I’d highly recommend Stolen Realms. Pretty cheap too
It’s a hex grid turn based game. You can have up to 6 characters (difficulty scales per character) and can each control as many in the party as you want. Turns are taken as enemy, and players with the players able to act at the same time so you aren’t waiting too long if you are communicating about what you want to do.
It has multiple “classes” with skill tiers that require you to take a few from that “class” but you can spec however you want.
The roguelike mode is very fun for quick sessions and will reward you with a choice of random skills and armors after every fight, but it also saves if you need to go and play later.
Prodeus is still EA, but it has a solid first episode with good Co-op gameplay if you’re into retro style shooters.
If you really want to go old school, OG Doom from 1993 and Bungie’s Marathon Trilogy(1994-96) support co-op. I haven’t tried Doom yet, but you do need to be technical to figure out Marathon co-op.
One of the biggest problems I will say about the game, though, is that you won’t always be able to tell where you’ll land when gliding and will probably lose plenty of lives because of it.
Fair enough. It’s mostly 3rd person 3D, but the view isn’t always great, making for some frustration. There are, if I remember correctly, a couple 2D levels where you play as the army bird guy, but otherwise, it’s 3D.
telewizor czasami łapie zmułę, nie przedstawia się po HDMI odpowiednio szybko, więc dekoder schodzi najniżej jak umie żeby nie odciąć użytkownika od urządzenia
ale no, to jest zgadywanka, bo nigdy się z czymś takim nie spotkałem.
Kolejność kanałów i napisy prawie napewno są przechowywane w pamięci stałej, do godziny zazwyczaj jest osobny chip zazwyczaj z własną bateryjką, a rozdzielczość tv może nie być przechowywana w stałejq. Proponuję połączyć dekoder na jakiś czas do innego najlepiej dość nowego tv (albo monitora komputerowego) i zobaczyć czy to się dalej dzieje, jak tak to odpadają “zmuły” telewizora.
I have a co-op buddy too and heaps of good suggestions from others here. Two that I’ve been enjoying as 2 person co-op:
Wartales: started this after completing BG3 and it was a real interesting change in thinking. This is fantasy party adventure, but you run a team of mercenaries, so it’s more about the team build and strategy, rather than the specific character focus that you have in BG3.
The Wild Eight: an isometric survival, crafting, set in a plane crash in the snow. Some story, discovery elements included.