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ono, (edited )


About This Game

DEEP ROCK GALACTIC: ROGUE CORE is a spinoff of Deep Rock Galactic with a roguelite twist. The roguelite twist means you start from basics in each mission and cooperatively build up powers and abilities for the team, sometimes leading to insanely overpowered builds and other times to spectacular flops.


Expenite, a new mineral of incredible value and utility, has been discovered within planet Hoxxes IV! Space mining company Deep Rock Galactic immediately sets up covert mining operations deeper than ever, to harvest this precious material. But without warning, all the dig sites go dark, and all contact is abruptly lost.

In this action-packed 1-4 player co-op roguelite, you’ll join a team of elite dwarven Reclaimers called to planet Hoxxes IV to deal with the situation. Bring the lost dig sites back online, unravel the mystery of The Greyout, and keep it from happening again using all the guts, guns, and grit at your disposal.

The Core has gone Rogue. DRG needs your help!


Each Rogue Core mission begins with selecting your loadout. Pick a Phase Suit equipped with an Active Ability of your choice, as well as one of a range of unique Reclaimer Weapons. Once loaded up, you board your Drop Pod and land at the outer boundary of a lost dig site, facing the Greyout Barrier surrounding it. Luckily, R&D has equipped you with a device capable of carving a hole through the Barrier – but once you go in, there is no way back except mission success. Proceed through the Barrier on foot and fight your way down multiple procedurally-generated stages to the deepest and most dangerous level of the dig site.

During each stage, you will salvage caches of DRG equipment and weapons to expand your arsenal for that mission. The dig sites are also full of the wonder-mineral Expenite. Deposit any Expenite you can find into your trusty Processor Drone to generate a wide range of powerful temporary upgrades. Thus, as you progress ever deeper, your power will grow, but so will the challenge. Every advantage will be necessary to make it through all the stages, reach the Core, and reclaim the dig site.

Between missions, you return to your ship - the RV-09 “Ramrod”, parked in low orbit above Hoxxes IV. By completing mission tasks and reclaiming dig sites, you will earn the means to research and permanently unlock new Reclaimer Weapons, Phase Suits, and Suit Mods. Expand your gear options and experiment with various setups to tackle the deepest and most dangerous dig sites.

How to let my kids find quality games on Android? Right now they only find the pay to win / ad riddled games.

My 9yo daughter has a tablet with family link, so I can monitor what apps she wants to install. As the garbage games are mostly at the top free, she keeps asking for games that I reject, in most cases because it’s riddled with ads....


They wanted a picture of my ID to unlock my account.

This is inappropriately invasive, and doesn’t even accomplish the stated goal, since an ID can’t prove account ownership when the account wasn’t created with an ID in the first place.

This practice has become alarmingly common for online services. We really do need strong privacy laws.


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  • ono, (edited )

    Your guess is confirmed here.

    There are plans to update the forum, including for better security (the main issue with changing the forum software is concern over reliably migrating all of the existing content). After emailing (admittedly not current best practice), the passwords are hashed and only the hash is stored.

    …and later…

    The forum has been updated to https, and passwords are no longer being sent by email.

    Which raises the question of how old OP’s screen shot is.

    Also, no, the password would not necessarily still be stored in plain text on their end. The cleartext password used in that email might be only in memory, and discarded after sending the message. Depends on how the UBB forum software implemented it and how Larian’s mail servers are set up.

    EDIT: I just verified that this behavior has resurfaced since it was originally fixed. OP would do well to responsibly report it, rather than stirring up drama over a web forum account.


    Nobody suggested otherwise.

    What games can you recommend that didn't get the appreciation that they deserved? angielski

    I’ve been recently been thinking about Arkane Studio’s Prey which is a immersive sim, with a pretty good rogue like dlc, that probably has one of the strongest hooks of any game I’ve played. If you liked Halflife, System Shock, or Deus Ex it’s definitely worth a play....

    ono, (edited )

    Wildermyth is a lovely combination of storytelling and tactical combat. My only significant gripe is that I want more of it: More tales, more character customization… just more. (Although I now see that a cosmetic pack is available; I’ll have to check it out.)

    Gigantic caught my attention when I was looking for an Overwatch alternative, because of the art and the praise from fans. I wish development hadn’t shut down before I had a chance to play it. (I hear there’s an unofficial client and server out there somewhere, though, so maybe I’ll get to at least try the work-in-progress that was never finished.)

    ono, (edited )

    Hey OP: Please don’t use ``` code fences (or 4-space indentation) for things that aren’t computer code, unless you hate your readers.

