PenguinTD, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

I know people don’t like to create accounts, but Larian seems to be doing fine when I created the vault account(for their prior kickstarter redeem etc.) It doesn’t work with launcher and I contact support to then know they have a new system so they can link steam/twitch/gog for their game specific feature(cross save and twitch integration). So if you ever want to do a session in the future using the twitch integration, you would have to register account to be able to link and use that. It lets viewer check character build/inventory and quest logs, so you can have like 3 viewer like your buddy playing together while you control the choice, your buddy can vote for decision making or direct their character’s combat choice. At worst you can be the only viewer to your stream and just use it as a 2nd screen to have over view of character build or inventory.

example screenshot of twitch integration

Faydaikin, (edited ) avatar

Indeed. But I have no intention of linking anything up with Twitch, or any other streaming service for that matter.

I just want the games I buy to launch when I press play. No sign-ups, no extra launchers popping up. Just the game I bought, that’s all. :)


OP is concerned about their privacy, rightfully so. Them requiring you to make an online account after you have purchased the game is entirely unjustified. They could already tie information to the account with which you purchased a licence.

Connecting Twitch and whatnot would work against your privacy: even if Larian does not do anything bad, they will share data with these connected accounts.


Yep I understand those and just saying the obvious reason why one might want to create account, and you can skip or disable launcher entirely as mentioned in this thread.

Cross save( especially between consoles<->PC ) requires linking accounts, Larian disabled it now because of a hotfix bug since PS5 version is not released yet and causing PC player issues.

And I honestly don’t know what kind of threat Twitch has over your privacy on a fresh Larian account. See here is a brief breakdown what they can see:

  • Larian: they now know I have a twitch account, potentially my twitch account’s email address.
  • Twitch: they now know I have BG3, on top of Rocket League and some games I used too stream with a friend. And I am on that garbage tier cause the account is a burner(to sign up stuff that might get spam mails), I never spent a dime on twitch, my user experience data is probably worst since I only go straight to the channel I want to get drops with and never “browse the recommendation”. BG3 I had to go to the game’s page and click on the drop enabled one then afk for 2 hours then I just close it.

So unless there is some secret tech I am not aware of, please do let me know why and what else might be shared that have threat to my personal info/privacy.


There are more to this than an email account.

Larian has access to your game saves, and so if they wanted they could deduce your play style and so parts of your personality from it, things which are useful for targeted ads and other things.
If you say Larian can be trusted, this is probably not much of a concern, I mention this only because of Twitch. Twitch relies on data mining, and if Larian analyzed your saves for things like above, they they would have things to trade. But I have no idea about BD3, maybe they know more significant things than that.

With Twitch, it’s a little different.
First, they obviously (because they have personal recommendations) collect information on your interests, like what content do you prefer, but as you said this does not apply to you.
However Twitch also has several mechanisms for getting you to give up your phone number or email address: they don’t support standard time based 2FA authentication, instead they can only send codes in SMS or email, and 2FA is required if you want to stream (even only once) or get your own API key to be use for archiving programs and such using the twitch API.
The problem is not actually connecting Twitch with your Larian account, it is connecting it with anything at all, and if the other connected account also does data mining then it’s even worse, because if the collected information gets to Twitch, they will probably be able to tie it to a real world identity (like a phone number, payment account, or a honest primary email address (that may even include your real name)), but also some history on how easy is it to get you to spend money, or just how easy it is to get your attention, and then pass it all off as something even more valuable to “business partners”.

Also, I’m not actually sure if Twitch would bother with support for connecting accounts of services from which they can’t extract much value.

So my main point is that I don’t know about Larian, but Twitch is only in it to gain something from it, and they would scoop up whatever Larian makes available.


I am pretty sure they can’t give information to 3rd party other than the necessary part since they are EU based. And usually when you link account, it’s where you started the linking asking information from the target platform. In this case it’s Larian asking Twitch for auth so that a Twitch user is linked to a Larian account so they can access your viewing time and distribute the drop. (No, you don’t need to link if you are just viewer and not wanting the drop, it’s the streamer needs to the twitch integration like the voting extension, etc. I still have mine disabled. ) It’s usually outlined when you try to link and it will show what’s requested during the linking process.

