ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar
HyL, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower 😁
Just your average winterbiking Canadian here... We had a high of 11C yesterday. But it could snow again this week.. In fact, we kind; f hope it does. Wildfire season has already started 😟

!deleted197 avatar

@HyL And now we have a bit of hail and some very shy snowflakes…😂 @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

Say hello to another (3rd) member of infamous group, Sophie!🥰 She’s 9 months and that her first ride!😁 That trailer is far superior to the one we had before and it was a pleasure to tow it!🙈 @cycling @rower

rcr, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Our kids loved to travel in the trailer. K2 was 20 days old when we took her the first time - it was cold and snowing on that day... 😊

!deleted197 avatar

@rcr Ours too, but fortunately, the boys are now cycling on their own bikes... As they grew older they started putting things to my rear wheel and getting other stupid ideas together... :bulbasaurroll: This trailer is for just one kid so I'm hoping there will be nothing like that... @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! The weather is shit, but not that shit to stop us. Kids went to school, time for me to enjoy whatever life there is still in me!🤡 @cycling @rower


sumek, avatar

@ssamulczyk Dzieki! Dlaczego 🫣?

!deleted197 avatar

@sumek A nie wiem! Ludzie różnie oceniają Decathlonowe rzeczy. Letnie ciuchy mam z Martombike głównie, ale zimowe z Deca trudno pobić pod względem jakości do ceny. Spodnie jakby co nie są zimowe tylko takie przejściowe 3/4. Zimowe też mam pełne, długie i z Deca…😁

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! Expected the today but it was surprisingly ok. Glad I geared up for colder weather, because the humid wind was not fun at all…🤡 @cycling @rower


ChurnHinge, avatar
ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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!deleted197 avatar

@james At this point I’d prefere walking…🤡 Usually I don’t have time to go that slow…🤣 @viq @cycling @rower

james, avatar

@ssamulczyk @viq @cycling @rower When the cycling speed is as low as physics rather let you fall off the bike.

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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zyklop, avatar

@ssamulczyk all the descriptions say the IQ-X is a lamp specially for e-bikes. Do you know why that is?

Is your bike an e-bike? Doesn’t look like it.

!deleted197 avatar

@zyklop I'm pretty sure IQ-X is a dynamo powered lamp. There are e-bike versions of it though, like IQ-X E, etc. Here's the link to my version:

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! My health hasn’t been great recently, but finally I could air my hairy legs out! I also tricked the that the weather is nice to have some company in my misery!🤡 @cycling @rower


!deleted197 avatar

@ClintonAnderson @systemz Take it easy guys!😅 Of course I did! I can also pull off a "look mom no hands" while pushing the kid next to me. Not that I do it very often, but nothing bad ever happened. I am glued to the saddle, though...😎 @cycling @rower

ClintonAnderson, avatar

@ssamulczyk @systemz @cycling @rower

Live yo life, bruv!


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! You have no idea how hard it is to simultaneously pedal and play as a in …😂 Every pedal stroke my aim went off a bit and it was especially difficult in boss fights…🤡 @cycling @rower


!deleted130 avatar

@ssamulczyk You are taking cycling to a completely new level 😆

@cycling @rower

arek, avatar

@ssamulczyk nice! I also play games during indoor cycling :) @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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james, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower You‘re back on your bicicleta. 😊

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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There was a sudden urge and the will to go from my ! It’s a rare event, so I immediately got ready to go! It was a blast!🥰😁 The entire song will be in the replies…😂 @cycling @rower


!deleted197 avatar

It’s in Polish, because it was for the kids…🤷🏻‍♂️


ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

With a new haircut, I’ve managed to finish , like never before, in 5 days. No back pain, no sore legs, no wrecked mentality…🥰 Now to get to that 14k km, before the year ends…🤡 @cycling @rower


dafitoo, avatar

@ssamulczyk Dawaj namiary na fryzjera. @cycling @rower

dafitoo, avatar

@bobiko Zuckerberg mi przypomniał moje pierwsze skończone festive, też przed covid, 30.12.2015. @ssamulczyk @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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Johan_Barelds, avatar

@ssamulczyk @rower @cycling Well done and keep going! Nice contraption btw that shelf mounted above your steer. 😃 5x💯

!deleted197 avatar

@Johan_Barelds Thanks! That’s actually a desk that you can crank up or down! @rower @cycling

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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MOyster, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower awesome!! You are on the way to 500k!

!deleted197 avatar

@MOyster Thanks! Actually, 110km more (over those 500) and I’m over 14000km on a this year, so there’s extra motivation!😁@cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

and to all of you! It’s again time to abuse myself and do over 600km in 8 days… It’s but I’m short by 600km to 14k km this year and I’ve been doing nothing for 3 days… So why not overdo it?🤡 @cycling @rower


!deleted197 avatar

@james I plan to do it in 5 days straight. After that I go drinking and that’s 2 days wasted for a hangover…🤣@cycling @rower

james, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Oh man… still jealous because I have this year not workout out in the gym on the 24th and neither will on the 31st. Being inactive is shit. 😪

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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adamshutes, avatar

@ssamulczyk Winter months are the hardest... but doing something is better than nothing... Forza!

!deleted197 avatar

@adamshutes I’m fine with cycling, it’s other things that pin me down and drain me completely…😔

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