I really hate that cross-play is still so hit-or-miss these days. I feel like the only developers who put any effort into it are ones who focus on live service games, and I'd honestly like to see a push away from that model, in general.
that’s why I just kinda hate getting games on consoles nowadays (excluding something like the steam deck since it’s just a handheld PC). I always feel so locked in. sucks that there’s some cool exclusives on consoles tho like the new spiderman on playstation
Yeah, and I feel like that's only going to get worse as time goes on as more and more big studios get bought up by console manufacturers. Seeing Bungie and Bethesda and Activision/Blizzard all getting bought up has me worried about exclusivity contracts fracturing what was fairly recently a thriving console market.
For me, it's any of the Total War games I like, or Battlefield 1, or Left 4 Dead 2, or any From Soulslike.
I like to call them evergreen games, because I'm a total snob. The kinds of games that you can always go back to no matter how long it's been, that you always know how to play by instinct at this point, that always entertain, feel weirdly comfy and make for great choices when you don't know what you wanna do. God bless them.
That's a decently long list lol, Medieval 2, Rome 1, Rome 2, Attila, Napoleon, Shogun 2 sorta... (I don't dislike the ones not listed, I just vibe less with them)
If you count mods and expansions, the list gets much larger, Medieval 2 Kingdoms, Empire Divided, Age of Charlemagne, The Great War, Divide Et Impera, 1212, 1100, The Third Age... And there are even more that have piqued my interest but haven't had a chance to play.
I remember playing Alien Isolation on the original Xbox one(?) with the spy camera thing. Anyway, you could activate the mic on it and the Alien would react to sounds in your (physical) room. So tense when I’d be hiding from the Alien and my toddler kids would come in making noise and I’d be ripped to shreds. Good times.
i’ve been playing a khajiit in my current run through and have been really heavy on the rp, using khajiit speak mods and such. khajiit likes this, [character name] wants that, “this one”, the works. it’s gotten bad enough that i’ve caught myself almost replying to people in real life with khajiit speak rather than using “i” pronouns on multiple occasions 💀💀
Huh, rimworld is kind of like sims 2 if you think about it. You control a bunch of hapless goons, build nice houses for them, and orchestrate their tragic demises.
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