Maybe I am not really careful from your perspective, but I have like 5 gmail/yahoo/proton email accounts that does different things depending on the information I want to share with the registered site. Didn’t go crazy like some one site per e-mail account, but it’s sufficiently safe over the years. I have never had a data breach/account stolen with my practice so far. (or getting unwanted emails on my banking/work related account.)

As for hiding my identity entirely from internet it’s probably a bit too late to the big corps cause stupid me registered a FB like every “dumb fucks” that did, oh, and google too when I do business with them.


Just to let you know, while you are adding to the conversation in some ways, in many ways you are distracting from it. I know you likely have good intentions, but you have pivoted completely away from the original ask and are muddying the waters of the conversation a little with the additional input in the complete opposite direction.

The twitch integration may have nice features but the OP, myself, and likely many others don’t care and just want to play our game in peace without constant studio specific launchers and accounts and etc. Bringing twitch integration up makes now us focus on that as the discussion point rather than the clearly user antagonistic features such as lack of a button to skip creating an account.


I only created this after so many post of “I don’t know why Larian would need to put up a launcher and ask for an account”. It’s to show what it actually do and why they needed it. And of course the user can just go with other higher voted comment thread. I think it is a legit reason and usage to ask you to create account and using the feature they provided, and it’s also totally fine that you don’t. (I didn’t created an account when I was checking back and forth with Larian support about the vault account I used to use for their website. I just skip and play EA as always until like 4~5 days later a guy explained this new account situation. I created account like 1 day before launch since I want to get the twitch drop.)

BA834024112, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

Just hit skip, dumbass


No need for name calling. Everyone gets frustrated and misses things.


Agreed. If you have a point, make it. No need to be rude about it.


Don’t gotta be rude. Let’s be better than that

Default_Defect, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account? avatar

Oh, are we starting the reddit tradition of making no effort at all and just immediately asking the community for help instead?


Faydaikin, avatar

I can certainly see we’re keeping the reddit-tradition of being an angry little muppet at any given opportunity alive.

Yes, I asked a public forum for help about something I didn’t know. And they came through for me, more so than I would have expected.

You can go back to being angry elsewhere now. Shoo…

Default_Defect, avatar

You could have just… LOOKED. I’ve got no problem when its a question with more nuance than a google search can answer easily, or if its an opinion based question, but all I ask is people just TRY before making a post somewhere when the answer is so simple.

Faydaikin, avatar

And you didn’t even have to click on my shitty post as it already had (SOLVED) in the title

Default_Defect, avatar

Because I want you to do better next time.

calhoon2005, avatar

Oi. You two. Take it easy hey.

Default_Defect, avatar

Sorry dad.


It literally says “Skip” right underneath the thing you’re complaining about. If you’d taken the time to look at the screen, you’d have seen it itself.

Faydaikin, avatar

Before that, there’s just a button that says “Get Started!” Right underneath the sentence “Sigh up for a Larian Account.” Otherwise the launcher was blank.

I mistook that as being a forced sign-up, as with some many other games nowadays.

Also, I’m not complaining about anything. I was looking for advise as there seldomly are easy, search-engine friendly, solutions to forced sigh-ups.

If you’d taken the time to read through the comments, you might have gleaned the context for yourself. But since you took the time to click on a (SOLVED)-post and then write the same message the guy before did, I felt compelled to spell it all out. Just for you.

Buttons, avatar

Some people have bad eyesight. Some people have been deeply trained by the modern web to ignore most of what’s on the page (most of it being ads or other bullshit). Some people make mistakes.

Have some patience and kindness.

And to those who wont be patient or kind, just know that the next time the self-checkout machine yells at you and the cashier has to come scan their badge and gives you grief, you deserve it. Can’t you just use the machine correctly!?!

Default_Defect, avatar

Imagine defending not even trying.

Faydaikin, avatar


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  • Default_Defect, avatar

    You’re here too, seems I’m not the only one.

    Faydaikin, avatar


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  • Default_Defect, avatar

    I’m having fun now.

    Faydaikin, avatar


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  • Default_Defect, avatar

    As of 3 or 4 posts ago, yes.

    Faydaikin, avatar


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  • Default_Defect, avatar


    TheRtRevKaiser, avatar

    You already had comments removed from this thread yesterday. Since you couldn’t take the hint to disengage and stop this bickering, I’m temp banning you from this community for 24 hours. No matter how irritated you are that OP didn’t pay attention to the prompt to skip login, this isn’t an acceptable way to behave on this instance.

    bmaxv, avatar


    thank you for your mod work!


