
reksas, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Idlegames, though I kind of dont want to count those as games in the first place. What make them anathema to fun to me is that they are designed for you to waste your time on them. They dont teach you anything either, maybe some prioritization if you really get into them.


It could be argued that other video games are also designed for us to waste time on. It’s just that the method of wasting time is different. In one you make numbers go up, in another you kill enemies (which might just be to make numbers go up: referring to grinding in RPGs) or try to make the car go fast in the right direction.

I personally enjoy idle games, but I understand that others might not like just clicking some buttons that will make the numbers go up faster.

liv, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Minesweeper. Because I found it ugly and boring and it still managed to put me on edge.


nooooo not minesweeper ;-;

RxBrad, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?
@RxBrad@lemmings.world avatar


It didn’t even feel like a game. It was simply pattern-recognition torture.


That’s all the FromSoft games to be fair. I’m forcing myself to finish Dark Souls one for the first time right now and straight up? I fucking hate this game.


Hey. What are you doing? Stop playing Dark Souls.


Curious why you're forcing yourself to finish a game you don't like. I usually drop at this point, because I play games for fun. Are you a completionist who'll get some satisfaction when it's all done, or someone who has to write a gaming review? I realize my tone seems judgmental but I'm really just curious and am not sure how to better word my post to come off as less judgmental.


Sort of the completionist thing, it’s just one of those games people rant and rave about, so I want to have the experience. I also rode every roller coaster in a very popular amusement park just so I could say I have done it and will never again. I’m a crazy person.


As soon as I saw it’s locked at 30fps, it immediately killed any amount of interest I had in playing it. All the power to people who can stomach action games at what feels like a slide-deck input response.


This game has been the bane of my existence. I love the atmosphere, story, and design of Bloodborne. I cannot get myself to enjoy the game. I want to like it so badly because everything other than the mechanics are extremely my-interests, but FUCK do I not like the gameplay.

HumbleFlamingo, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Triangle Strategy. It’s basically a visual novel with 5 minutes of combat every hour or so.

@space@beehaw.org avatar

I only logged about 3-4 hours in that game and only encountered 2 battles. The story up to that point put me off too before it even picked up stream, like a classic “prince ascending to throne and hey here’s your betrothed future queen who you don’t quite get along with, oh hey bandits” Maybe my expectations were too high with the hype the story was getting. The dialog is so drab, it’s a chore to click through.

I just wanted to play a modernized FF Tactics, but I couldn’t even find the game within triangle strat.

I had also got FF7 crisis core reunion shortly before that. I put too many hours into that expecting it to evolve but the gameplay is nothing more than a grind in featureless terrain that you only have the option of fast-traveling to.

Then I realized this was my first time to play squeenix. I was expecting squaresoft.

I won’t get another squeenix game.


This was EXACTLY my experience.

I’m currently playing Mercenaries Blaze. It’s very similar to FFT, but heavy on combat and light on stories. Between each fight there is a 2-5 minute cut scene to push the story forward, but nothing ridiculous. The game has some balance issues, but if the main story quests are too difficulty, you can run a few training missions and level up and get caught up in no time.


Good to see some player opinions on Triangle Strategy. I’ve had the game on my Switch wishlist forever, hoping to snag it if it ever went on sale or I cleared some of my backlog. Now I’m not even sure I want it if it doesn’t come close to the greatness of FF Tactics.

@space@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah I’d say skip it and check one of the other recommendations in this thread instead.

@JCPhoenix@beehaw.org avatar

Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (or rereleased as Tactics Ogre Reborn), to me, is that modernized version of FFT. I like FFT, but I liked that Tactics Ogre game waaaaay better.

Fizz, do gaming w List of specific video game communities on the Threadiverse, feel free to comment with more
@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

I think the threadiverse is still to small to have individual game communities. I’d rather see people posting things about their games in a generic game community.

Elevator7009, (edited )

I think there's a good use for the individual communities. If everyone posted stuff about their games in a generic game community I think it would turn a lot of people off. I wouldn't want to see a constant influx of posts where I actually like only 1/8 of the games being talked about and don't understand or like the other 7/8. The general gaming communities tend to stick to big gaming news or topics most gamers might have some input on. You probably don't want a community that started out with conversations you can join in on to be overrun with my favorite niche game in a genre you hate with an artstyle you hate, but that also happens to have a super active Threadiverse community. I completely get what you're saying, the Threadiverse is pretty small and a lot of specific magazines just don't get content at a decent rate, but I appreciate that we have separate communities.

