Skyrim over 2000 hours easily, 400 some into Assassins Creed Odyssey and Ghost Recon Wildlands; I have no idea how many I put into Vindictus, which is an MMORPG I played for more than a decade. For phone games I’ve probably put the most time into the Kingdom Rush series, best TD out there.
Yes still do. There’s nothing really new in the game so I feel that it is stagnant in experience. I’ve just started to move to the different country severs for fun and see how they play compared to the US.
Servers are still glitchy with random stutters hitting everybody their cash cow but still can’t fix it.
I think something like 5k hours into Warframe, 15 years into WoW (at least 2 of my characters have 1+ year of playtime–so 17k hours just on those 2; and I max-leveled every class of character up until Battle for Azeroth) and so far, 2 years into ARK. Just over 3.5k hours of playtime between ASE and ASA.