Build 42 unstable right now, is more single player until they iron out everything for a stable release.
I would say if you don’t mind playing build 41 until they release build 42 stable - then short story long:
I can be fun with friends, but if you want to play without having to worry about too much grind then it is best to play with sandbox settings and tweak gameplay towards what you and your friends find fun.
The world can made persistent, but your individual character is unique and when they die you would have to respawn with a new character
There are mods that do help with the starting out from scratch bit:
I gave it a shot today and made my base in a Gas Station in Echo Creek. All the effort going into prettying it up makes it a lot more satisfying to play
I’m currently playing a character that’s been alive for nearly 6 months. My fridge is full of fish and I’m only like a level 5 on fishing. Won’t need to learn hunting for awhile but this will be great for characters that reside further away from a body of water.