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

“Big gaming news” is generally just talking about game marketing and honestly kind of boring. I want to see people talking and sharing clips and things about their games. If there is to many posts from one game dominating the feed then they could be asked to form their own community.

Its easier to post to an active community than a dead one. For example I may not have played old school runescape in a while and I wouldn’t be following the osrs community but if I saw a thread about osrs on a generic gaming community I would be drawn into the conversation. I think having lots of people in one place can encourage people to Participate in threads they wouldn’t have gone out of their way to search.


Different people will be different, I find big gaming news interesting to talk about and don't want to see games from genres I have no interest in. I definitely see your point about active communities and how a more general community might bringing up stuff that you don't like enough to follow but do like enough to have a casual conversation about it!


The ones for the bigger games (Baldur’s Gate 3, Starfield, probably Cyberpunk soon) have been active enough to make it work.

@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

But they won’t be in a few months.


Possibly. And if so, that’s perfectly okay.

cafentropy, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Before I say this I do admit I am in the wrong, and that an overwhelming majority of people love this game, and I understand that on an objective level it was both ground breaking and excellent.

I cannot, for the life of me, enjoy breath of the wild due to weapons breaking. I played maybe 5 hours? I got excited when I found a cool sword, and then proceeded to never use it because I was afraid to “waste” it. (and repeat that with new weapons, to save which I have to go find some little seed people to have more inventory slots?)

I understand that they want me to try new things, but for me, for some reason, it just wasn’t fun. I want to be excited when I find new loot, not anxious. Maybe it’s because I grew up with Diablo-like games, where accumulating loot was the fun part, but I can’t seem to enjoy it when the game takes toys away from me.


You are not in the wrong for not enjoying a video game. A person’s level of subjective enjoyment can and will differ from objective quality.


That’s a fair point, I just know it’s a common contrarian take and wanted to distance myself a little from that. I meant that I am aware I’m in the minority on it, it’s not a purely bad feature, just one that doesn’t work for me.


I loved BOTW as a generic open world adventure game. It was probably the worst “Zelda” entry outside of the CD-i games though.
I just pretend that it wasn’t one at all.
The weapons breaking thing along with incredibly repetitive and boring enemies made me avoid all fights not absolutely necessary.
The boss fights - few and far between though they were - were good.

I had hoped that the new one would fix all of the previous one’s issues but as people like us are in the minority it seems that they kept the formula the same. I’m not sure if I’ll even play it.

@Dr_Cog@mander.xyz avatar

They did address it in the new one.

Now weapons are all (mostly) shitty, but you can accumulate up to 999 each of powerful attachments to your weapons. If your powerful silver bokoblin sword broke, find another shitty weapon and attach one of the silver bokoblin horns to it that you have. Attaching also makes the durability significantly higher.


Thank you for sharing… but this doesn’t inspire confidence.
Better? Maybe. Good? Not really.
I’m sure I’ll eventually make my way to it, but I’m in no hurry to play it.
Maybe when the Switch 2 comes out?!

@Dr_Cog@mander.xyz avatar

Maybe I didn’t explain it properly. I did hate the BOTW system but really enjoy the new one. You still feel like you need to switch your tactics up regularly but you don’t need to go hunting for good weapons anymore.


Well that sounds a lot better!

Destraight, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

The binding of Isaac. You just do the same thing the whole game. You shoot stuff, and gather stupid RNG items. That’s it, such a boring game

thoro, (edited ) do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy

Now, it’s kind of the point. But I don’t know if it was my mouse or what but I found the controls to be too poorly implemented with how difficult of a game it already is. Sometimes, the hammer would basically glitch out or would apply way more pressure relative to my movements and fling me back down to the button. It served as an element of frustration that I think goes against the design goals. I’ve seen speed runs that make me think it could have been my hardware, but I’ll never know. Actually, remembering, I think I switched to a different mouse eventually that was better but still not great.

I also just didn’t really ever buy into the premise. I know it’s an ode to B games, but the piling of random assets is not what I would consider good design even if they serve the purpose of what the game is going for. There are plenty of difficult video games that are about perseverance but still put in the effort in level design, mechanics, controls, etc.

Tbh, I found it an interesting enough experiment with failed execution. I don’t understand people who hold it up as one of the better “art” games in the medium.

Kolanaki, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?
!deleted6508 avatar

Progress Quest.

It’s certainly funny but it is not a fun game. It plays itself. Literally. That’s the point. It was something you ran along side with your mIRC client to show your uptime in a fun way.

I don’t find any of those kinds of games fun. From Cookie Clicker to most mobile games, “idle games” are just the most unfun, un-game-like games ever made.


