W czwartek Sąd Okręgowy w Warszawie uchylił decyzję prezydenta stolicy Rafała Trzaskowskiego, zakazującą organizacji demonstracji pod hasłem “Ani jednej bomby więcej - wolna Palestyna”....
Today, I started preparations for a more extensive code refactoring. The changes won't be immediately visible, but they will significantly impact the future development of the project. This includes improving the functioning of federation, with a particular focus on collaborative remote content moderation. This will likely take...
Z pocztówki fotograficznej wydawnictwa Polskiego Towarzystwa Księgarni Kolejowych “RUCH” S. A. (pisownia placu oryginalna). J. Wołyński, ze zbiorów Mikołaja Stępniewskiego, koloryzacja Mariusz Zając....
Today, I continue working on optimization and eliminating weak points in the platform. The work on the "support us" page has turned into a refactoring of the mechanism of static pages, which will be usable in the future ;) I have also launched a new project website by @cody, which has been waiting for its turn for a long time....
I just browsed through the top 100 posts or so here and you guys have amazong stuff that I’ve often didn’t ever seen in my life but nobody has a phone or a USB drive. I feel like this community is from 50 years ago. Or is there an actual reason?