sunflower_scribe, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

I don’t play many games, but Stray was one of the best that I’ve ever played, honestly. Not too long, emotionally satisfying with equally satisfying gameplay.



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  • Umbrias,

    The cat part is also almost entirely irrelevant to the game. Neither the story nor the mechanics really care that you’re a cat. Sure you do more climbing than walking, but you do that in uncharted too. Linear combing sections are not what I imagine when I think “cat movement.”

    Zo0, do gaming w What’s one of your favorite game soundtracks?

    not to be a hater but GTAV Radio station songs are ‘licensed music’ not soundtracks, also you can just fire up spotify or youtube if you just wanna listen to them instead of running GTAV each time

    orca, avatar

    The benefit to the radio stations in game is that you get the silly commercials and commentary too. I like the whole package together. Sometimes I’ll drive around while just listening too, which is fun.

    emilygage, do gaming w Comfort games? avatar

    Dragon Age Origins - love the world, love the story, love the soundtrack, love the companion interactions.

    Thrashy, avatar

    For all the hate it gets, Inquisition was this for me as well, when I wanted a relatively simple primary plot where the problem of evil could be solved by hitting it with a sword. The musical interlude “The Dawn Will Come” that happens after the player’s party suffers their first big setback has stuck with me as well.

    sailsperson, do gaming w Got a game you feel passionate about? Sell it to us here!

    Not a single post about Prey (2017), the Arkane’s immersive sim gem set aboard the Talos I space station orbiting the Moon? I expected more of you, people!

    Prey is a wonderful game. I think it wouldn’t lie make a mistake by designating it an RPG and an immersive sim, given its various skills (that are actually more than a few stat changes here and there - they affect, dictate the way you play the game), the multitude of ways you can approach so many things from puzzles to locations where you’re supposed to be to pretty much any in-game decision.

    Prey’s world is rather small, but in the best way possible - it’s a space station, called Talos I, orbiting the Earth’s only moon (the Moon), doing some bleeding edge scientific research thanks to its diverse crew of the very best people Earth could send there. Talos I itself is split into different sections, each with its own purpose, making them unique locations with their own dangers and breath-taking sights; some interiors are spacious and let you navigate the level in stealthy ways, avoiding the hostiles entirely (if you have the wits!), and some are narrower, but many still offer you an alternate path to your destination if you look hard enough.

    Prey lets you do stuff. You don’t like crawling in silence, trying to stay away from a fight until you hoover up every resource you can to make you “ready” to face the enemy? Go gun blazing - there’s no shortage of unique lethal tech at your disposal! You want to play a certain role, like be a mad menace to society? Feel free to murder everything you see, either with your own hands or by letting them die another brutal death! You want to be a true video game hero, saving each and every one? Roll your sleeves and get to work, because there sure is some saving to do!

    Prey is the game where you think you know what’s going on, but you actually don’t. There will be surprises, and there will be moments of awe, and they’re all just done so well.

    And last, but not least, is its magnificent soundtrack by Mick Gordon. The game looks gorgeous, and sometimes can give you some spooks, but the music completes the puzzle, setting its eerie atmosphere.

    It’s a game you will likely play more than once to experience everything it has to offer. The game does not force you to do this or that, it does not explicitly tell you what skills to pick to be a good person, and it does not block one path if you’ve already taken another one, but you sure will experience the call of curiosity: “What if I chose only that?” Whatever you choose, you have the ability to craft yourself a unique playthrough, each equally interesting and viable.


    Prey is a masterpiece of world-building, level design, and gameplay. I can’t overstate how special that game is. Without spoiling anything, its opening “level” was one of the coolest, awe-striking experiences I’ve had in gaming.


    Agreed, it’s right up there with “I am SHODAN” from SS2.

    stopthatgirl7, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.
    !deleted7120 avatar


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  • wccrawford,

    It was really unfortunate that they included that. I continued to the end, but those were definitely the worst parts.

    TofuScramble, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

    Genuine question: how much of the marketing material did you see? I thought it was always clear that it was gonna be an exploration/puzzle game in a cyberpunk world with a baddie.

    I had the opposite reaction, and was surprised by how much I enjoyed the small things, like scratching a carpet!

    I do hope you find something more like what you’re wishing for, though 🙂

    OMG_its_mustard, avatar

    The cat flopping over the first time he wears the backpack was spot on


    I forgot about that but at the time I almost died because that was so real!

    beefcat, avatar

    Yeah if OP went into stray expecting an open world survival game, that’s on them. It’s kind of silly to be disappointed that a game does not meet expectations fabricated entirely within your own head.

    ugh, do gaming w Recommendations for open world games with focus on interaction instead of exploration or survival

    Check out other Assassin’s Creed games! I agree that Red Dead Redemption is anther good suggestion. I suggest the first one as well. Maybe Fable? The second one was my favorite, but people rave about the first one as well. I didn’t play the first one until I didn’t have as much time to game.

