ReverseModule, do gaming w Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games avatar

Now I have to buy their games lol.

SteposVenzny, do gaming w Dragon Age Inquisition free on Epic right now

For anybody playing this for the first time, an important piece of advice:

Don’t be a completionist. Leave areas before you’ve done everything in them and don’t do any side quests you’re not interested in.

It’s my least favorite Dragon Age but it got a lot more hate than it deserved because other open world games trained people to play it the boringest way possible.

Coelacanth, avatar

Interesting. So the side content is mostly uninteresting, I take it?

I still have only played DA:O, which I really liked. I still haven’t played the sequels, would you say they’re still worthwhile or is it for the best to leave the story at the end of Origins?

SteposVenzny, (edited )

Not in the sense where they failed to make it interesting, more in the Breath of the Wild type philosophy where any side-content you do is indirectly progress toward the main goal so there’s a mix of things of varying levels of interestingness in all directions. You have an organization that raises in “power” or whatever they call those points whenever you do a side quest and you need to bank up certain amounts of those power points to do the next story mission or unlock the next region. That progression is paced in such a way that you simply don’t need to do most things.

Many quests are genuinely interesting but other ones are just filler. And some filler between good quests is inoffensive, maybe even a refreshing little diversion. One generic filler side quest is essentially “stand next to this portal and kill all the ghosts that come out of it”. Doing that once in a while is okay, doing it as many times as there are portals to find is torture.

I still haven’t played the sequels, would you say they’re still worthwhile or is it for the best to leave the story at the end of Origins?

The short version of that answer is that the sequels do not have what you love about the original but you might also like them for the different things that they are.

Awakening feels less like a sequel (technically an optionally standalone expansion but I’m counting it) and more like a fan mod. It’s nerdier, sillier, edgier, and has that high-effort mod habit of adding concepts that should logically be new mechanics but are executed by old ones because you’re doing it on minimal skill and zero budget. I think that’s a pretty cute vibe but it’s fundamentally just Origins again but worse.

2 has high highs and low lows and, while I personally love it, it’s negative general reception is very fairly earned. The thing that it was trying to do in the first place, story-wise, is something that would already have been divisive even if the rest of the game were flawlessly executed and it was emphatically not flawlessly executed. The simplest way I can describe it is that it is not a story about an adventure, it’s a story about a place. You do not leave that place, you just stay there over the course of several years and experience the historically significant events that are happening there. So the narrative focus for you as a protagonist is on how you feel about things rather than what you’re accomplishing.

Inquisition, conversely, is the least interesting one from a conceptual standpoint but, like, it’s competent from a technical standpoint and the harsh criticisms you tend to hear usually stem from misunderstandings about its design rather than the lack of creative ambition. There’s another new evil horde and you’re another special dude who’s the only one who can stop them and now you’ve got a personal army instead of being an underdog. There’s more political conflict than the first game but the politics are less complex. Ultimately, though, I think the most important factor of any open world game is simply the degree to which you want to spend time in that world regardless of what it is you’re actually doing and it’s an interesting enough world to spend some time in. Certainly, it’s worth trying for free.

Coelacanth, avatar

Thank you for the extremely comprehensive run-down! I don’t think I’ve ever had it laid out so clearly before.

I think I’ll keep them on my tentative “to-do” list, but maybe not at the highest priority. I loved Origins but with how it ends I don’t have a super pressing need to continue the story immediately. There are so many good games out there, and more keep being released. It’s hard to find time for all of them. I’m really looking forward to Hellblade 2 next.

I think I will get around to them at some point, though. Exporting my save through all three games and seeing callbacks and consequences does sound interesting, and I’ve heard that is something that does happen.


My opinion is that Inquistion is the best of them. Story wise and characters are far better. Even though there are a number of returning characters, they are fleshed out and have more memorable scenes.

The downside to it is the gameplay can be arduous and taking on every side quest can feel like a fruitless endeavour.


Don’t be a completionist.

But how do I avoid feeling that horrible sense of emptiness? It's not done until it's 100%...

Gekkonen, do gaming w Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games

Now if only there was a way to safely pirate stuff without the possibility of the binaries having keyloggers or cryptominers embedded in them. I seem to recall some studio hosting an official torrent on their website precisely for this reason.


Like having the source code?


Or a zip package signed by the developer.