That’s the thing: progress quest isn’t an idle game. It’s a parody of modern games that was made long before idle games were a thing. It wasn’t fun just like a joke isn’t an interesting story.

!deleted6508 avatar

I would say it was the grandaddy of idle games. It was made as a joke, but actual games have followed its model seriously. And it sucks. It parodies JRPGs, many of which had an auto-battle option. But that was still just an option, and they typically had stories and other fun things about them.

viking, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?
@viking@infosec.pub avatar

Any multiplayer game. They sacrifice a deep and interesting storyline for the sake of pointless grinding and slaughtering.

rikonium, (edited ) do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

In recent memory the two that have stood out to me are Risk of Rain 2 and Halo 4. I thought some 3rd-person action in the former would be fun but I found the core loop and overall shooting boring after a couple run attempts so I guess it just didn’t click for me.

Now Halo 4… I think gameplay in that title is an exercise in tedium. Add on (what is in my opinion as:) poor AI, a bit too much melodrama, dumb retcons, “do X three times!” a bit much and I got a campaign that felt like a chore and haven’t touched it since I left off at the level with the Mammoth. The Prometheans are a pain to fight and I felt funneled into making do with Forerunner weapons to take ranged potshots at Watchers above all other targets and then rushing to kill the one Knight I was targeting before it regenerates, also above all other targets. Yuck. (Update: Coming back here since it occurred to me that I could sum it up as: my ability to make mid-combat decisions and play in the sandbox was kneecapped by poor enemy and maaaybe level design respectively.)

Good music though.

millie, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

We had a few cartridges for our Colecovision that I could never figure out how to get to do anything very game-like. I don’t really remember the names of the bad ones. I’d be hard pressed to remember the names of the good ones other than like Donkey Kong. They were pretty hit or miss in general and the controller was really weird, but it made a memorable introduction to gaming and a great starting point to watch it all grow from.

I think the worst game I’ve ever played was the Dragonlance game for NES. There are other equally bad games that are even bad in largely the same way, but I’m a big Dragonlance fan and when I finally got a copy of this I was very excited for about 5 minutes. It’s just bad. I have vague memories of throwing Tass into a hole a bunch of times and like maybe a little bit after that, but it was a mess. Maybe if I’d been able to get past the controls I’d have found a gem in there somewhere, but it just wasn’t there. I feel like if a pizza company can knock out a class A platformer, TSR should have been able to manage.

It’s odd, because D&D crpgs have usually been innovative for their time, using the D&D rules and hitting the ball out of the park. The Dragonlance game didn’t come that long before the Black Sun game they made, and I’m pretty sure they had been making similar crpgs previously. I feel like I remember playing another early one on our 8088. But they decided to make some half assed platformer instead. Huh?

But Dragonlance always seems to get shafted on adaptations. I remember Tracy Hickman talking on Palace in the late 90s about making a live action Dragonlance movie with Aaron Eisenberg as Tasslehoff, but it seemed to just evaporate and instead we got that kinda weird but cool to see very stylized cartoon. I do like that it looked like the book covers, but it was a long way from what we’d initially expected to see.

Some day Dragonlance will get some real love. Maybe Baldur’s Gate 3 will help.

explodicle, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Eternal Sonata. It actually felt eternal, the whole game is just a super slow slog of boring repetitive combat with infrequent opportunities to save.


It might be tolerance, this is true for me now for almost all turn based RPGs.

Wojwo, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

I’ll go with a classic, “E.T. the extraterrestrial” on the Atari… It was bad. It’s badness is legendary for a reason.


I played it at a video game museum and yeah it was pretty stupid


And that reason was mainly because of bugs in the game!


No, it was genuinely bad. Yes bugs, but it was also the classic example of corporate overlords forcing “creativity” and hoping that the licensed property would make it a success regardless of the quality.

rainynight65, do gaming w Not counting games that were unfun because of bugs, what’s the most unfun video game that you’ve played and what made it unfun?

Maybe not the most unfun game I have ever played (I’ve played games since the late 90s), but certainly the most unfun I have played in recent years: Elex.

I liked Piranha Bytes’ old Gothic series a lot despite its weaknesses and idiosyncrasies. The Risen games weren’t that great, but the reviews for Elex were pretty promising. So I gave it a shot, and tried for about 16 hours to find the fun in it. I stopped playing when I realised:

  • I couldn’t hold my own in almost any battle because I didn’t have good enough gear
  • In order to get better gear, I had to join one of the game’s factions
  • In order to join one of the factions, I had to perform a number of tasks for them
  • The factions were all just dickheads, and I didn’t want to do anything for them, much less their dirty work

So yeah, no fun to be had with this one.

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