ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

Yesterday was a surprising day… I was ready to go out with little Frank, but only then I’ve noticed a flat tire on my . It simply was faster to change shoes than fix the flat… I didn’t even have time to dust the bike off…🤡😂

@cycling @rower


!deleted197 avatar

I've also fixed the flat, so the bike is ready for the evening ride we've planned with my trusted night cycling friend/companion. It's gonna be fabulous, as always!😍

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! It kinda lost it’s appeal after all those electronic shifting gravel upgrades, but damn, it’s still so light and nimble and fun to throw around the corners… @cycling @rower


!deleted3010 avatar
!deleted197 avatar

@wlukewindsor Oh, my bad! My road bicycle is Shimano all the way. What I was talking about is to ditch the 105 entirely (with ultegra RX in the back) and replace it with SRAM Force AXS group set with, sadly, the rim brakes…🤣 @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! You have no idea how hard it is to simultaneously pedal and play as a in …😂 Every pedal stroke my aim went off a bit and it was especially difficult in boss fights…🤡 @cycling @rower


!deleted130 avatar

@ssamulczyk You are taking cycling to a completely new level 😆

@cycling @rower

arek, avatar

@ssamulczyk nice! I also play games during indoor cycling :) @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

With a new haircut, I’ve managed to finish , like never before, in 5 days. No back pain, no sore legs, no wrecked mentality…🥰 Now to get to that 14k km, before the year ends…🤡 @cycling @rower


dafitoo, avatar

@ssamulczyk Dawaj namiary na fryzjera. @cycling @rower

dafitoo, avatar

@bobiko Zuckerberg mi przypomniał moje pierwsze skończone festive, też przed covid, 30.12.2015. @ssamulczyk @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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Johan_Barelds, avatar

@ssamulczyk @rower @cycling Well done and keep going! Nice contraption btw that shelf mounted above your steer. 😃 5x💯

!deleted197 avatar

@Johan_Barelds Thanks! That’s actually a desk that you can crank up or down! @rower @cycling

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

and to all of you! It’s again time to abuse myself and do over 600km in 8 days… It’s but I’m short by 600km to 14k km this year and I’ve been doing nothing for 3 days… So why not overdo it?🤡 @cycling @rower


!deleted197 avatar

@james I plan to do it in 5 days straight. After that I go drinking and that’s 2 days wasted for a hangover…🤣@cycling @rower

james, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Oh man… still jealous because I have this year not workout out in the gym on the 24th and neither will on the 31st. Being inactive is shit. 😪

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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adamshutes, avatar

@ssamulczyk Winter months are the hardest... but doing something is better than nothing... Forza!

!deleted197 avatar

@adamshutes I’m fine with cycling, it’s other things that pin me down and drain me completely…😔

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! The cadence (pedalling speed) reflects my current enthusiasm for life!🤡 I’m doing it, but man… Barely find the mental strength to do so… Mundane OSH (BHP) training did not help… @cycling @rower


arratoon, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower I pedal at such a slow cadence. I have to put real effort in to spin at about 95rpm. I'm more a Jan Ullrich grinding the gears rider than a Chris Froome whirl the pedals like the chain has come off one.

!deleted197 avatar

@arratoon I usually go around 90rpm, but indoor cycling is so mundane, I find it more and more difficult to motivate myself to do it… So, cadence reflects my passion for it…🤣 @cycling @rower

LukaszHorodecki, do rowery avatar

Niespodziewanie trafiło mi się trochę gotówki i chcę ją wykorzystać na nowe buty rowerowe. Poprzednie (Shimano XC31) mają zrobione jakieś 35-37 tysięcy kilometrów i to już niestety widać. Bardzo widać.

Poprzednie były z górskiej linii Shimano XC, więc tu zacząłem się przyglądać. Najprostszy model XC100 jest bardzo podobny do moich obecnych butów, ale stopień wyższe XC300 są dużo bardziej seksowne.

