El Paso, Elsewhere is beautifully simple. It's a third-person action game in which you fire guns and dive through windows, triggering bullet-time as you whittle down ranks of converging foes. Its levels are labyrinthine, its hunger for carnage is nearly endless. It's a thrilling challenge at the standard difficulty and...
Policja zatrzymała 55-letniego mężczyznę, który odpowie przed sądem za naruszenie nietykalności funkcjonariusza publicznego. Chodzi o atak na posłankę Koalicji Obywatelskiej Martę Wcisło.
NIS America has announced turn-based RPG The Legend of Legacy HD Remastered for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC (Steam). It will launch in early 2024.
Mineko’s Night Market has lovely art, but its boring chores and lifeless NPCs make it much harder to get caught up in its rhythm than it is in other life sims.