I don’t think they ever said that. It’s their “first new IP” in 25 years, and was “in production” since 2013, likely just planning stages. In reality, production only really started after FO76, when more people were available to do actual work.
Oh boy, you’re lucky. I trudged through for 70h out of sheer morbid curiosity. The boring main story goes straight into “icecream on forehead” when the starborn show up. The ending is just a shit cherry on top of that, with Emil Pagliarulo’s best “fuck you for asking questions” ever
Doing better than starfield shouldn’t be hard for them. Getting on par with the quality of Divinity Original Sin, much less Baldur’s Gate 3, is likely beyond bethesda’s ability, tho.
Well, at least they won’t need to make “thousands of planets” worth of “content”, so the game might at least look consistent
Still, after Starfaild, my expectation is for TES6 to have something that kinda almost resembles Dark Messiah of Might and Magic’s melee combat; only Archery, Melee, Magic and Armor skills to level up; Emil Pagliarulo’s “greatest” story yet with double the time travel and multiverse bullshit; twice the amount of stories that get nowhere and that nobody in the world cares about; removal of stealth
I’m partially aware of people not liking Rebel Galaxy Outlaw as a sequel, though I never read into the whys, though if you can actually pilot in all 6 degrees of freedom, that’s a plus for me.
What was that exclusive deal? Something with Sony?
Been playing Rebel Galaxy on and off a bit. It’s decent enough, think of it as a Freelancer lite, big emphasis on “lite”. It’s more “naval combat in space” than any sort of space game.
Also some Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, I really suck at it but it’s so flashy and fun!
Not being able to make satirical comments about any game-related material would mean nobody could say something like, “Controlling Iron Man feels like fighting Jarvis for control of the suit”, or “Storm is as effective as a light breeze”
Keep in mind, underpowered hardware means lower price, which means more sales. It worked with the Wii, it worked with the Switch. I fully expect people to bitch about the Switch2 being underpowered, using “ancient” stuff from 2020-21