Zastanawiam się jednak, czy nie przyszła pora na coś bardziej „cywilnego”, z mniej agresywnym bieżnikiem. W tej kategorii budżetowe MT502 wydają się spoko, chociaż nie do końca przekonuje mnie to sznurowadło.

A najbardziej kuszą mnie buty z wyprawowej linii Shimano, EX7. Wyglądają zajebiście, a bieżnik i sztywność mają delikatniejsze niż stare buty. Tylko, cholera jasna, sześć stów? Trochę boli...

Macie któreś z tych butów? Polecacie/odradzacie?


Buty rowerowe Shimano XC300
Buty rowerowe Shimano MT502
Buty rowerowe Shimano EX700

LukaszHorodecki, avatar

@ssamulczyk @rower Tak ciśnąłeś, że się tworzywo podeszwy rozpuściło :)

LukaszHorodecki, avatar

@rower Update: przed chwilą przymierzałem te MT502. Dobrze leżały i odwecie bym kupił, gdyby nie kretyńskie wiązanie ze sznurówką i zaciskiem. Kto im to wymyślił?

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! Today I joined my club group ride! Only 2 people came, me included…🤡 We decided to take it easy, but of course we started to half-wheel and bait each other into 800W sprints…🤷🏻‍♂️😁 It was still fun, though. Nice to have someone to talk to!🥰 @cycling @rower


arratoon, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling I start off with mesh vest, jersey, arm warmers and Primaloft jacket, then after 20 minutes I’m down to the vest. I mean, I’m wearing bibs too… 👀

!deleted197 avatar

@arratoon Sounds complicated but still quite acceptable… If I start in a jersey it’s soaking wet in 5 minutes… Everything has its pros and cons…🤷🏻‍♂️ I’d have to invest in a better fan… Wahoo Headwind looks nice but practicality calls for something more “multipurpose”…@cycling

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! I was trying to hit 900W on a sprint and almost puked in the process… I always tell myself I’m gonna go easy, but it ends up with stupid full-gas sprints…🤡 @cycling @rower


MOyster, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower 900 watts is a lot even for just a few seconds!

!deleted197 avatar

@MOyster I know! I can do that outside, throwing the bike around a lot. I’m less convinced to do so with a bike pinned in place to a trainer… I’m sure I will try to go harder many times in the future…😂 @cycling @rower

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

! Core is a nice and quiet smart trainer, I’ll give it that! But riding at home is a horrifyingly sweaty endeavour and I will still take any chance to ride outside…🤷🏻‍♂️ @cycling @rower


!deleted197 avatar

@brie I’m afraid I’d drown in sweat, wearing that… But I guess I could do some kind of diving VR while drowning… 😂

!deleted197 avatar

@wariat No ale moment obrotowy jest żaden… Utknąłbym na pierwszej desce…🤡

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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First ride on my new ! To bad it’s dark. But hey, it’s !😂 GX + AXS. That cassette is ridiculously huge! The shifting performance is astonishing, my old GRX comparatively is a piece of shit…😂 @cycling @rower


adamshutes, avatar

@ssamulczyk I have it on the 2x road bike. Wonderful.

!deleted197 avatar

@adamshutes It’s difficult for me to imagine getting used to the front mech shifting with AXS… I will consider it if I’m gonna get a new road bike.🤷🏻‍♂️

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
!deleted197 avatar

I’m a man of my word, so I went . Little Frank was and went with me. What an ! Surprisingly, the started and we had to ask mommy to pick him up…🤡 I was left behind and had to return on the …😂 At least my is clean now…😂 @cycling @rower


joloughlin, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower Little Frank made a good choice of footwear, can't beat a good pair of wellies

ssamulczyk, do rowery angielski
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!deleted197 avatar

@mlabowicz Well, I live in so called „Flatpoland”, a parody of Greater Poland region’s name. The nearest „hill” is around 20km from where I live and it’s like 60m climb at best…😂@cycling @rower

mlabowicz, avatar

@ssamulczyk @cycling @rower I live near Chicago, which is probably just as flat 😀

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