SadSadSatellite, do gaming w Let's discuss: Metroid

I’ve played most of the metroid games, and i know theres a ton of nostalgia for super metroid, but to this day nothing has matched the feeling of exploration and awe from Metroid Prime. Every place in the game was so radically different, and the ability to scan and learn about the environment was so unique, and exactly what i didn’t know i needed. Learning the lore and finding out what happened to the planet only by analyzing everything made the world feel like it had died, and it’s death was a tragedy. All the enemies you encounter are just local animals that don’t know better, or had been corrupted by pollution. That is, until about halfway through the game when you meet actually hostile, malicious intelligence, and the combat steps up exponentially.

It’s fantastic. I still remember being amazed at the fogging and raindrops showing up on the visor the first time you step off your ship on Talon IV. I had never seen graphocs so good, and such attention to detail, and the game was already 4 years old.

The only game i’ve ever played that felt similar was subnautica, and while it had the wonder, it lacked the melancholy and insane combat.

Prime is the best in the series, hands down.


@SadSadSatellite @knokelmaat the only games in the franchise I haven’t played are the prime ones. I think I owned the trilogy for Wii U and never got to it.

I wonder if the well.


Look up “primehack”, it’s a modded version of Dolphin emulator which is specifically for playing the Metroid Prime trilogy. Modernised controls and lots of little QoL improvements, it’s my first experience of Metroid and I loved it!


I see this sentiment a lot and I’ve disagreed. Something didn’t really click for me with Metroid prime - I much preferred the side scrollers. I think it has to do with controllers - up until then I was a mouse and keyboard person, the controller was jarring and janky.

Maybe I should revisit the series. I never thought it was a bad game, maybe I’ll appreciate it more the 2nd time around.

I do love me some Metroid games whatever the form.


Absolutely try reversing y axis, in shooters.

Maybe flip the controller if you can, some people prefer look and strafe on the wrong thumb sticks.




I don't make the rules, and spacial reasoning is an art not a science

RavenFellBlade, avatar

I’d argue Echoes was better in just about every way. It built on everything they made Prime great, while managing to improve on the things that needed improved. I love the whole Prime trilogy, but Echoes felt like it was the best in the series.

Whiskey_iicarus, do gaming w Running With Scissors Studios gives permission to pirate games avatar

I might buy one of their games just to offset someone who can’t. I absolutely appreciate a business with this kind of attitude. Like someone else said, the people who pirate it probably weren’t going to buy it anyway. Might as well get some goodwill out of it.


the people who pirate it probably weren’t going to buy it anyway

Exactly. For example, you can’t expect some middle class kid in some third world country to buy the game they like. Playing games by pirating might make them play their favourite game until they eventually grow to a point where they earn themselves and then they buy the games they like.

P.s) Pirated games all this time but the first game I will actually buy will be Spiderman 2. Really excited to try it out since Spiderman 1 was so fucking good.

Whiskey_iicarus, avatar

I have learned a lot while I was setting up my NAS and all the *arr applications. It taught me a bit about networking and a bit about docker which I know is going to be helpful for me in the future. That kid you were talking about might be able to learn the something similar which might get them interested in the tech world and you have just created a future programmer, or network admin, or any number of other tech job. Those can be very marketable skills in a pool of people who seem to be less tech literate as tech becomes so easy to use.


That kid you were talking about might be able to learn the something similar which might get them interested in the tech world and you have just created a future programmer, or network admin, or any number of other tech job.

One of those kids is me. Pirating has taught me to troubleshoot things and adapt to new things at my tech job and I have met pretty cool people across different pirating communities who taught me various things.



I didn’t know games could come with professionally printed labels, when I was a kid with no income. I thought everyone just got them on disks labeled in marker from a good friend of the family.

It’s important to me to support developers, but I can’t say I regret getting to play those games before I could have ever afforded them.

I’ve since gone on to buy those same games from their developers several times over on various platforms.

harald_im_netz, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

But do you really wanna miss out on those sweet Twitch drops? /s


then id first need to make a twitch account


Also it's tied to their cross save functionality.


Cross save would be great if we didn’t have to pay again to play on different platforms. Until then, cross-save is a “feature” that looks good on paper but it effectively worthless in practice.


Yeah. It was legit useful for Divinity OS2, as the switch legit couldn't handle a game where you did everything, picked up PC version from a steam sale and finished the save.

knokelmaat, do gaming w Let's discuss: Polybius

I remember playing this every day at the arcade. We were talking earlier about Tetris, but this was immersion on another level. I saw my life in those graphics and understood the universe. Sadly, after one month the machine must’ve broken down, because it was shipped away for repairs, never to return again…


Full story with proof here:

TD;LR: It never existed.


