Sega's Endless Dungeon hits PlayStation, Xbox, and PC next month, and ahead of its release, we spoke with singer-songwriter Lera Lynn, who wrote new original songs that play during the game. Lynn is a musician who has also appeared in things like HBO's True Detective series, where she played an in-universe musician at a dive bar...
El Paso, Elsewhere is beautifully simple. It's a third-person action game in which you fire guns and dive through windows, triggering bullet-time as you whittle down ranks of converging foes. Its levels are labyrinthine, its hunger for carnage is nearly endless. It's a thrilling challenge at the standard difficulty and...
Policja zatrzymała 55-letniego mężczyznę, który odpowie przed sądem za naruszenie nietykalności funkcjonariusza publicznego. Chodzi o atak na posłankę Koalicji Obywatelskiej Martę Wcisło.
NIS America has announced turn-based RPG The Legend of Legacy HD Remastered for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC (Steam). It will launch in early 2024.