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countstex, do games w Weekly what have you been playing discussion - week of September, 25, 2023 avatar

Just started a run through of The Isle Tide Hotel on Steam, enjoyed the demo a while back and I’m a sucker for a bit of FMV.

oxideseven, do games w Weekly what have you been playing discussion - week of September, 25, 2023

2nd playthrough of BG3 with friends.



Conan exiles.

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Did you play Cyberpunk because of the new update/DLC?


I spend like 150 hours on it when it came out and finished. Came back for the update and dlc yeah.

I haven’t done much in the game just yet

SteelObelisk, do gaming w What was the formative horror game of your childhood?

Master of Darkness on the Sega Master System. The soundtrack was haunting.

LoamImprovement, do gaming w What was the formative horror game of your childhood?

Shivers - that game absolutely nailed the atmosphere, and for the players that don’t know the ixupi hotspots and the game’s tricks, it’s genuinely terrifying. I’d say give it a look, on GoG you could do worse for six bucks.

skele_tron, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 24th avatar

Wanted:Dead, or at least i try. Does not feel like an arcade game at all, collisions feel like random

shahar2k, do gaming w What was the formative horror game of your childhood?

Thief, the dark project + my brand new EAX 4 speaker surround system… hoooly shit

MrKurteous, do gaming w Should I stick with The Outer Wilds? (EDIT: yes)

Personally I hated the game the first couple of hours before I discovered the autopilot, because I was dying too often too achieve anything interesting. Then I discovered it, and then actually learned to fly, and since then I just loved the game. Maybe consider if you might be in a similar situation, or if maybe it’s just not your thing!

flintcedar, do gaming w What was the formative horror game of your childhood?

Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly

The old Japanese village scene with the super dark graveyard area. Somehow the image still stuck hard in my head.

Moonguide, do gaming w What was the formative horror game of your childhood?

One of two. Ghosts and Ghouls on snes, I was like 4 but wasn’t scared. And the other one is not a horror game but for 6 year old me it was scary as shit, Halo CE. The Library level and the one before, 343 Guilty Spark, were hell for me. Beating those levels was a goddamn relief.

MangoKangaroo, do gaming w What was the formative horror game of your childhood?

Not sure it counts, but I played a loooot of Killing Floor in my early teens.

zO_op, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 24th

I started my third playthrough of dragonage inquisition this week. I’m playing a male Inquisitor for the first time so I can romance Dorian. I really really enjoy DA:I, I never played any of the earlier games but even without context the gameplay loop and getting to know the characters is always fun. I do feel like I make the same choices every time I play though. I struggle to have video game characters make choices I wouldn’t personally make.

Lojcs, do gaming w What was the formative horror game of your childhood?


comicallycluttered, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 24th

I think I might get started on New Vegas again. Maybe. I’ve got a lot of other shit to keep me occupied, so we’ll see.

It’s been years, so while it won’t be “playing it like new”, I’ve forgotten enough to keep it a little bit fresh.

Just need to sort out my mod list first. All the major bugfixes and shit are there, but I want to add some of the radio mods and maybe updated character models or just textures in general (although I honestly don’t care much about graphics, but still).

Everything else is staying the same.

(For radio, I might actually add some audio drama podcasts and older radio dramas that I feel could still fit in the world of Fallout. Pretty much anything pre-Atomic Era works without needing some suspension of disbelief since the timeline only split around or slightly after WWII.)

hascat, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of September 24th

I’ve been playing IdleOn for a few months now, but since I’ve been traveling for the last week I’ve been using my phone instead of the computer. The UI could be more finger-friendly, but it’s handy to be able to do some of the daily stuff without too much trouble

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