That is the same link as I posted in the original post ;).

Marighost, do gaming w Let's discuss: Stardew Valley avatar

One of my all time favorite games from a wonderful developer. Haley, my beloved.


Yes! Haley is the best, tho sometimes Abigail can make me reconsider 🤭


Abigail is best girl

Zozano, do gaming w Let's discuss: The Sims

When I was 12 my Mum gave me my first PC, it was a second hand work PC with a tiny HDD.

There wasn’t enough space to install The Sims, so I deleted the Program Files folder, thinking I don’t need any programs, only games.

I bricked my PC lol. Needed a tech to reinstall Windows. Thankfully, I could tell him I needed enough space for the game and he debloated it as much as he could. Legend.


Did your Sims home become minimalist to save space?


Reminds me of my younger sibling inheriting my first PC - 486 with a 500 MB hard drive that I had assembled from several scrap computers - and trying to install this game to it. It did just about fit and there was even enough RAM (48 MB instead of the minimum 32), but the CPU wasn’t compatible, since the game required the MMX instruction set.

knokelmaat, do gaming w Let's discuss: Half-Life

I adore this series. I especially have very fond memories of the original. I did not play it on release (I was still a toddler then), but I got it through the Valve Bundle on Steam and played it through at least 5 times. I’ve had multiple times in my life were I didn’t have access to a powerful computer, but similar to DOOM, Half-Life will run on about anything. I remember one of my playtroughs being on a horrible windows 8 tablet, and still it looked and played amazingly :).

Half-Life 2 then just perfected an already strong original. There is something just so satisfying about the environmental design and linearity of the levels. You just push through and know that you will find enough in your surroundings to make it. I find it strange that there haven’t been that many clones since (first person exploration action games). Most games either are to linear (COD) or completely open world or become a full-on immersive sim.

If you have any recommendations, please share them. Dishonored gave me similar vibes, but I miss the simplicity of Half-Life.


Black Mesa is an obvious recommendation, since it’s a modern take on the original Half-Life. Another game that I thought was similar to Half-Life in progression and physics emphasis was Prey (the 2007 Native American one)


I was a huge HL fan back in the day. I recently bought Black Mesa… and had it refunded pretty quickly. I played the demo… ten years ago? And enjoyed it then. But imo it just doesn’t hold up at all.


I really enjoyed black mesa, they added some new stuff to the zen areas if I remember right.


Too much new stuff. I think the fact that Xen existing was the difference between the free version and the paid version pushed them to pad Xen out way too far for fear that snappier pacing would feel like a ripoff.


Xen was really rushed and shorter than originally intended in HL1 though, and part of the idea with BM was to flesh it out properly. Might have gone a bit too far, but it was also one of the few places in the project where they could truly come up with something new and unique, and not just redo what Valve had made before them.

Fizz, avatar

Maybe Dusk? It doesn’t have a puzzle element like half life but it’s got fun gunplay and movement and the art style is cool.


TLoU scratched a lot of the same itches, for me.


Hah, look at this n00b who didn’t even play HL as a toddler


jellyfish, (edited ) do gaming w Let's discuss: Mass Effect

Mass effect is one of my favorite series ever! I’ve played through the trilogy at least half a dozen times now. It’s my cozy game I always have a playthrough going in.

Mass effect 1 was incredible for its time, and still pretty good today. The biggest mistake I see people make is not talking to everyone on the ship in between missions (this is true for the whole series); if you don’t you’ll miss the best part of the game. Also make sure to pick an interesting class, probably something with biotics. Infiltrator and soldier are boring to play compared to sentinel or biotic.

Mass effect 2 was the game that shifted the series from an RPG to a cover shooter. The mechanics were much better, but it removed some of the fun. I remember the first time I played it I was heartbroken the citadel was so much smaller than in the first game. I’d say 2 has the best DLCs of the trilogy (Shadowbroker is unrivaled). I love the structure of 2 as well, but there’s definitely a few gotchas where if you do a mission too soon it’ll lock you out of finishing important side quests if you want a good ending.