    Here’s that text with word wrap enabled:

    (Edit: Removed the text, because OP updated their copy to allow word wrap. Thanks!)


    Take note of the account that posted it. It won’t be long before you notice a pattern.


    Maybe they’re frustrated by Geralt’s controls.


    I felt the same when the current-gen CPUs were announced, but when I looked closer at AMD’s chips, I learned that they come with controls for greatly reducing the power use with very little performance loss. Some people even report a performance gain from using these controls, because their custom power limits avoid thermal throttling.

    It seems like the extreme heat and power draw shown in the marketing materials are more like competitive grandstanding than a requirement, and those same chips can instead be tuned for pretty good efficiency.


    Not to worry. I think this qualifies as a “cold day in Hell” situation.


    I wonder if Thursday’s patch will help with any of that.


    Did owners of the unfinished edition have to pay more for the Definitive Edition?

    whats your unconcious sign that you really really like the game you are playing angielski

    So i just noticed that when i really like the game at some point i will at once play the game and watch the stream/youtube wideo of the game( usualy speedrun or aome hardcore challenge). I noticed it recently with anno 1800 but now that i think about it i did that with tales of arise, eu4 ,kings bounty,total war,hades and...

    ono, (edited )

    Avoiding main quest line advancements in order to make the game last as long as possible.

    After overcoming a challenge, reverting my progress so I can try it another way, and then another.

    Getting through real-life tasks as quickly as possible because I want to get back to the game.

    Contemplating game characters and their motivations when I’m supposed to be trying to sleep.

    ono, (edited )

    It doesn’t surprise me at all that people have become less willing to contribute to wikis, now that the likes of Fandom/Wikia and Fextralife are the dominant wiki hosts. Who wants to give away their free labour and time to profit corporations, and have their work mired in cesspools of obnoxious advertising, awkward javascript interfaces, and web tracking?

    I think what we need are independent wiki hosts. For example, have a look at bg3.wiki

    ono, (edited )

    Perhaps there’s an opportunity here for a nonprofit organization, accepting donations like wikimedia does, to offer hosting to gaming communities?


    This would not only benefit gamers directly, but also help with cultural preservation, which is increasingly problematic as games disappear from store fronts.

    Also, a wiki run by a funded organization is less likely to vanish than one operated by a single person, whose circumstances might change.

    ono, (edited )

    I expect you mean terraria.wiki.gg, rather than terraria.fandom.com (which was the first result in my web search). I don’t love the fact that it has a google tracker, but otherwise, it looks nice.

    Looks like Pokémon also has an independent (but not tracker-free) wiki: bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net


    I wonder if this could be mitigated (or even nullified) by a cooperative game developer, through DMCA takedown notices sent to Fandom. There is a lot of art on these wikis, after all, and I imagine the copyright holder has some say in who is allowed to distribute it.


    I like this idea in principle, but in practice, I suspect the same companies that often abandon games (and even whole platforms) would also discontinue their wikis. I would like information about the games I buy today to still be around when I play them again in ten or twenty years.

    ono, (edited )

    Most of us over at !baldurs_gate_3 seem to agree that the author is either trolling or picked the wrong dump stat for an aspiring game critic.

    I wrote a more detailed response over there.


    I’m glad to see Yahtzee is still doing actual critical reviews. There’s a shortage of that these days.


    I look forward to the incoming crop of games made with Godot.



    • Starfield’s open world is made of procedural copypasta.
    • Prey species can’t or won’t escape predators.
    • Predators routinely wipe out their own food supply, yet somehow haven’t gone extinct.

    Looks like Hans implemented a workaround in vkd3d-proton 2.10, using the open-source AMD vulkan driver on linux (RADV).

    Device generated commands for compute

    With NV_device_generated_commands_compute we can efficiently implement Starfield’s use of ExecuteIndirect which hammers multi-dispatch COMPUTE + root parameter changes. Previously, we would rely on a very slow workaround.

    NOTE: This feature is currently only enabled on RADV due to driver issues.

