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dan1101, w Mad Max vs Days Gone, which do you like more?

I like them both in different ways. Overall I’d have to say Days Gone though, the game world is so nicely done.

urbanzero, w Mad Max vs Days Gone, which do you like more?

Days Gone is much better than Mad Max, which was still a good game. It’s a shame Days Gone launched with so many problems because the final product is so so good. Yeah the story is a just ok and the acting can be hammy and a little uneven. But the gameplay is great and I actually enjoyed the story.

Kovukono, w Mad Max vs Days Gone, which do you like more?

I picked up Days Gone well after it released, and didn’t have the bugs, and got well and truly invested in it. Mad Max wasn’t a bad game by any stretch of the imagination, but Days Gone felt like it had more content in the world. I loved both, but probably Days Gone.

Spellinbee, w Mad Max vs Days Gone, which do you like more?

I really enjoyed Mad Max, but didn’t particularly like Days Gone. So Mad Max for my vote.

yads, w Mad Max vs Days Gone, which do you like more?

I only played Days Gone and it was ok, but kind of glitchy and exploitable. It was one of those games where the boss battles have basically nothing to do with the regular gameplay loop which was super frustrating. Got stuck on the mega zombie boss fight and stopped playing.


The Sawmill Horde? Yeah, you really want a good MG for that fight.

I kinda like the idea of a soft “please grind to get better” instead of Mad Max “Grind so the next main story mission will unlock”


Glitchy and exploitable how? And I’d say the boss fights fit perfectly in the regular game loop because every time you’d come to something like a boss fight it was really just introducing you to a new regular enemy type.

I remember the first time I fought the breaker, roid rage freak, and I burned through my entire stock of ammo and molotovs. And I never wanted to see one of those things again. But then they were added to the regular enemy spawns. Driving around at night, oh shit it’s a breaker. Cleaning out a nest, fuck it’s a breaker. The game kept the tension of exploring and fighting high by continually adding new challenges and as long as you kept going you’d get new ways to deal with those challenges.


I just found the main gameplay loop too easy, but the boss fights way too hard. So it was kind of frustrating for me.

InEnduringGrowStrong, (edited ) w Xbox head Phil Spencer says he "always wanted us to go back and revisit MechAssault" avatar

I miss the old MechCommander

EeeDawg101, w Cal Kestis actor confirms Star Wars Jedi 3 during Comic Con panel

Good! Love the games. I just hope on the third one they actually finish developing the game before release.

Jedi Survivor just finally got finished after releasing 5 months ago. What I mean is they just released an update that makes performance mode run really well. Prior to this update, it ran horribly. So much so that despite buying on day one, I flat out refused to play it until it got fixed. And thank goodness it did because it’s a wonderful game and I’m really enjoying it.

derin, avatar

Let’s not forget how the bounty hunter missions were completely broken, to the point that you couldn’t even start the quest line at any point in the game. I beat the whole game wondering “what the fuck is that big area in the pause menu that’s still locked?”

Also, you still can’t unlock the third garden on Pyloon’s roof in some saves (mainly mine).

I couldn’t give less of a shit about performance bugs, but the fact that core content in the game is still locked because of fucking trigger bugs is mind bogglingly embarrassing.

Still loved the game, though - my favorite game of 2023 (not saying it was the best of 2023, I just really liked this one).

all-knight-party, w Game Developer Legend Hideki Kamiya in Shock PlatinumGames Exit - IGN avatar

Interesting, but he has been with them for a long time now. I'm curious if he'll have any interest at joining Tango since Shinji Mikami founded it and they share a history of mentorship and alignment on directive philosophies, or if he's more interested in doing something totally new. I'm eager to hear about it

Noite_Etion, w Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's leads have some conflicting opinions on the term JRPG avatar

he doesn’t like it as when it first started to be used it felt like it was “a discriminatory term.” It’s an understandable point of contention, as while the genre is quite popular now, go back a couple of decades you’d find plenty of people being rude about the games just because they were Japanese.

