (GBA)
  • Super Mario World (SNES)
  • Super Metroid, zero mission, fusion (SNES and GBA)
  • Myst (lots of platforms these days but originally pc)
  • Resident evil 1-4 (ps1-2)
  • Kirby superstar (SNES) / Kirby superstar ultra (DS)
  • Silent Hill 1-4 (ps1-2)

I’m def missing some here. I would argue not all of these have necessarily stood the test of time if we look at it from a modern sensibility lens. Particularly resident evil 1-3 and silent hill 1 can be a bit difficult to play if you can’t get used to tank controls. And Myst can be a bit esoteric, especially the older versions.

Besides that though I really do think these have all stood the test of time. I would like to particularly shout out the original re4. Despite having a recent remake that I adore potentially more than the original, the original is still so good even to this day. It is wild to me how well it still feels to play


Myst can be a bit esoteric, especially the older versions.

Did they rewrite it in later ports? Also curious as to where you stand on Zork.

chloyster, (edited )

No it’s not rewritten. Mainly I just think the pre rendered picture movement of the original can be harder to explore and piece things together than the fully 3d environment of the remakes.

As for Zork, I only played a very small amount for a school assignment lol. I considered it esoteric in a way I feel all text adventures are, but I really don’t have enough experience to say.

  • Is there any merit to getting a hold of mother 1 and playing that before earthbound/mother 2 and mother 3?
  • I hadn’t even heard of this one somehow, lol. I’ll check it out.
  • Ugh, super mario world is sadly one of the ones whose platforming I can’t stand :( It has so much going for it but I just can’t handle the floaty platforming
  • noted, noted, and noted.
  • I’ve played the first Myst game and I’m like halfish way through Riven with my sister. They’re awesome when they’re good but some of the puzzles are more frustrating than difficult (maybe it would be better if I was playing one of the more recent remakes?). One thing they’re incredible for is atmosphere, I struggle to think of any game that feels this way.
  • I played resident evil 4 back in the day and it was okay but I think that this style of game just isn’t my cup of tea (even if we ignore awful tank controls and shit from the earlier titles).
  • someone else recommended kirby’s adventure, so I guess I’ll add these two to the backlog too!
  • I look at silent hill and I’m in love with the atmosphere, I have been for ages and I’ve tried to stay spoiler free in case I one day play them. Are they more combat focused or is it closer to being a puzzle game almost? I could see myself really enjoying them if most encounters are mostly a case of figuring out how to progress past/through some group of enemies or something, rather than just scavenging enough ammunition to keep up with being forced to pew pew some baddies.

You could play mother 1 for sure if it interests you, although it’s aged the worst out of the 3 in my opinion.

Sad about Mario world :( I find it to be one of the least floaty Mario games, partially due to a mechanic in the game that isn’t present on many others where the speed of your fall is controlled by holding the jump button (many games have variable height by holding the jump button, but few have it so the speed of the fall down is controllable)

As for silent hill I’d argue that they could be seen as more puzzley. There are bosses and enemies of course, but it’s not usually a constant enemy fest. In silent hill 2 (and maybe 3 I can’t quite remember) there are separate combat and puzzle difficulty settings, so you can set easy combat and hard puzzles. Of the original silent hills id recommend silent hill 2 the most. You don’t need to play any others to get it, it’s a self contained story.


If it has aged poorly and isn’t really necessary to enjoy the others, I’ll give it a miss.

As far as I’m aware, slowfall by holding the jump button is present as far back as SMB1 on the NES (although almost imperceptibly). SMW is definitely waaaaay better than SMB1, lost levels and doki doki panic/SMB2 but it’s still not responsive enough for my modern sensibilities :( As I say, it has so much going for it but the character controller at the core of all the gameplay I just can’t get along with :/

Neat, nice to hear that it’s not reeeeaally combat focused. I’m down for combat but from a game like that it’s just not what I’m there for.

I’ve just noticed, is your display picture Hornet holding a trans flag? That’s awesome


It is! Got it commissioned. Artist’s twitter is in my bio :)


Oh no, tw*tter bee peek emoji

apotheotic, do gaming w Anyone know good places to buy handhelds?

If you happen to be based in the UK (or can get it delivered to a UK address) then I’ve had good success with droix. They appear to ship to other countries but I have no idea what the cost is like.

Fluffy_Ruffs, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store?

Into the Breach is free if you have Netflix. I’m not sure if it’s for purchase otherwise but it’s a ton of fun.


I’ve never had so much fun staring at the screen for minutes on end without doing anything. Calculating my next move. Great game, but definitely not one you can just play mindlessly.


I hate that it’s a Netflix exclusive. Let me buy this. Surely it’s one of the best game out there.

Zerfallen, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store?
  • Dead Cells
  • Titan Quest
  • Worms WMD
Zeusz13, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store?

Redcon You can try it for free, but to finish the campaign you have to buy it

vikingtons, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store? avatar

shattered pixel dungeon is a good time. It’s FOSS and you can also find it in fdroid.


Hey what’s the difference between Shattered Pixel Dungeon and Pixel Dungeon ML?

vikingtons, avatar

ML appears to be a fork with improved multi language support


Neat! Thank you ^_^

ICastFist, avatar

Adding to a FOSS list: Mindustry and Unciv. The latter is an amazing Civilization 5 clone.

snail, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store?

King of Dragon Pass is ancient but worth picking up on mobile

bionicjoey, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store?
Blxter, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store?
!deleted4407 avatar

Not gonna lie only game I play on mobile is clash of clans. I don’t play mobile often and don’t spend money on it either. Been playing since middle school though off and on.

simple, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store?
  • Dead Cells
  • Dicey Dungeons
  • Stardew Valley
  • Bloons TD 6
  • Slay the Spire
  • Castlevania SotN
  • Baba is You
  • The Room (and its sequels)
  • Game Dev Tycoon

Friendly reminder Bloons TD 6 is free for Netflix customers. Unsure if that’s all counties or restricted or tier restricted. It’s been pretty fun, but the best aspect is offline play.


Oh yeah, there’s actually a fair bit of good games on Netflix if you have a subscription. Unfortunately, they’re online-only even if they’re singleplayer… I hate subscriptions…

Sonic Mania, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, Into the Breach, and Wonderputt are pretty fun. I haven’t tried anything else.

teemrokit, avatar

I can play Bloons offline as long as you update it before you go offline. I was playing it on the plane a few weeks ago.

fullstackhipster, do games w What are some good games worth buying on play store?

Of all the games I played on Android I think Monument Valley was the only native mobile game that I really enjoyed. I also played Stardew Valley on mobile, that worked quite well.


I’ve bought Stardew on nearly every platform I’ve had, and I would happily do it again!

soulsource, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 28th avatar

I would like to answer Vagrus, as that is what I would want to play.

However, I spent way too much of my spare time playing Lean4, and that isn’t even supposed to be a game!

Almost all the rest of my gaming time goes into Palworld multiplayer with my wife. What left about 1 hour for Vagrus last week…

_Lory98_, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of July 28th

hitman 3

Forgot that came out, I should play it. Had a lot of fun with 1 and 2.

This week I played around 12 hours of Bravely Default 2, but dropped it because the boss mechanics (counters) feel anti-fun and like they want a specific party composition, and it feels a bit too grindy for my taste.

Continuing the Trails series with 3rd: it seems interesting, but I’m not sure I like how it’s structured, the gameplay feels too disconnected from the story.

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