Anyone getting Minecraft: Bedrock Edition to work now? What version do you launch? I’ve followed a couple of guides but it just crashes when I press Play. Using the one that requires a purchase on the Google play store. Needs to be bedrock to multiplayer with Android.
Putting the connotation aside for a moment, is it even accurate to call people who are interested on niche secondary gaming devices as "normies"? Whatever may be their backgrounds, seems to me like they are dedicated gaming enthusiasts.
I have managed to stay off the hype train quite a bit, so honest question: Is the game good? I’ve possibly perhaps all the 80s and 90s AD&D crpgs, and both Baldur’s Gates, and I mostly liked them.
Part of the hype train is that the game is reviewing incredibly well. And Larian is well-known for making high-quality games in the vein of those old crpgs. I know they worked very hard to faithfully adapt 5th edition, so if you’re a fan of the old games, this seems like a good one to get!
I’ve never been much for crpgs (I do play DND though) and haven’t gotten very far into the game because it’s hot as balls right now in the PNW, but from the bit I have played it is very fun.
It’s not perfect or anything, but it feels like a release with very pure intentions and people seem to resonate with that. No micro transactions, no lootboxes, no DRM (not even Steam’s is implemented), no release day DLC, fast hotfixing, and maybe with the promise of classic expansion packs. The sort of practices that people want to encourage, packaged with a formidable and generally well put together game.
When bigger, more corporate dev studios come out and give it free marketing by saying how unrealistic it is to make games like it… that’s free, excellent publicity.
It’s also bright and colourful and slightly cartoonish in a way that, say, Pillars of Eternity wasn’t. I wonder if this makes it feel slightly more mainstream, slightly more ‘fun’, and a bit less like a stodgy old CRPG from yesterday (and to be clear, I loved PoE the way I loved BG and BG2).
It’s also got enough wild shit in it to grab a few headlines that way.
Yeah, it feels a bit less grimy doom and gloom, despite the narrative and themes. Being fully voice acted, and well, helps to no end with what can otherwise turn in to a wall of text reading slog.
trudny temat, bo produkcja lokalna jest zdecydowanie droższa, więc ciężko żeby te ciuchy były za “normalne” pieniądze. mógłbyś też zdefiniować co to dla ciebie oznacza, czyli np ile byś chciał dać za koszulkę (zazwyczaj to koszt 80-90-100zł)
ja wybieram:
second handy
wymianki np sąsiedzkie, ze zajomymi
vinted i podobne strony
ciuchy z różnych inicjatyw, jeśli wiem jak są produkowane (raczej nietanie niestety)
może uda ci się znaleźć kogoś szyjącego i będziecie w stanie się dogadać na jakiś barter
lewacka szmata ma rozstrzał cenowy, bo ozdabia też używane ciuchy
unipride - tęczowe ciuchy produkowane w pl, koszulki od 70 zł, bluzy chyba 140 zł
Dzięki za odpowiedź. 100 zł za koszulkę to nie jakiś dramat o ile oczywiście nie jest szyta w biednym kraju a pracownik zarabia więcej niż parę dolarów tygodniowo.
Przeglądałem jakiś czas temu niektóre sklepy z tym całym fair trade, i trzeba przyznać że niektórzy mają ogromną fantazję jeśli chodzi o ceny. Dlatego szukam czegoś, gdzie bluza nie będzie kosztowała 400-600 zł.
I did this to a PNY drive once and they RMAd it for me! I was up front and said it was 100% my fault and I had already had it for a few years. If you’ve got a laptop that has a mounted slot you can probably slide it in to get any data you need off of it
This whole quest scene was so unexpected, disturbing, hilarious and made me fall in love with the game. The timer for this choice makes the situation feel like a real intense JESUS FUCK WHAT DO I DO moment
Windscribe works for me. You can either use their software which is open source or create personal VPN configs on their site to use it with your distros network manager.
You can press the power button on the Deck while in the middle of a game and it’ll suspend. Pick it up hours/days later and hit the power button and it’ll instantly resume your game. I don’t believe the Ally can do that.
It’s a combination of good timing, a perfect product and going against the direction of most AAA-studios.
Though BG2 is more than two decades old, a lot of us still considers it one of the best games ever. I think quite a few of us have been eager to return to forgotten realms. That’s one group.
Then there’s a group of Divinity fans (some overlapping the old BG group) waiting for Larians next RPG.
Those two groups would be the critical mass for creating hype. Would the game live up to the old games? Would it be as good as Divinty?
Then comes the first reviews and people get to play the beta, and though the first few months were rough, once we got close to release it was clear, that BG3 would not only live up to its expectations, it would smash through the roof.
Now you have your core fan base talking about how good this game is, how do you sell this to people who normally don’t play this type of game?
Well, talk to them in a language they understand. This game is complete from day 1. No DLC. No ingame shop. Just a complete game that you can play over and over again with new ways of completing it… oh, and you can co-op with your friends. Even on the couch in split screen.
There are simply not anything of major significance to criticize about this game. You may not like it, or the genre is not for you, but as a complete product it’s simply perfect.
As a player you get the feeling that Larian focus on the game first where others focus on money first. That may not be the whole truth, but it’s the feeling this is creating, and hopefully other studios will acknowledge that there are other ways to do things.
I feel like there might be room for an old school PC gaming community here on Lemmy. There is usually a console/arcade game focus on the retro gaming communities, but it would be great to have a place to discuss releases from that 1990-2009 or so era.
Everyone else is playing the System Shock remake while I’m just sitting here hoping for a System Shock 2 remake, because it was a spiritual predecessor to BioShock that included class-based co-operative play. The netcode in the original was/is dogshit, so my friend and I never actually completed the game before our saves were totally corrupted.
Frankly, also wouldn’t mind a remake of the original Deus Ex either. Warren Spector was heavily involved in the development of System Shock and Deus Ex, while Ken Levine was instrumental in System Shock 2 and BioShock.
Same. And I grew up on Champions of Krynn and Eye of the Beholder and Pools of Radiance, so Baldur’s Gate was mind blowing when it came out. BG2 was even better!
I haven’t played a CRPG in a while. Never got into DoS series, etc. But there’s no way I was missing BG3 after the rave reviews it was getting, considering my history with the series.
I don’t think anyone at Larian thinks that they have created the perfect product. It’s pretty buggy still, and lacks depth in areas, but its intentions are pure and that buys a lot of credibility in and of itself.
They are having problems getting it running on the Xbox Series S, and that’s blocking it from being released on the fully capable Xbox Series X. So nerdrage/console war clickbait.
I was a bit taken aback that, at a certain point in the game during a celebration, neutrality with most companions meant that they all wanted to fuck my brains out. O.o