Didn’t square back in the day make “dumbed down” versions of their games for the west, because they assumed we were all too dumb to play them correctly (Looking at you FF4 easy mode). I get his point but that was discrimination too.

brsrklf, w Game Developer Legend Hideki Kamiya in Shock PlatinumGames Exit - IGN

Well that’s a surprise for sure.

Not too worried for the future of Platinum Games though, he was credited as supervising director lately, while others directed, so it’s not like he’s the only creator there.

Pratai, w Star Wars Fans Launch Class Action Lawsuit Over Cancelled KOTOR 2 DLC

The butthurt is strong with this one.

punseye, w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

that’s opposite of unpopular opinion lol

that being said, a healthy competition is still necessary as we don’t know what valve would become post gabe

McArthur, (edited ) w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly

Competition sounds great, so long as it has all of the following:

  • Something better than steam input and the steam controller.
  • Something better than steam vr.
  • Something better than steam workshop.
  • something better than proton
  • Something better than steams friends/chat/activity interface.
  • Something better than the steam overlay.
  • Something better than big picture.
  • Absolutely no exclusives, and no deals forcing developers to use it.
  • A nicer store interface than valve, with better community pages, curator pages, discussion pages, etc.
  • An equivalent to steam fest with a strong demo scene.
  • Something better than remote play together

This is of course also ignoring just how efficient, clean, customisable and ergonomic the steam interface is compared to all competition

Oh wait! That doesn’t exist. All we need is some way to guarantee valve doesn’t become public.

JowlesMcGee, avatar

Not to mention family sharing. I'm not sure of another PC store front that does the same, but it's been a bit help with my friends in being able to show games to each other and letting us try things before buying, similar to sharing discs back in the day.


… And Steam Remote Play.

Imotali, avatar

Don’t forget that mods often don’t play nice with games off steam

AnyOldName3, avatar

It kind of doesn’t, though. Because you can still launch non-Steam games through Steam, and activate retail Steam keys without Valve taking a cut, there are plenty of ways for things to compete against the Steam Store without needing to also compete against the Steam launcher.


All we need is some way to guarantee valve doesn’t become public.

I am hoping for aperture science to find a immortality solution for Gabe.


I think we need some Australium instead. GabeOS will put neurotoxin in the next Steam Deck.


Oh I see I see… that’s why they made current air vent smell so enticing, so when they release it we all go to smell it.

Chailles, avatar

So is it going to be GAbEOS or Gabe Johnson?

Chailles, avatar

You don’t even need all of that really. A lot of Steam functionality can be utilized just by adding it as a Non-Steam Game. Steam Workshop isn’t the necessary if you have a modding scene, you just need a good mod manager.

The key point on whether I’ll use your storefront or not is whether your plan for success is to buy out anti-Steam contracts (remember that it’s not exclusivity to EGS, its to not release on Steam) to get customers and low revenue cuts to get developers and most importantly, to run a loss leading business for a number of years until you are profitable. If EGS were to ever become profitable, how long until they switch to squeezing out as much as they can? They’ve already rescinded their “curated” catalog.

gamer, (edited )

This is not a good way to look at it. Competition is good regardless. It doesn’t matter how good Valve is today, if a viable competitor comes out, Valve will be forced to get better in order to compete.

All we need is some way to guarantee valve doesn’t become public.

This is wrong. Valve can enshittify without going public. If you think that public corporations are the only ones that are greedy/evil/anti-consumer, then you’ve never heard of the “private equity” industry. Look up the recent fight between the FTC and U.S. Anesthesia Partners in Texas for a clear example.

In capitalism, free market forces are what keep tug of war between produces and consumers fair, and competition is the fuel that keeps those free market forces moving. The fact that the Valve of today is both good and a monopoly is just a temporary rounding error/outlier. Over time, Valve will go to shit and consumers will suffer simply because Valve has almost no competition. This isn’t a question, it’s a fact of the mechanism of the economic system they exist in. It’s like gravity; just because you haven’t hit the floor yet doesn’t mean jumping off that building was a good idea.