    This might be a miss, but the Sims can be insane with mods. You can cheat their needs and not worry about those. Sims 3 is open world and the best of the series, but I’m not as familiar with the mods available for it. There are Sims 4 mods that introduce murder (guns and knives provided of course), drugs and gangs, zombies, prostitution, murderous toddlers, and much more that I can’t think of right now.

    Modders are fucking lunatics when it comes to the Sims. Someone made a mod for Sims 3 where you could grill and eat a baby. EA stepped in to shut that down…


    Finger slipped and accidentally deleted my comment instead of editing a comma in. Here we go again:

    Someone made a mod for Sims 3 where you could grill and eat a baby

    I remember this! It was the OMGWTFBBQ. I only remember a Sims 2 version, though. The Sims 2 version can still be downloaded here, it’s just not on anymore.





    I think it was intended to be OMGWTFBarbecue, because you barbecue the baby.

    Novemberwind, avatar

    I agree with the other Assassins creed games. At least with Odyssey, that’s what I played most. You can explore all of ancient Greece and there are lots of really good and fun side quests. Just don’t think of it as a pure stealth game, like the first game was, more like an action adventure with stealth elements, or you might be a bit disappointed.

    jay, do gaming w are there small sized mmorpg's? avatar

    What about MUDs? I haven’t played them myself but would love to try one afternoon.


    discworld mud is quite good, it has also been around for quite a while.

    Mugmoor, avatar

    The Wheel of Time MUD is amazing.

    harcesz, (edited ) do zapytajszmer w Dlaczego libertarianizm ma tak złą opinię?
    !deleted269 avatar


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  • BubsyFanboy, (edited ) avatar

    A także, dlatego, że większość libertarian to doskonale rozumie i mniej lub bardziej otwarcie współpracuje z faszystami, czy też dlatego, że w środowiskach libertariańskich skrajnie częste są wynaturzenia takie jak pedofilia i zoofilia czy w końcu dlatego, że nazwa została ukradziona anarchistom.

    Za to możesz raczej obwiniać Amerykańską LP i Korwina. :P


    Pedofilia i Zoofilia to troche przesada, w żaden sposób nie wchodzi to w plan polityczny libertarianizmu, może to być cecha pewnych ludzi, niekoniecznie powiazanych z libertarianizmem. I to co opisujesz to już właśnie anarchizm, podstawowa kontrola monopolu raczej wchodzi w skład postulatów współczesnych partii libertariańskich. Tak jak lewica nie postuluje całkowitej komuny, tak libertarianie nie postulują anarcho-kapitalizmu. Postulowane są raczej rozwiązania bardziej uwspółcześnione. Niby przedsiębiorstwo jest autorytarne, ale każdy może zostać przedsiębiorcą, system w żaden sposób tego nie zabrania. A jednak im bardziej lewicowe państwo się staje, tym wiecęj kontroli mają rządzący, tym samym bardziej kontrolują kto ma tą władzę.

    pbpza, (edited )

    Niby przedsiębiorstwo jest autorytarne, ale każdy może zostać przedsiębiorcą, system w żaden sposób tego nie zabrania.

    Nie każdy ma początkowy kapitał tak finansowy, jak społeczny czy adekwatne umiejętności — jak wszędzie i tutaj uprzywilejowane jednostki mają łatwiej. Merytokracja w nieegalitarnym systemie to ułuda i większość ludzi jest de facto skazana na bądź śmierć głodową bądź wyzysk w autorytarnym przedsiębiorstwie.


    Postulowane są raczej rozwiązania bardziej uwspółcześnione.

    Jakie konkretnie rozwiązania są postulowane?

    Nie każdy może zostać przedsiębiorcą. Nie każdy pieniądze na start. Nie każdy ma pieniądze na walkę z wielkimi korporacjami, które promilem swoich zarobków mogą zabić każdą małą firmę, czy człowieka.

    zbych, avatar

    podstawowa kontrola monopolu raczej wchodzi w skład postulatów współczesnych partii libertariańskich

    W jaki sposób libertarianizm chce kontrolować monopole?

    Datas_Cat_Spot, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game. avatar

    I think if someone went all out with making some sort of bizarre simulator game like this, people would play it. Like, don’t even try to make it fun or add a story or anything, just make it as real as you can.