    I don’t imagine it will take long for this to make its way into a Proton experimental release. Folks with AMD graphics who are comfortable with linux might want to give it a try.

    ono, (edited )

    Glancing over the patent, I don’t think Hall effect sensors are used here. Note especially the use of a fluid, and the presence of variable resistors (parts that can wear out in current-gen controllers) for each axis.

    Instead, this looks like an analog stick force-feedback mechanism that could also be used for automatic re-centering:

    Accordingly, in the first example, control of current to be applied to the MRF is performed in the way as described below, thus achieving both presentation of a feeling using the MRF and an initial position restoration operation.

    This wouldn’t keep the potentiometers from wearing out, but with the right software, I imagine it could automatically adjust the sticks to compensate for mild drift. (I don’t know if this would work any better than plain old calibration; it’s definitely more complicated.) Also, games could dynamically adjust stick resistance, like the DualSense can adjust trigger resistance, for interactivity/immersion.

    I wonder how much this would affect battery life, how long the fluid mechanism would last with normal wear and tear, and how environmentally toxic it will be when it eventually becomes e-waste.

    The PDF linked in the article seems to be a scanned image, so control+F doesn’t work, but the text is searchable here: patents.justia.com/patent/20230280850


    I believe Ethan is also responsible for Wine’s Xaudio support. If you play certain Bethesda games on Linux, there’s a good chance you’re using his work.

    ono, (edited )

    4090 is definitely nuts, but with inflation the 4080 is right about on par.

    On par with the competing product? Sure. On par with inflation? Not by a long shot. GPU prices tripled a couple years back. Inflation accounted for only a small fraction of that. They have come down somewhat since then, but nowhere close to where they should be even with inflation.

    As usual team red very close in comparison

    Indeed. Both brands being overpriced doesn’t make them any less overpriced. Cryptocurrency and scalping may be mostly gone now, but corporate greed persists.

    That’s not Todd Howard’s fault, but when he makes a snarky comment expecting everyone to cough up that kind of money to play his game, it’s more than a little tone deaf.


    I second Subnautica. It’s not a big story, but I love the way it’s told: gradually unfolding through exploration and discovery.

    ono, (edited )

    She says we’ve gotta hold on to what we’ve got
    It doesn’t make a difference if we make it or not
    We’ve got each other and that’s a lot for love
    We’ll give it a shot

    Help deciding PC upgrades

    So…I’ve been increasingly struggling to run the latest games, as the age of my 6 years old desktop is starting to show, and Starfield denying my GPU just pissed me. I know it’s a bug and I can probably play it, but it’s outright the minimum for this game, and so I’d like a refresh of the worst, or should I consider a...


    I second shapis’s recommendation. I was still gaming on an Ivy Bridge CPU until recently. It wasn’t until this year that games started giving me trouble at 1080p with medium settings, and that was mostly GPU related.

    Your 16GB RAM might be fine for now. Most games I’ve played don’t come close to that. Of course, it’s easy enough to check while you’re playing (or doing whatever other tasks you do).

    Depending on your OS, your SATA SSD might even be fine. (Although NVMe prices have been and still seem to be dropping, so picking one up in a couple months isn’t a bad idea if your motherboard can handle one.)

    Arcade game in browser (programming.dev) angielski

    Back in the 90s, it was a game as Java applet. But then somebody removed all those nice plugins. I ported it a while back to C#, made it into desktop (Gtk, WinForms etc), but now finally, it returns - with WebAssembly - back into the browser, where this originally “remastered from DOS” game began 😀


    Lenovo’s machine will run on Windows 11 as opposed to it being a Linux-based system.

    No thanks. I want less Microsoft in my life, not more.

    (Also, I would rather give my money to Valve than Lenovo.)


    It’s nice to see portable PC gaming become easy, but at least for me, it’s not just about that. The Steam Deck has raised the bar, by also bringing freedom from Microsoft’s ecosystem by default. I would rather have it.

    (And I would rather give my money to Valve, who have been investing significantly in making that ideal a reality.)

    ono, (edited )

    how little goes into optimizing that since “space is cheap”

    More and more developers seem to assume everyone else can afford what they consider to be cheap, and feel entitled to gobble up all the resources on other people’s systems as if they aren’t needed for anything else.

    And speaking of environmental costs, there’s also the pollution and e-waste generated by constantly pushing people to upgrade their hardware instead of optimizing the software.

    As a developer myself, I find it embarrassing and sad.

    ono, (edited )

    Texture block compression exists, and some of the available algorithms have fairly little impact on rendered visuals.

