#GoodMorning#Gravel! 2°C and #fog so thick it instantly condensed on everything. I could have used some wipers on my shades… No wind, though, so I was having so much fun!🥰🫣
#GoodMorning from the #rain shithole!😂 Surprisingly, I’ve managed to squeeze myself into a weather window with almost no precipitation…🙈😁 I’ve taught #KidsOnBikes well, they’re not afraid to get wet!💪🏻
@metalbiker Yes, that’s a phone. Wide angle lense of iPhone 14 Pro. If I had to download footage from the cam to later process it somewhere I’d probably stop doing it…😂🙈
#GoodMorning#Swimming on a #Bicycle! The things we do for love…🥰 Torrential #rains are passing through Europe, but with the right gear everything is doable!😂🤡
@Cycling_Liz It started raining at night. There are places that look far worse now, but I’ve chosen not to go there…🤷🏻♂️😁
It was surprisingly pleasant and refreshing for 7°C!😂
I guess the worst rainfall is yet to come. We expect floods in Poland as the forecast says it’s gonna be 300l/m2 in 3 days.💀 Poznan is quite safe, though, with only local floodings (mostly bad draining). The river is well regulated in here and it doesn’t collect water from the mountains…😅
#GoodMorning#Cycling! We’re down from summer heat to 8°C and #rain! I was hesitant to go into the wet, but I guess I’m not made of sugar!😂 #KidsOnBikes aren’t either!🥰
An entire day we’ve spent on the #beach! What a pleasure, despite overall poor weekly forecast… Favourable water to air temperature ratio made the #BalticSea not so bad…😂 Dear Franiu crashed just at at the end…😅😩
@ssamulczyk dzien dobry mam takie nietypowe pytanie. Czy dobre się domyślam że jest Pan w okolicy wyspy Wolin. Jestem tu na gravelu ale ma problem z naładowaniem baterii w AXs. Ma pan może ładowarkę pożyczyć na szybkie doładowanie ? Może jakaś wspólna przejażdżka ? Kontakt do mnie to zbysiowudin2008@gmail.com
@zbysiowudin2008 Hej! Niestety, ładowarka została w Poznaniu, więc nie pomogę… Do Wolina mam ze 30km, jestem tu z rodziną i przejażdżka raczej średnio wyjdzie, bo wstaje na rower o 5 i mam ograniczony czas… Powodzenia z ładowarką!
#GoodMorning#Gravel! It’s gonna be hot today. By the time I’ve finished my ride it was already around 30°C and it was quite early. I guess we can expect a #summer storm this evening…😂🤷🏻♂️
@ssamulczyk@cycling@rower - Ha. I don't doubt it. Mine was 13 years old first beat me to the top of the local mountain and I was in decent shape. I've never again caught him, but he makes me take my pulls.
@patmikemid I’m still skin and bones so I really like mountains. I will make it a challenge for them!😂 I also like long sustained efforts. Hope to pass on the passion and the beauty of going up the hill…🥰@cycling@rower
@nickzoic Yes, Sir! I did get it looked at. Fortunately, a few days ago it just popped and I can hear again. Had it many times before, but never that long. @cycling@rower
@ssamulczyk@cycling@rower Our kids loved to travel in the trailer. K2 was 20 days old when we took her the first time - it was cold and snowing on that day... 😊
@rcr Ours too, but fortunately, the boys are now cycling on their own bikes... As they grew older they started putting things to my rear wheel and getting other stupid ideas together... :bulbasaurroll: This trailer is for just one kid so I'm hoping there will be nothing like that... @cycling@rower
@rekiwi That sounds dope! I wish my kids were so eager for cycling! I’m trying to show them it’s an adventure, but age is their limit for now (7, 5 and 0,5). I’m a gravel converted roadie, doing half of the yearly distance at night, so I hope one day they will go out with me instead going to bed…😂 We will eventually get there! @cycling@rower
My 8 & 11yo boys race track cycling during summer. The local club charge $A5 (=€3/$US3) per session which includes use of a track bike and about 3 races over the course of 2 hours.
Emphasis on fun. They both get up early every Sunday and prepare their own bags so we get there on time.
@ClintonAnderson@systemz Take it easy guys!😅 Of course I did! I can also pull off a "look mom no hands" while pushing the kid next to me. Not that I do it very often, but nothing bad ever happened. I am glued to the saddle, though...😎 @cycling@rower