    I mean, maybe try to make it a little fun

    Datas_Cat_Spot, avatar

    Lol, I suppose that’s fair.

    But people play lawn mowing simulator, power washing simulator, and truck simulator mostly for the realism.

    Infernoblaze47, avatar

    @Datas_Cat_Spot @MrJukes

    Power Washing sim because its satisfying, dont own it myself but watched a buddy play for a good few hours

    hootener, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games? avatar

    This is going to sound snobby, but until you’ve played metal gear I don’t think you’ve experienced the pinnacle of stealth. That series basically defined (access arguably perfected) the third person stealth action genre.

    If you don’t want to play them all, I highly recommend metal gear solid 3 and V. But the “demo” ground zeroes game is a great way to get a feel for the series in a more contained experience

    Runner ups in my mind that others mentioned:

    • Splinter cell
    • Thief
    • Deus ex (you can choose stealth in this game but it isn’t specifically a stealth game imo)
    • Dishonored (superb)
    • Prey (essentially dishonored meets system shock)

    You gotta go grab some metal gear, though. Oh how I wish I could experience those games for the first time again.

    irongamer, avatar

    Thief Deus ex (you can choose stealth in this game but it isn’t specifically a stealth game imo) Dishonored (superb)

    Was surprised to not find these games in the main list. Thief and Deus Ex (I play it stealthy as much as possible) have been my go to stealth games. And no matter how you try to play Skyrim it always ends with stealth archer. 😅


    I fucking love those games to death, Thief was so fucking dark and gritty when it first came out and I was so scared when the guards walked past me as I was hiding in the shadows after water arrowing a torch, lol.

    And Deus Ex I with it’s multiple storylines, choice making and takes on philosophy was mind blowing.

    However, they’re easy to cheese by modern standards which might be to their detriment when it comes to new players. You can easily blackjack your way through Thief I.

    Thief III: Deadly Shadows probably holds up the best gameplay wise, though Thief II has the best storyline imo.

    Deus Ex I also has some very unfortunate voice acting choices (incl. white people putting on Asian sounding accents), which I, in the 90s, was ignorant about, but now as an adult it’s a cringy struggle to listen to, tbh.

    Vestria, do gaming w Why I Probably Hate your Favorite Video Game's "Awesome Story" (an incomplete list)

    This reads like dialogue written for the “pretentious writer” friend character trope who is always shitting on other peoples’ work but hasn’t ever had any success with his own in every B-list Hollywood meta comedy: smug, confident, completely wrong, and utterly without purpose or substance.


    Yes, there was an odd vibe here I couldn’t pin down, I think you found it.

    shapesandstuff, do gaming w Why I Probably Hate your Favorite Video Game's "Awesome Story" (an incomplete list)

    I feel like it would’ve made sense to include some real examples. Otherwise this just reads very… made up? :'D

    Not sure how to explain, but the simplistic nature of the stories you use as examples make the whole text feel a bit like an angry strawman argument even though it probably makes some good points.


    It’s like a TV Tropes page without the examples.


    yeah it’s kind of a weird post with the way it’s all worded. framing it in a “why what you like is wrong” way probably hurts it more than anything. it doesn’t invite discussion and is more or less just a ranting if you’re not giving examples.

    it’s not like anyone here is trying to force someone to like the same games they do and the first thought I had after reading was “okay…”

    Personally I like all sorts of storytelling as long as it’s involving topics/genres I’m interested. Lovecraftian setting? inject it into my veins. stories about realistic depictions of depression and suicide - sign me up. There’s not a singular formula that all my favorite games need to adhere to - why would anyone want all their story structures to be so rigid and similar?

    Anyways one of my favorite games, probably my overall favorite, is Control. It does a lot of ‘show, don’t tell’ while also having an incredible amount of world building there for you to engage with if you’re interested. The setting is like they tailor-made this for my interests. So pumped for the other games coming out in that universe

    hascat, do gaming w Where are all the good stealth games?

    Stealth was necessary in the early chapters of Death Stranding. As you get access to better equipment it becomes less necessary, but the early game was definitely the most stressful stealth experience I think I’ve had in gaming.


    I really enjoyed the BT stealth sections, but the sections with MULEs or Terrorists never really felt that stealth wast the best approach there, mainly because of the level design just being so open.

    bear_delune, do gaming w Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.

    What about Little Kitty Big City?


    I have really high hopes for this. I don’t think it’ll be a “survival” game and more of a cute cat sandbox similar to Untitled Goose Game though.

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