EmDash, do gaming w Pirating games you own?

My understanding is that this is illegal under US law. It is, however, completely ethical.


Slavery used to be legal under US law. Breaking unjust laws is praxis and human


I’m not from the US (and lots of people here either), so, we just don’t give a damn about the US law.


i really dont about the law regardless of country

fox, do gaming w Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this

I wish Jet Set Radio Future was able to work on the new Xbox.

ghostalmedia, avatar

Many suspect this one has been trapped in licensing hell.

mbryson, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

Loop Hero! It’s free on Epic right now and I’ve been really enjoying it! A nice blend of procedural generation, deck building, and roguelike allow it to be a very rewarding and engrossing experience overall where I feel I’m consistently progressing.

I still haven’t been able to beat The Lich yet, but little by little I’m knocking his health down that much further to make the loop (heh) feel rewarding!


I definitely had fun with it, and I finished it just as I was getting tired of it, so it was the right length. Got it off another EGS giveaway a couple of years ago, I think.

GreenPlasticSushiGrass, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th avatar

I bought Disco Elysium during the Steam Summer Sale. I'm only on the second "day" (in game time). It's OK. There's lots of attention to art and fleshing out the NPCs. I'm not blown away yet, though.


I honestly didn’t like it. There just isn’t a lot of game in that interactive book.

Coelacanth, avatar

I love Disco Elysium but I’d never try to sell someone on it by saying it’s a CRPG. It’s literally an interactive novel, and it’s really only rewarding if you want that and approach it as such.

It rewards you for being weird and wacky, for failing checks and for clicking every dialogue option (as opposed to thinking certain ones are “traps”).

It’s a weird product that claims to be a CRPG detective game about a murder case, when in the end it’s really neither.


I do really like it, it's a very interesting world and the variety of characters are so fun to interact with.

HidingCat, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Got Murder By Numbers free off EGS, and wife played it before so I thought I'd give it a go. It's an interesting mash-up of visual novel and nonograms. Interesting trivia, the dev's next game was Fall Guys.

angstylittlecatboy, do gaming w Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this

Basically all games of note going all the way back to the OG Xbox

Ignacio, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

I’m playing FreeDoom: Phase 1, and downloaded some wads that work perfectly with FreeDoom, like D2TWWRI, Plutonia 2 and TNT Revilution.

Mandy, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

i started streaming and this week i have the time to go all in with it, im playing one game a day this week in this order Super mario world links awakening (second stream for it) baldurs gate enhanced edition nightmare creatures twilight princess (on gamecube, also second stream already)

good times

MutatedBass, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

My friends and I just started playing Last Train Outta’ Wormtown last night and it’s a blast with a group. One player plays a worm who can only detect players while they are standing on the ground. The goal of the worm is to kill all the players before they can fix a train and escape.

We’ve also just started playing Gangbeasts which is also a lot of fun with a group. I’m sure most have seen this one by now though.

Bartlebee, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Hogwarts legacy


I picked this up a few weeks back to see what the hype was about. Did nothing for me. Might be because I’m sick to fucking death of the “open world adventure” genre… they all feel like reskins of the same game I’ve been playing since, oh I dunno, Assassin’s Creed 1?

Hogwarts does nail the feel of Harry Potter but that’s not enough to keep me interested in a genre that’s played out.


It’s meant more for fans of the IP. If you’re not, like me, it’s a very generic open world game, especially after completing Elden Ring

DmMacniel, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Baldurs Gate 3 on my linux machine runs pretty good and smooth. Already died because I failed a persuasion/deception check which led to a party wipe. It wasnt uncalled for either and didn’t came out of the blue. I really enjoy it.


I’m also playing Baldur’s Gate 3 on my Linux machine. Besides some frequent crashes, which I haven’t confirmed if they are the game or my aging hardware, it’s been running fine. I’m currently waiting for it to transfer to my Steam Deck to see how it fares there. I’d love to be able to play in bed, but I fear I may lose a lot of sleep if I do that.


I too am playing on Linux after making the switch last month. BG3, surprisingly, runs perfectly right out of the box. No settings changes, no command line parameters, nothing. Hasn’t crashed once. I’m really impressed.

UnfortunateTwist, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Spongebob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom Rehydrated. Wanted to play something silly and and stress-relieving. This fit the bill.

Scrath, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Just finished Life is Strange and Life is Strange Before the Storm.

Both are great games with a really good soundtrack but I personally preferred the story of the first title.

ConstableJelly, (edited )

I’ve tried the original Life Is Strange twice, and both times I >!failed to save Kate!< because I don’t have an infallible memory and quit out of anger.

Edit: fixed the name


Do you mean Kate, the girl who is trying to commit suicide by jumping? As fas as I know, there is no path where Max dies.


Haha yup, thanks.


Reddit style spoilers don’t appear to work on Lemmy. Instead use:

<span style="color:#323232;">::: spoiler description
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Spoiler goes here
</span><span style="color:#323232;">:::

Which will look like this:

descriptionSpoiler goes here

Admittedly, it’s not ideal for inline spoilers, but if you really want to hide for the benefit of others, that’s they way you’re supposed to do it on Lemmy, I guess.


Really? It looks right to me (on Sync). I’ll bear this in mind though next time.


Looks like sync doesn’t implement lemmy spoilers correctly, and still uses reddit spoilers. But the lemmy web-ui doesn’t honour those spoilers and does them the way I showed in my comment. That’s unfortunate, because people using Sync won’t be able to effectively hide spoilers, and will potentially be spoiled on things when Lemmy users use spoilers the way the web-ui tells them to in the editor.

MoxFcCloud, do gaming w Backwards compatibility is the best feature of Xbox, and I don't understand why Sony is so far behind on this

The simplest and most likely reason is just because they don't have to. Playstation is leading Xbox by a lot this generation (so far, things can change) and PlayStation just has no incentive to add value to something they're already selling record numbers of. Xbox is trying to attract customers, customer playstation has left on the cutting room floor, and backwards compatibility is a way to do that.


Not to mention the closer you get to modern day, the more games rely on company servers to remain running. Long gone are the days of simple platformers like Super Mario Bros. Many games made in the last 15 years are multi-player games with a basic ass single player added on for ‘compliance’ reasons. It’d still be great for those that want it, but I don’t feel like I’m missing out on much that I can’t replicate myself with ROMs and emulators should the need arise.

yote_zip, do piracy w game cracks on lutris? avatar

Most game cracks work just fine through WINE. You just need to get the game extracted into the WINE prefix and have the crack applied, then point Lutris at it and it will work fine. If you find a specific crack isn’t working, you can probably find another that does, or crack it yourself using simple tools that are always Linux-compatible. I wrote a guide on using these tools for reference.

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