Shattered is my roguelike of choice on mobile (along with Hoplite if that counts). On desktop I play DCSS and Brogue. Used to play a lot of Nethack too. Never ascended in any of them but that doesn’t make it any less fun.
This is entirely silly. Specially when you consider they removed the flat structure at Valve recently. Also even when it was flat it was still structured as more important people’s opinions carried more weight. It made it feel like high school according to one developer where there was cliques and entourageous. That’s not anarchy.
Additionally Valve is not overall for Foss projects. Steam itself is still very closed and very restrictive. Proton was created to keep costs down and because Windows at one point threatened to enforce the windows store for outside apps. Potentially destroying steam.
Steam and Valve only contribute to open source as far as it benefits them. They are ex Microsoft employees that understand the embrace and extend side and are embracing Linux and it’s community. Extending wine. And potentially one day extinguishing the broad availability of Linux to replace it with steam os. You see this on their storefront already. Years ago when a game supported Linux on steam you’d see an icon of tux. Now you see an icon of steam os. A subtle reminder that Valve does not care about Linux but instead of being a thriving business.
Gabe is a capitalist. You don’t become a billionaire without abusing workers.
For managing my library on disk, I just recently made the effort to set up the *arr apps. I love having the metadata, tagging, organizing, and file naming all consistent and automated. Previously I used mp3tag and filebot to manage them and it was way more manual. Everything is set up with docker-compose and Ansible.
Library file stuff:
Two Radarr instances, one for 4k and another for lower resolutions
Sonarr for TV
Lidarr for music
Two readarr instances, one for epub/pdf and one for audiobooks
For library frontend stuff:
Jellyfin for movies, tv, music, audiobooks
Plex, for when Jellyfin is acting up
Jellyseer for TV & movie requests
LaunchBox for videogames and emulators
Calibre + calibreWeb for ebooks & syncing to my Kobo eReader
Haven’t set up yet:
Doesn’t exist yet/wishlist:
*arr app for emulator ROMs (I’ll have to check out romm, looks pretty cool!)
I’m pretty sure I’m in the minority but it doesn’t make sense why these elitists are so upset. It was bound to happen eventually. Then they say the official Reddit app is unusable? It’s functional, it probably works better than half of the third party apps do anyway.
The only thing I’m upset about is the developers lost well earned money and their time and effort to make these apps only for them to shit the bed. But let’s be real: nobody’s really going to quit Reddit. I joined lemmy because I wanted a new social media app and I’m going to be using it alongside Reddit. Will I use Reddit more than lemmy? No, probably not. Will I use lemmy more than Reddit? Also no, probably not that either. I’ll use them side by side.
It’s kind of a shame that lemmy has mods though, from what I’ve been reading up on it, I thought it would be better than Reddit when it comes to freedom of speech. But just because it’s “federated” doesn’t mean you can’t say whatever you want. It just means it’s not owned by anyone in particular.
It Takes Two is a masterpiece for co-op gameplay and is great for casual gameplay. A Way Out was made by the same studio before It Takes Two and it’s easy to see where they were able to improve on the experience, but it’s also a great game for local co-op.
Not exactly a recommendation (most of what I would have said has been covered below) but, my partner and I use Co-Optimus to find new games to couch play together. Here’s a filtered list of PC split-screen and couch co-op games.
Ja parę lat temu postawiłem panel (jakiś wielki stary cienkowarstwowy z demobilu) na altanie na działce. Zasilał Raspberry Pi najpierw z telefonem androidowym jako modemem, potem z modemem LTE, i zawór do nawadniania kropelkowego. Po dwóch latach już ledwo dawał radę, na zimę w ogóle. Potem dołożyłem wiatrak. Fajnie wygląda, ale inwestycja kompletnie bez sensu. Na takiej działce w środku miasta, metr nad altaną to rzadko kiedy wieje tyle, żeby wystarczyło chociażby na potrzeby regulatora ładowania.
W tym roku kupiłem nowy panel 100W. Znacznie mniejszy i lżejszy od tamtego i bez problemu utrzymuje całą tą elektronikę. Teraz doszedł jeszcze mikrokontroler do monitorowania warunków pod tunelem foliowym (lepiej było nie wiedzieć… teraz jestem ciekaw ile Rasberry Pi Pico wytrzyma przy wilgotności sięgającej 100% w nocy).
W każdym razie zabawy w off-grid są bardzo fajne. Przynajmniej dopóki się nie myśli „czy to się opłaca” (finansowo). :-)
@Jajcus@m0bi13 Otóż to, w miejscu gdzie nie ma dostępu do sieci elektrycnzej, spoko, natomiast jeśli jest dostęp, to chyba wychodzi jak z samochodami elektrycznymi. Za samą różnicę w cenie modelu elektrycznego do spalinowego, spalinówką ok 5 lat za darmo można jeździć.