nudnyekscentryk, do piracy w Is there a sponsor block situation for Podcasts? avatar

On top of dynamic ads, another problem would be decentralisation of podcasts. Many of them are released on several platforms simultaneously, and some sort of extra work would be needed for this to work accordingly independent of where you’re listening to a particular podcast to.

Toribor, (edited ) do games w What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish? avatar

Fallout: New Vegas.

Love the game, it’s potentially the best in the series. But I’ve hit the same game-ending glitch twice. Basically at a certain point an important faction decides to become completely hostile towards me despite me having positive faction rep and despite lots of tweaking with console commands to try to work around the problem.

I’d even restored a save from ten hours prior to triggering the bug and still had the problem once I progressed a quest line.

Super frustrating. I’ve experienced a lot of the early game multiple times but never gotten to the end of any of the major quest lines.

Kolanaki, do games w What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish?
!deleted6508 avatar

Fucked if I’ll ever beat Nethack without wizard mode.

Death Stranding is another, though for a completely different reason. I know there’s some super cool fun shit somewhere in there; but getting through the first few hours of the game to get to that point is so boring I always end up putting it down before getting to anything worthwhile. And that’s with actually thinking the walking system is pretty kick ass.

corytheboyd, avatar

Death Stranding is one of my favorite games of all time that I will recommend to literally nobody.

JocularGargoyle, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of December 31st

One of my children got me The Coffin of Andy and Lelyey for Christmas, so that’s in progress. Finally downloaded Alan Wake 2 (which I’ve been eagerly anticipating forever) since it was on sale, so that’s on deck.

I think the only game I played last year that actually came out in 2023 was Diablo 4 and I refuse to call that my favorite. (I did play most of the old Shadowrun games though and enjoyed them immensely.)

Illustrious_Luck5514, do games w What's your favorite game that you will NEVER finish?

A mod, not a game, but Terrafirmacraft.

I deeply love every part of it, except the ore prospecting system. I always use commands to find my first copper vein because I find it so grindy otherwise. Doesn’t help that the vast majority of TFC’s progression is locked behind copper.

So I guess technically I’ll probably never complete the game legit.

simple, avatar

The same devs went on to make Vintage Story and finding copper there can also be a real pain. It’s kind of wild to hear their Minecraft mod having the same issue.

_Lory98_, do games w Games with graphics resembling PS1 or PS2?

Signalis is very good. It’s an re1-style survival horror but with a more scifi setting.

jordanlund, do gaming w Disco Elysium - Switch or Xbox/PS5 avatar

I’m going to be the negative nancy on this one, because I had the same deal, super cheap price and I wanted something to play on my Steam Deck.

It LOOKS great. It PLAYS like shit. You navigate the world as a character who maybe got hit in the head too hard a few too many times. None of the dialog choices are good, they are all just varying degrees of “Stupid” to “Who hurt you?”

Some people get off on it, I couldn’t stand playing a character that fucking stupid. I asked around going “So… did I just roll the stats wrong? It’s not too late for me to re-start…”

No, it turns out, regardless of your stats, it really is just that badly written.

ampersandrew, avatar

I don't think the OP was really looking for a review of the game, and given the accolades it received for writing, calling the game "badly written" likely makes your review an outlier.

Urist, do gaming w Disco Elysium - Switch or Xbox/PS5 avatar

Can’t answer your question directly, but it is pretty lightweight and loads of fun!

KingThrillgore, do games w Do you play games over the holidays with your family? avatar

Its called “Putting up with your racist southener side of the family” and its easily the worst game of the year.

I kid. Its Board Games time when i’m with family and last year I got them hooked on Fluxx.

Phegan, do games w What's your favorite game you played this year? (Doesn't have to be released this year )


jan_penene, do zapytajszmer w Gdzie wrzucić film, by go od razu nie skasowali?

Najprostszy sposób to wrzucić na serwer pokroju Dropbox i przesłać linka

emeralddawn45, do pcgaming w What to do now that ds4windows is dead again?

Just keep using the old version? I haven’t updated it jn ages and it works fine.

Vinny_93, do pcgaming w What to do now that ds4windows is dead again?

Check out reWASD, by Daemon Tools. I paid 7 dollars for it once and it’s great.


reWASD is brilliant, great suggestion!


Daemon Tools

Holy crap! They still exist? I haven’t heard that name in forever, but I loved their stuff back when I needed it. Wow.

toxicbubble420, do gaming w Need help finding a controller for less than 50€


OpenTheSeaLegs, do gaming w Need help finding a controller for less than 50€

I’ve got the gulikit pro and its the best controller I’ve ever had! I specially like how I can quickly swap A-B buttons on the fly. 3 others of my group also have it

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