    That button in the corner saying skip account is really hard, okay?!?

    Faydaikin, avatar

    Repeating other peoples sentiments two days later is really constructive, okay?!?

    Get out of here, Sleepy.


    Imagine if you put all this effort you made from this post, including it’s whiny, snarky comments, and like… idk took less than 5 seconds to be constructive and figure out your answer.

    I mean seriously, a 10 year old could have figured it out.

    Faydaikin, avatar

    It’s my post. I get notified whenever one of you sillybillies get the bright idea to call me an idiot instead of just scrolling on.

    gyrfalcon, avatar

    Gonna be honest, this comment further down explains why you should have some compassion even on posts that seem obvious to you:

    Consider taking this approach in the future.

    buffalo, (edited )


    This is different. This post by op is simply lack of effort and ignorance. There’s a minimum expectation of effort here. Gotta at least try for your self before you reach out and waste people’s time.


    I had no skip button.

    It’s not as clear cut as you might think.

    SRo, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

    Are you blind?

    Faydaikin, avatar

    No. Are you just here to be an ass?




    It’s the entire reason I have Internet access

    Stillhart, (edited ) do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

    Not to sound like a dick, but how does this have so many upvotes? There’s a button to skip it and never ask again right there.

    Sev, avatar

    It’s lemmy, we hate anything regarding accounts, privacy and the corpos man!!


    Yeaaah, also f*ck sync D:< /s

    Posted from Sync


    lemmy saw an opportunity to hate on something and started roaming at the mouth

    Faydaikin, avatar

    Apparently others also found the advice helpful.


    yeah thanks for posting this. super helpful to learn i can skip the launcher entirely.

    TheOctonaut, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

    If you’re using Steam (or any kind of shortcut I suppose), add --skip-launcher to the launch options. Here’s how to do so with Steam:

    • Right-click the game in your library and select Properties.
    • Look for the Launch Options field at the bottom of the General tab.
    • Add “–skip-launcher” and close the properties window.
    • Launch the game as normal.
    Faydaikin, (edited ) avatar

    Thank you for the step-by-step. Steam can be a bit of a maze when you don’t fiddle with these things so often. :)

    Edit: Apparently it’s " --skip-launcher" the extra dash matters XD


    In future, drop by the PC Gaming Wiki first - it’s a great resource for exactly this kind of question.

    Skip Larian launcher on startup

    Faydaikin, avatar

    The Launcher bit was a helpful add-in by a another kind user. I didn’t ask about that specifically, just mentioned that I dislike extra launchers.

    My question was far more stupid than that. However, people came through for me regardless. And very fast at that. And for that, I am thankful.

    jherazob, avatar

    I wish all these games had skippable launchers, i refuse to touch any game that needs a launcher beyond Steam

    Nighed, avatar

    Does it launch with directx or Vulcan when you do this?


    For me it chose direct x so I had to use the launcher. Vulcan is much better for me (just be sure to not use triple buffer for nvidia cards). Just choose skip and check the box that says ‘do not ask again’ and the launcher is less aggravating.


    What differences do you see when you use Vulcan? And what's the deal with triple buffering?


    My experience is that the directx reflections and post processing look worse. Triple buffering on was causing screen tears.


    vulkan is more efficient on AMD than directx, as I understand it.

    circuitfarmer, avatar

    Triple buffering basically means that the GPU can temporarily store frames in three different locations in VRAM. This has implications for smoothness and frame time, so it should in theory always be the best option for v-sync and avoiding tearing.

    Vulcan should be more efficient so you should get somewhat better performance, though my understanding is it depends on card (AMD cards are kind of designed for Vulkan, but not so much nvidia cards).


    When Vulcan worked for me it used less Vram, then dx11 does now on linux.

    Nighed, avatar

    It looks like the following should work (from one of the links above)


    You can also make it launch the Vulkan version with skipping the launcher. See

    circuitfarmer, (edited ) avatar

    If anyone happens to be playing on Steam Deck (or any Linux desktop), the launch options are slightly different:

    • DX11 no launcher: –skip-launcher
    • Vulkan no launcher: bash -c ‘exec “${@/bin/bg3.exe}”’ – %command% --skip-launcher

    Though for this particular title, the Vulkan one is really crashy on my system rn, which is ironic since the DX11 shaders are converted to Vulkan on Linux.


