Real time combat just doesn’t make sense! You’re controlling a party of characters. You can’t possibly juggle the attacks and abilities of 3 characters in real time. So it forces you to pick one character to focus on, while ignoring the others. Which is just lame. The last FF I played was 8, so I can talk to how they’ve done it with others more recently.
FF7R was full game length but ended when the party left Midgar; in the original game that is a bit before the end of Disc 1.
Granted, the Midgar section was greatly expanded for the remake and it’s pretty clear that we’re not necessarily doing a 1:1 equivalence with the original game…
I think it will released into 3 parts: Remake, Rebirth and the third volume which I don’t think has been titled yet. What makes it even more confusing is that there was an “enhanced” version of FFVII Remake, released on PC and PS5, called Remake Intergrade.
I wish my 90h save wasn't borked. I don't feel like playing through the whole game again right now or any time soon. This has happened twice to me now.
Bloomberg reports that newly-appointed CEO Takashi Kiryu is aiming to improve the company's profitability by whittling down the number of smaller projects it releases, while focusing on big-budget games with a higher potential to improve profitability.
So you're disappointed with the sales of these enormous games that spend far too long in development and don't get the return you want, and your plan is to double down on these games instead of Dragon Quest Builders and Octopath? Here's an idea: take someone who's successfully led a smaller game and then give them progressively larger projects to lead. And maybe don't make a main entry in your marquis series exclusive to a single console in an age where the PC market will likely outsell it.
Oh, good! I honestly kinda expected Bethesda to do nothing about the missing PC options, especially DLSS. The platform clearly hasn’t been their priority.