In the end game of Tears of the Kingdom. The systems for collection are really obtuse. I’m pretty sure I have all of the Shrines, but still missing a couple of hearts. Also have to look around for quest starters by teleporting all over
I’m also in the end game part, trying to max out my hearts before putting the game away. I’ve been using to help me figure out what Shrines I don’t have. While I love the exploration and the sensor+ helps point you in the right direction, I just want to wrap this one up soon to get to other games in my backlog.
I’m trying to beat Final Fantasy Tactics - I never got past Act 1 as a kid. I’m currently up through Golgarion Execution Grounds. Turns out the secret is to not bomb in all-offense and get nuked into the ground. Who knew?
Donkey Kong 64’s tutorial is very poor. Most 3D platformers give you a safe area or easy first level, within which you can explore and learn the mechanics at your own pace. DK64 instead forces you through several tiny tutorial gauntlets, and it’s a little jarring.
Which is super weird because the same developer (Rare) made Banjo Kazooie a year earlier! BK had a tutorial level with a bunch of easy enemies and platforming and it worked great. I have no idea why DK64 was so different in comparison
I would wager it was a last-minute change as a result of focus testing. There is a lot going on in DK64, and sometimes you’re too close to a game to realise that all those button combinations aren’t the most intuitive to new players - and given the slapped-together nature of the tutorials, it makes me think it was an afterthought at best.
I’ve been jumping between Genshin Impact (Fontaine recently released), Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, and Baldur’s Gate 3. I haven’t made much progress in Genshin or BG3 because I’m having so much fun in Bomb Rush Cyberfunk lol
Is the netherlands price even different? If you aren’t changing the vpn to Argentina or some other country with an undervalued currency, you’ll probably be fine.
Huh, I didn’t think it was too bad. The movement/sense/fighting I thought was pretty good, and that was back when I was just (re-)starting gaming and hadn’t touched a controller in decades. Granted, it didn’t go much into any of the crafting or stat/character enhancement strategy except as a “first time in” walkthrough of each screen.
Funny, thinking back to that tutorial they teach you a couple of mechanics (like rebooting your ship) that are almost never used in game. OTOH, there are, what, 300 different bindings in the game now?
I found the Odyssey tutorial was frustratingly opaque as to how the entire new UI worked.
wpadłem na to, ale niestety nie przejdzie; promotor już mi dał do zrozumienia, że pracę zweryfikuje merytorycznie co do słowa (dotychczasowe podrozdziały już tak sprawdzał), a recenzenta trafiłem takiego, który podobno nawet źródła weryfikuje
Oczywiście zależy to od wydziału i konkretnych ludzi, ale pewnie trochę straszą. Z tego co słyszałem od znajomych recenzenci nawet doktoraty często co najwyżej przeglądają.
Napisz najlepiej jak możesz w tym czasie i tyle - spora część wątpliwości to ‘impostor syndrome’, a już napisany tekst może być ci łatwiej poprawiać niż od razu napisać dzieło idealne.
Stwórz sobie szkielet, konspekt, zasadniczą tezę i do niej brnij. Albo rozciągłą analizę tego co było w tych książkach ;). Może też warto pogadać z jakimiś doktorantami z tego samego kierunku - na pewno coś doradza.