    On my system dx11 crashes right away, so vk it is…

    circuitfarmer, avatar

    Larian themselves warn that Vulkan should be the least stable of the two options at the moment. That said, I’ve heard tons of conflicting reports, so it may be super dependent on specific hardware.


    Ironically, with the final (not the pre-purchase) release it’s the other way around. Vulcan crashes after the airship cinematic… (I’m also on Linux)


    directx is the default and you must apply another switch to start with vulkan


    You can start the exe you want directly from the directory, there’s one for each renderer:'s_Gate_3#Skip_La…

    flying_monkies, avatar

    Thank you for the info on this, will be using it going forward.

    Not sure if you did this on purpose, or if something else did it as part of editing, but your bulleted steps included an en dash (–) instead of two short dashes (--).

    Have had issues in the past with that, generally with WYSIWYG type editors combining your -- into either – or —.


    Ugh word does this. I didn’t realize until I wrote some documentation for a cli tool I made for a client and I wrote the documentation in word because they are fairly non technical so I wrote in the documentation sample arguments they can copy and paste and shipped it feeling good that it would work flawlessly because I tested the crap out of it. Or so I thought because they immediately hit back with it doesn’t work. I spent hours recreating their environment and watching it work no matter what I tried to get it to not work. Then I hopped on a call and had the client step by step show me what they did and they opened the word doc and copied the example commands, changed the arguments to be correct and run it. I followed along on my own machine and then I fucking saw what had happened. Fucking Microsoft Word replaced my " " with “ ” (straight quotes for smart quotes for those who cant see the difference). A quick patch of the cli to properly parse those and things were working again.


    Copying out of MS products always seems to leave junk behind. The worst one is the zero-width space (unicode U+200B or hex e2808b) . Sharepoint loves to scatter these all over so any copy from a sharepoint source has to be put in a plain text editor and have a run through with a regex to find any invisible formatting characters.


    I typed them directly into my comment from an Android phone, and it continues to display as two hyphens/minuses for me. Are you it’s not your client trying to be clever?

    Coelacanth, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account? avatar

    You can also go to the installation folder and find the bin folder and create a direct shortcut to bg3_dx11.exe to skip the launcher entirely.

    Faydaikin, avatar

    Thank you so much. I’ll do that.


    I’ll never understand why publishers really need to add a launcher after launcher


    I think they probably need you to use their account in order to allow cross-play coop.

    circuitfarmer, avatar

    At the very least it gives them a way to potentislly contact you with offers. Corporate people probably also think it makes you more likely to get another title from the same publisher, though depending on the launcher I think it’s actually the reverse.


    Is it though? Lots of people don’t have the same mindset and welcome things like newsletters and ads. Something like 70% of web clients don’t use adblockers.

    Hexarei, avatar

    I’ve also seen folks mention adding a –skip-launcher option to your launch options to achieve the same

    LovelyCupcake, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

    Select the “continue without login” option

    Faydaikin, avatar

    i didn’t see that option anywhere. Gimme a sec, I’ll check again

    Faydaikin, avatar

    I am an idiot. I didn’t click to the next page after it suggested I make an account.

    I just close down the launcher immediately.


    nah, asking the question still gave us the ‘skip launcher’ instructions, so this is a win!

    Faydaikin, avatar

    Thanks for making me feel slightly better about it. ;)

    circuitfarmer, avatar

    I had the same issue. Feels a bit shady to make people click Get Started anyway, but at least the launcher is skippable entirely.

    Faydaikin, avatar

    I’ve just kinda gotten used to there not being an easy way around it. Hence my ‘Going Straight to the Forums’ reaction.

    harald_im_netz, do gaming w (SOLVED) Ok, so I just bought Baldurs Gate 3. Now how do I bypass the 'Create Larian Account' bit without creating an account?

    But do you really wanna miss out on those sweet Twitch drops? /s


    then id first need to make a twitch account


    Also it's tied to their cross save functionality.


    Cross save would be great if we didn’t have to pay again to play on different platforms. Until then, cross-save is a “feature” that looks good on paper but it effectively worthless in practice.


    Yeah. It was legit useful for Divinity OS2, as the switch legit couldn't handle a game where you did everything, picked up PC version from a steam sale and finished the save.

    HalJor, do gaming w I built a fightstick! avatar

    Upvote just for the flag




    What country is that???