Mass effect 3 is great, the mechanics are more mature than 2, the story and “omg” moments are the best in the series; and (especially with the DLCs) it really fleshes out the backstory of the galaxy and races in a way the first two games didn’t. I do wish the team on the ship was a bit bigger, but the citadel dlc is definitely a close second best in the series; and makes up for it imo.

As for the ending of 3 (mild mood spoilers):

spoilerI like my games to have a happily ever after ending, and that there really isn’t one kinda bums me out. I get why the writers did it, and I don’t fault them for it; but I’m looking forward to my current playthrough using the happy ending mod for a non cannon ending that won’t leave me kinda sad after finishing the game haha

So all in all, I think the trilogy is incredible, and everyone should try it. That said you’ve gotta go in with an idea of how to play it (this is true for all the games, but especially 1), because the games will let you miss a lot of stuff (like crew interactions, important side missions that affect the ending of the game and encounters in later games, etc.). It’s definitely a trilogy that’s better the second time through bc of it, or just find a good non spoiler guide/video for tips.


My favorite ME1 build is Infiltrator. The damage output of a properly modded sniper rifle can get truly depraved late in the game.

BolexForSoup, avatar

Explosive ammo on a pistol is so broken. It’s ridiculous lol

simple, do gaming w Let's discuss: Telltale Games

I love Telltale’s stuff, but they’re a bit hit or miss for me. I really liked The Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands, but really didn’t care for The Walking Dead sequels and Batman. A lot of companies tried to replicate what they had but they never had writing as good.

That said, Telltale really needed some alternate endings. There’s only so much “X will remember this” I can read before I realize how little my actions matter.

I’m sadly not optimistic that The Wolf Among Us 2 is ever coming out. They laid off most of their staff half a year ago.


I have Tales from the Borderlands and Poker Night in my library, but I just can’t bring myself to play them. Knowing they’re just basically limping along really makes me not want to get invested in characters I know probably won’t get the resolution they deserve.


Tales from the Borderlands is a finished story, and it’s amazing! Please at least try the first episode, it has some of my fondest and over the top gaming memories!


Okie dokie. After I “finish” Satisfactory and Vampire Survivors.


I totally agree with you. They had something special with the wolf among us. I was very excited when they announced the sequel, but sad to hear your news about firing the team.

Tales from the Borderland would be on second spot for me. Following the Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and Batman. But for the for the last three, I really don’t remember much anymore.


I was always under the impression telltale hasnt existed for a couple years?


They went bankrupt but got picked up by another company years later. They got a big chunk of the original team back on board, then they made The Expanse game, then they fired most of the team again.

Their future is pretty uncertain right now.

HipsterTenZero, do gaming w Let's discuss: Stardew Valley avatar

Oh man.

I put way too much time into this game. I’ve never hit the post grandpa endgame stuff (because it wasn’t really there at the time) but I have hit the grandpa milestone on each farm type.

Weirdly enough, the farm always ends up being an ancient fruit brewery by the time I’m done. Speaking of, I’d better boot up my newest save and throw some of those fruits into the seed machine, that greenhouse won’t fill itself! Game’s alright.

PhobosAnomaly, (edited ) do gaming w Let's discuss: DOOM

I have a huge collection of Doom games and merch - I’m a big id fan and bigger Romero fan.

First thing people should do with an interest of the series is get a copy of Masters of Doom by David Kushner, absolutely brilliant read.

Next, subscribe to some awesome Doomtubers like Zero Master, Civvie11, decino, and Coincident. Zero Master’s stuff is generally commentary free but absolutely unbelievable, CV11’s stuff is hilarious, decino explains the mechanics very well, and Coincident puts it all together in one facerocketing package.

My only real claim to fame was writing the first FAQ for a Doom expansion, but it’s nice to have contributed back to the community.

I bought an Xbox 360 when I found out Doom was being re-released for it - I was already thinking about it when Alan Wake came out, but took a day off work and hooned Doom when it came out on the then-XBLA. I never really bothered with the Xbox One or Series S in the house either… until the Unity port came out. It’s a system seller for me.

It’s the game I’d take on a desert island with me - partly because the feel of the game is just perfect to me, but you’d never get bored with the endless WADS for them - particularly when you use limit-removing ports.

Outstanding game. 11/10 A+++++ would play again

synae, avatar

Username checks out!

Domiku, do gaming w Now it's a party

I’m glad that one of them is a Bard. Someone needs to play those weird moralizing songs.


it would be a crime if one of them WASN’T a bard

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