Daft Punk to french house i wpływy sceny UK, możesz poszukać ogólnie w stronę elektro i hałsów, albo w etykietce progressive house. Techno to konkretny gatunek, z reguły bez loopów i syntezatorów właśnie, tylko z mocnym, wyraźnym rytmem 4/4 dominjącym nad całą warstwą muzyczną. Podając przykłady z tamtych lat, puść sobie Porter Ricks zaraz po Daft Punk i powiedz że to jest to samo. xD
„techno to konkretny gatunek, z reguły bez loopów i syntezatorów”
Techno opiera się na loopach i dźwiękach syntezatorowych. Miałeś chyba na myśli sample, których w techno używa się rzadziej niż w house, czy dnb, ale też się używa.
Myślałam właśnie że kolega miał na myśli sample, więc uprościłam, jasne że loop jest wszędzie. Ale najbardziej klasyczny detroit radzi sobie i bez syntów. Industrial techno też. One nie są esencją dla techno.
Play the games you know. If you know when a character is supposed to say “Get to the helicopter now we are leaving!” When you hear them say “Kommen Sie zum Helikopter, jetzt fahren wir los.” you’re more likely to have that 10-20% you wouldn’t otherwise understand click.in your head.
Also I recommend any games set in a region where the language you want to learn is set. This is because all the signs will be in that language.
One of the rights we are continually trying to claw back from the IP Maximalist lobby (and their minions in office) is the right to enjoy the media you own in a format available to you.
However, the studios and labels like taking another bite of the apple by releasing new versions, or versions in new formats, sometimes twice as they release better versions that correct for bad transfers (e.g. the lightsaber problem with the early blu-ray release.)
Hollywood has established though repeated bad-faith behavior, it’s not interested in getting your money legitimately or while retaining a positive customer experience, but extracting your money any way they can.
The DMCA forbids breaking DRM even for legal or non-copyright violating reasons (which is how we lost the right to repair or even jailbreak phones). And they could use this to prevent you from converting formats of your media to one you can actually use, but they’d have to make a stretchy case in court.
Sony also overcharges for scratched or failed media, so they’ve been caught treating their stuff as licenses or media when it legally suits them.
PS: Illegal ≠ Wrong. LGBT+ people are not grooming children, but religious ministries are.
Yeah it’s crazy how much the world has changed even in my short lifetime, especially with the mass adoption of digital media. It’s going to be so difficult for people to retain their rights to what they purchase.