    Empire of Nonbinariland

    JuniperusVox, avatar

    The Empire dissolved in 1776 into stateless enclaves led by Councils of Friends

    TheyHaveNoName, do gaming w I built a fightstick!

    I’ve wanted to make one of these for my Switch. Could anybody help me get started? Can I build it from scratch or would I be buying a kit?


    I got an enclosure kit from here with a multiconsole PCB (brain for controller). I did research on what buttons and joystick I wanted and ordered them from focusattack and arcadeshock. I liked that I didn’t have to solder everything and they gave me a useful guide for how to set everything up. I linked a build manual in another comment.

    But you don’t have to go that way! Depending on your patience and engineering skills you could make a controller out of nearly everything. You could get a cheap PCB from a working controller from a game system you like and a joystick and or some buttons and stick them in an Amazon box if you wanted!

    Or, you could do what my buddy did and pick up a kool-aid covered broken street fighter 4 stick off the street, clean it out, and put a new board and joystick in it! It’s up to youuu


    Thanks for the reply. I’m going to go the route of reworking an existing controller and seeing if I can make a double joystick controller.


    That’s exciting! I hope you’ll share your work!

    Nyla_Smokeyface, do gaming w I built a fightstick!

    I have one of those, except it can play other old retro games too!


    Mine can too! On emulators lol

    chunktoplane, do gaming w I built a fightstick!

    Looks great! I built a controller recently too, just wanted to mention that I used the open source GP2040-CE on a Raspberry Pi Pico and it works great, it involved a bit of soldering wires with different connectors together, but there are now custom RP2040 controller boards that can run it and are plug-and-play.


    Sick! Fortunately I didn’t have to solder at all for this build 😅


    My build was around one of those custom boards, so no soldering for me. It’s perfect for me since I play on PC only and the web configurator is really nice to have for easy SOCD cleaning functionality swaps for different games. I’ll need a Brook adapter if I ever find and go to locals, but I don’t expect that to happen anytime soon.

    Whom, do gaming w I built a fightstick!

    That’s so sick!! I just built this leverless in a modular 3D printed case for SF6 and Skullgirls :) Currently experimenting with the buttons but I really love Crown 202s

    Hope you’re enjoying EVO if you’re watching!!

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Two great choices for fighting games. Do you hit up Mix Masters tourneys?


    I’ve never played in an event like that but I’d really like to :D

    ampersandrew, avatar

    Mix Masters Online runs Skullgirls every Thursday for NA (other regions will have their own online tourneys). Plus there are beginner brackets, Discords where you can ping beginner roles, danisen leagues, and whatnot for every level of play.


    I’ll check it out :D


    That seems fun! I’ve mostly been playing in beginner/intermediate brackets in this trans fighting game Discord server I’m part of. I have a lot of hours in this game but I never took learning all that seriously until recently.

    ampersandrew, avatar

    I'll take this opportunity to plug my YouTube channel, primarily because it will get you up to speed in Skullgirls much more quickly than it took me. There's the primer video here, and you can watch the combo video after that.


    Yeah the turnout is crazy! I caught a little, got to see MenaRD pick up some ez perfects lol.

    Nice weapon you got there 🤤

    unce, do gaming w I built a fightstick!

    Hellyeah nice! I’ve been thinking about building one too. I had been using an xbox controller for fighters but borrowed my friends hitbox for a bit and don’t wanna go back. Can’t really justify spending like $250 on one though. I think I can build on for about $50 if I use an old cigar box for the case.

    How do you like those buttons? I’ve been told to get Sanwa buttons but I really don’t know much about them.


    I like them a lot. Good action but not a lot of noise when I mash them, which was why I picked them (as well as for the look). Sanwa Denshi buttons are the gold standard, they’re installed in the classic MadCatz fightsticks and they’re pretty affordable. The Gravity buttons were about twice as much but they have got swappable switches for extra customization and I like the feel. I don’t think you can lose either way!


    Sanwa are the default for Japanese-style buttons, and they’re the most common at all levels of play. If you don’t know what you want, they’re probably the best place to start and with how modular sticks and hitbox-style controllers are, you can always change down the line if you find that you have different preferences. Personally, I find Sanwas just a bit too light for me since they’ll accidentally actuate if you brush up against them. It makes it difficult to rest your fingers on the buttons and it’s a bit harder to “ride” the actuation point, if you’re the kind to do that.

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