    As you noted, asset scaling also exists in various forms, from mip mapping to audio codecs to alternate asset packs. Imagery intended for 4k and 8k displays is wasteful for people gaming in 1080p, let alone 720p.

    The techniques required to cut down on bloat are well known. Some games just aren’t using them, or aren’t using them effectively. There’s definitely room for improvement here.

    Impressions: Starfield’s sheer scale is already giving me vertigo (arstechnica.com) angielski

    There's a quote from Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. “Space is big,” he writes. “You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the drug store, but that's just peanuts to...


    Maybe the planets are more like asteroids, just as Skyrim’s cities are more like neighborhoods. ;)

    ono, (edited )

    From the top of the change list:


    • Features
      • Introducing Withers’ Wardrobe of Wayward Friends! You can now dismiss co-op party members from your campaign.
    ono, (edited )

    Active Search: the starting search radius is increased, the camera moves to the selected item, and you now get a button hint

    There’s a way to actively search? How?

    Edit: Apparently it’s only available if you use a controller. :(


    It also crashes (at least for some people) if you set CPU affinity at all. That’s really strange, and problematic if you’re using certain cores for background work, or if you just want to avoid the game having to cross a CCD boundary. Here’s hoping they fix it.


    I get gaming on a budget but this comment really sounds like hate trying to say it doesn’t deserve full price.

    Friendly reminder that some people earn full price in less than an hour of work, while others don’t earn that much in a week.

    Larian Studios: [Baldur's Gate 3] patch 2 is right around the corner, features major performance improvements. (twitter.com) angielski

    Patch 2 is around the corner. It features major performance improvements, many new tweaks & changes, and begins our journey incorporating feedback into Origin Character epilogues, among other major things. Details coming soon.

    ono, (edited )

    Thank goodness.

    With graphics hardware at the low end of the requirements (which are high for an RPG) the game struggles to maintain 30fps at 1080p, often failing even with the expensive settings turned down. The simplest outdoor scenes often send the GPU fans into hyperdrive unless FPS is capped below 40. Quicksaving sometimes drops FPS to 10ish until another save or reload. And that’s just in Act 1.

    Major performance improvements will be very welcome.


    That’s right. The RX 480/580 is no slouch. Lesser GPUs are generally plenty for an RPG of this kind at minimum graphics settings.


    A couple minor broken ability examples: Mage Hand requires a short rest to recharge, which is fundamentally wrong for a cantrip, and Feather Fall is a bonus action instead of a reaction, making it useless for its primary purpose. These aren’t game-breaking, of course, but annoyances like this add up, and it never feels good to have chosen an ability that turns out not to work as it should.

    One of the more problematic issues is stupid pathing logic, especially around known hazards: Party members absolutely love to spot traps, announce them, and then walk right into them. Sometimes it results in someone getting a minor injury. Other times it nearly wipes out the whole party.

    I suggest saving often.

    ono, (edited )

    mage hand requiring a short rest to resummon might be because you are using the gith racial?

    Nope. Wizard and bard cantrips.

    Since you mention it, though, I think the Gith’s psionic Mage Hand is a cantrip in 5e. Did it require a rest in some past edition?

    Feather fall now is a ritual spell so you can cast it before combat and it will last all of combat. It’s just different from the tabletop game.

    I’ll have to try that; thanks. It would still be an annoying extra step and wouldn’t cover surprise situations as the spell is intended, but would at least be more useful than it seemed.

    In any case, it’s not just those two examples. The point is that a surprising number of little things like these are broken, either by departing from D&D rules in ways that don’t make sense or by just plain failing to do what their in-game descriptions say.

    I have found one example of departing from 5e rules in a way that does make sense, though, so it’s not all bad.


    I haven’t seen that yet. I wonder if the game is internally using 5e’s tumble or overrun actions. (DMG page 272)


    this is a very minor detail that was featured in prelaunch marketing and went heavily viral

    It is a mistake to assume just because you have encountered something that everyone else has as well. Not everyone follows viral media. Some of us actively avoid it.

    And yes, this was indeed a spoiler for me. I would rather it had been a surprise in-game.


    Yeah. It baffles me that some people prefer to make excuses for being inconsiderate, and even suggest that anyone who doesn’t like it leave, rather than simply add a spoiler tag.

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