Unpopular opinion: a lot of games have an artificial massive skill cliff right at the game’s climax that ruins the mood.
Some people collect platinum trophies and call it done, I hit about 99% and call it done. We are not the same.
Edit: Example - Dark Souls. I flew through the game with a bastard sword, medium rolling and smashing everything in my path. Can’t beat Gwyn because I never learned to parry. Yeah, I need to get gud, but that’s hardly a sane skill progression, even for Dark Souls.
I’ve played all the souls games, bloodborne, Sekiro, and Elden ring (and love them all), and I’m complete ass at parrying. Aside from Sekiro where you have to, I never really learned. I’ve just beaten every single game by dodging or blocking.
Indie titles are nice, but There’s really only so many pixel-art or cel-art style games I’m willing to play. And while, sure, there are noteable exceptions here and there, they’re just that. Exceptions.
I know why they do it, but my point is that I feel there is a missing middle in gaming.
I just opened my Steam wishlist and there’s a lot of titles on there with 75% - 90% off. Including a one piece game normally $80 for $12.
Now to go through them and see which ones I still want now that they are cheap and time has passed for more reviews/development. Seems like games I add to my wishlist are about 50/50 for if I actually want them when they are really cheap.
Nope, I bought Snowrunner this week and I’m having a great time with it, I would not be having a great time with most of my “backlog”. There’s a reason unplayed games stay unplayed.
YMMV but I think a healthier approach to backlogs in general is understanding it’s okay to leaving something unfinished, not be immediately hooked, or revisit it when you’re in the mood.
As long as you tried the game and realise it’s not for you (in the moment or later) then you don’t need to finish. Playing games should be like travelling and visiting places - you’ll likely never see all of it and that’s okay.
I cant. Fuck elden ring at this point. Fuck it very much. Its nice, its good. But I’m done dying.
Starfield is a dog. That’s 60 euros down the drain. I never see me complete that.
Telltale the Expanse was good, as a prequel to the show. Not as a game.
God of war is mediocre. That’s not a game. That’s a collection of pretty pictures with a prompt to mash specific button xyz. Another 40 euro lost.
Cyberpunk was and is great. But I’ve completed it 7 or 8 times now. Phantom liberty does break the game though, too many legendary weapons and mods which break the balance. But still, nice story, a lot to do.
I bought something else also this year. That was also shit.
“I’ll give more money to EA, Epic Games, Ubisoft, Riot Games or anything the community hypes up, then whine about how I’m mistreated, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”