ssamulczyk, 9 miesięcy temu #GoodMorning #RoadBike! Surprise! I haven’t been using that #bicycle for some time, but today I’ve decided it was a great idea to get up at 5am and just go for it!🥰😂 #Cycling #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #Szosa #LookMomNoHands #Wartostrada #Warta #Poznan #Malta #DadOnBike #ASMR #Shimano #Workout #BikeToot #BikeTooter @cycling @rower video/mp4
#GoodMorning #RoadBike! Surprise! I haven’t been using that #bicycle for some time, but today I’ve decided it was a great idea to get up at 5am and just go for it!🥰😂
#Cycling #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #Szosa #LookMomNoHands #Wartostrada #Warta #Poznan #Malta #DadOnBike #ASMR #Shimano #Workout #BikeToot #BikeTooter @cycling @rower
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