Epic games, whether you hate them or not, is fighting the good fight. They are doing shitty things (exclusivity, etc), so maybe they aren’t the chosen one who will take challenge Valve, but they are on the right side of that fight. Hoping that Valve will stay great forever is foolish.

…but I will add that I don’t think Epic alone should be trying to take down Valve. Valve is way too entrenched in this market to be taken down with any realistic competition (probably why Epic is resorting to exclusivity deals). The FTC needs to step in and regulate the market. Idk what that would look like, but it’s possible to do it in a way that makes everyone happy. For example (off the top of my head, so probably flawed but whatever) the FTC could enforce interoperability between digital marketplaces so that consumers don’t need to install 30 different launchers to access their purchased libraries. That relatively small change could lower the bar to entry for competitors by a lot, and not be a burden to consumers at the same time. EDIT: and it would not be anything drastic like forcing a break up of Valve.


What a shittake


“hmm… a well thought out, reasoned response. But I disagree! How should I express my opinion effectively, to both this person and others who wander by?”

What a shittake

“Ah, yes. My masterpiece. Everyone must see this.”


Its funny how you credit the invisible hand of free market forces to keep things fair but acknowledge everywhere else that the only thing that actually intervenes to promote fairness is the FTC as government regulatory body.

If we could drop the obvious bullshit romanticism of capitalism this would be a mostly accurate post.


Found the tankie lol

Unregulated capitalism doesn’t work. I don’t think anyone has ever seriously claimed that it does. The FTC isn’t the only thing keeping the market fair, the free market does that on its own. When a company does a shitty thing, they lose customers and die. That’s true in pretty much every market in the real world, except for a few problematic ones where there are bad actors trying to cheat the system.


Plenty of people claim that it does. That is the entire ideological premise you invoke with the free market fetishism (laissez faire, Chicagoan school, Austrian economics) the “free market” means free to exploit consumers, not free to choose. Consumers do not have enough capital to afford any meaningful check against corporate snake oil. This over simplistic narrative youre spinning doesn’t match up with the track record.

Also, you don’t have to be an authoritarian communist to know that the free market is a crock of shit. Anybody with the ability to look at the past few hundred years would know Friedman hayek rothbard and most all libertarians are absolutely full of shit or just plain misguided

Imotali, avatar

Anti-capitalist ≠ tankie

In fact Communist ≠ tankie

Tankies are specifically defenders of Marxist-Leninist communism and their one party state rule (which is ironically not communism, it’s Stalinism which is a form of autocratic socialism)


Sure, but

  • Lemmy == Lots of tankies
  • Tankies == Anticapitalist

So I operate on the assumption that anticapitalist people on Lemmy are tankies. It’s not true in all cases ofc, but without more info, I think that’s a safe default.

That dude calling my post “bullshit romanticism of capitalism” gives a bit more confidence that they’re a tankie with a strong case of grassphobia.


Great example of oversimplification and reaching for conclusions that reinforce your bias. An effective way to shield yourself from valid criticism or any self reflection is to automatically discredit the person who brings it to your attention, whether its true or not is of little importance right?

Imotali, avatar

Lemmy is not full of tankies, yours truly a communist.

And your post was free market romanticism.

weeahnn, avatar

Sure, but

  • Beer == Germans
  • Germans == Fascists

So I operate on the assumption that German people on Lemmy are Fascists. It’s not true in all cases ofc, but without more info, I think that’s a safe default.

And before you call my flawless reasoning stupid… I don’t really have anything to say.


logic error on line 2: Beer == Germans

Beer does not equate to Germans, rather Germans equate to Beer. If we fix that error, then it doesn’t fit the original pattern:

  • Germans == Beer
  • Germans == Fascists

That would only work if Beer == Fascists, which of course is not true.

Also, wrong does not equal stupid, rather stupid equals wrong. Which is to say, you comment is wrong, but not necessarily stupid.


Epic games, whether you hate them or not, is fighting the good fight. They are doing shitty things (exclusivity, etc), so maybe they aren’t the chosen one who will take challenge Valve, but they are on the right side of that fight. Hoping that Valve will stay great forever is foolish.

My dude… If you’re doing shitty things, you are in fact not “fighting the good fight”. if anyone is doing that it’s someone like GOG.


I meant that they’re fighting Valve, which is “the good fight”. They’re not the only ones doing it, and they’re definitely not the best ones doing it, but they’re doing it. If they do manage to take a big chunk out of Valve’s marketshare somehow, that will be good for everyone, even people who decide to stay on Steam.

Imotali, avatar

No they permanently lost claim to “fighting the good fight” when they literally bundled their software with malware.


Apologies for the confusion when I said to stop preventing steam becoming public. I was just too lazy to write something along the lines of defining some kind of perpetual way to prevent the downfall of steam. Ideally it becomes an open source utopia tomorrow… but that’s not exactly realistic for a game store or as a business decision by valve and without people beying able to fork it we are never safe.


All of the following? Why would you need to be better in every way? There’s a perfectly valid use case for trade offs. Eg, let’s say some competitor had exclusives, no VR, the store interface was a little worse, and it was only roughly comparable on many other points. If it’s simply faster and more lightweight, that’s its competitive advantage. Or if it focuses on being open source and DRM free like GoG, that’s a competitive advantage.

Expecting something to be better in every way (than something with a massive head start) or else it might as well not exist? That’s just unreasonable. I don’t require a clothing store to be better than Walmart to shop there. I mean, the clothing store doesn’t even sell fruit! Why would anyone shop there when you can go to the Walmart and buy some grapes with your jeans?


Except these aren’t two different kinds of stores, they’d both be gaming marketplaces and if one has better features in every regard… Why use the inferior one at all?


If It’s not better in every way why would I swap? I’ll just keep using steam. The only selling point you could use to get me to swap is the promise of feature parity with steam and open source. I would support that even if it hurt a lot along the way, but I doubt it will happen.


Don’t let perfection be the enemy of good


It can’t exist. You can’t launch a new competitor to a mature and well-developed platform and hope to come anywhere near its feature set right off the bat. That’s never gonna happen, especially when a lot of the “requirements” you presented there are expensive shit that takes years of hard work to develop. You’re gonna have to give them time. And money, as it happens. They’re not gonna be able to develop that VR you present as a requirement if everybody refuses to use their platform because there is no VR. It’s a catch 22.


I’d be happy to support any kind of platform aiming to do these things even if it doesn’t have them yet, so long as it was open source or had some kind of structure that prevented enshitification. I’d contribute, probably force myself to use it where possible much like I do with other things. The issue is that the current competition trying to do what steam does (epic) is just trying to do it but worse.


Then they should be able to use the same tactics Valve used in the beginning.

But then you Valve fanboys start to cry when specific software requires you to install the Epic store? Which Valve did before.

JackbyDev, (edited )

Something better than steam workshop.

Maybe Nexus Mods’ third mod manager will be better than the first two? lol.


As soon as it has linux support for more than wow… people praise valve for proton lots but workshop has also done so much for Linux nmodding which is otherwise a nightmare.

MomoTimeToDie, w Dusk: Unpopular opinion: I'd rather pay Valve 30% and put up with their de facto monopoly than help Epic work towards their own (very obviously desired) monopoly


  • Loading...
  • SnowdenHeroOfOurTime,

    What planet do you live on exactly?



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  • SnowdenHeroOfOurTime,

    It monopolizes PC games in America and other countries. As even the most casual observer would know. Kind of idiotic to argue against that.

    It’s at the point where younger people think “pc games” is synonymous with “steam games”.



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  • SnowdenHeroOfOurTime,

    In the last 10 years I have bought 95% of my games on steam and that’s far from unusual


    I think he graduated from the Parker Brothers school of economics.

    Aurenkin, w Dyson Sphere Program - Combat System: Rise of the Dark Fog Coming this December | TGS2023

    So pumped for this. Put in a bunch of hours back when it first came out in early access then decided to put it down until combat came out. Super excited to jump back in!

    Haui, avatar

    Same. I also put in hundreds of hours in the beginning and barely touched it since then. I really like the game. It’s awesome for how cheap it was.

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