BmeBenji, do gaming w need retro game recommendations

Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland was my absolute favorite GBA game as a kid. It’s extremely linear but so well put together

TransplantedSconie, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd

I went retro this weekend:

City of Heroes! It was fun running a mastermind again for a bit.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. The opening scene where Snake jumps onto the ship is still killer after all these years.

IronJess, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd

7 days to die on Xbox also Call of Duty DMZ.

Walican132, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?

16 is absolutely fantastic. I haven’t read any reviews for it so I don’t know what they are saying but I had an absolute blast playing it. Had a smile on my face from beginning to end. Well, I enjoyed it atleast I found the ending very sad.

dream_weasel, do games w Are modern Final Fantasy games bad?

I played FF7 only and loved it. I did not care for the first remake game, and have not finished it. Hanging at like 70% complete.

Grey, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd

Been enjoying the alpha of project CW. love me a high energy tank game. Sad it’s ending today

grillme, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd

Also playing some Avowed. I was kinda sceptical after Outer Worlds but it is way better in every way so far!

Default_Defect, do games w How the hell is there not a Green Arrow video game? avatar

Add a Sniper Elite like xray slow mo for when you hit enemies with a long range shot or ricochet so you can appreciate breaking the pelvis of a mentally ill man with a boxing glove arrow after aiming for his balls.

Apeman42, avatar

Yes! You get what I’m looking for exactly.

That_Devil_Girl, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd avatar

I was playing Project Zomboid because my friends were playing. Turns out they were just waiting for a Star Citizen patch and abandoned PZ when the patch dropped.

I won’t play Star Citizen until they fix optimization issues. Right now it’s a buggy mess with 8 to 10fps.


How did you like PZ? I hear it’s pretty great.

ragebutt, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd

Like a dragon pirate yakuza

Any rgg game is a game I buy. It’s dumb but I love them, especially the action ones where you actually fight (versus the more persona combat oriented ones like 7 and 8). This one is not exceptionally good but the boat parts at least add something new. It’s not bad at all (so far, I’m only a few hours in) but tbh if you don’t like these games you won’t suddenly like this one and if you’re new to the series this definitely isn’t the jump in point

Phen, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd

Getting a bit tired of KCD2 by now, not sure what to play next. Might be doing some gamedev for a while instead.

3dmvr, do games w How the hell is there not a Green Arrow video game?

It could be so fun, arrows that act as parachutes, grappling hooks, etc. Punching glove arrows

Petros, do wolnyinternet w Alternatywy dla Substacka (idiot-friendly)? avatar

Zainspirowałaś mnie, abym się przyjrzał bliżej Ghostowi. Dla określonych przez Ciebie potrzeb, wygląda to rzeczywiście najlepiej. UX jest jakby pomiędzy Wordpressem a DokuWiki. Z naszego punktu widzenia - budowy infrastruktury dla społeczności - wyklucza go całkowity brak możliwości tworzenia instancji wieloblogowych.

Przynajmniej na razie pozostaniemy przy Wordpressie.

obywatelle, avatar

Czyli chodzi o to, że Ghostowi też można w każdej chwili wyciągnąć wtyczkę, tak?

Petros, avatar

Nie. Chodzi mi o to, że jeśli chcemy mieć np. pięć blogów pod Wordpressem, to instalujemy Wordpressa raz, z jednym (dużym) zestawem wtyczek, szablonów i czego tam jeszcze, a każda osoba blogująca sobie z nich wybiera i w ograniczonym zakresie konfiguruje własny blog. Bezpieczeństwo, aktualizacje i inne “grube” zarządzanie jest wykonywane z jednej konsoli (patrz obrazek). Największą taką instalacją jest oczywiście

Z jednej strony oznacza to, że oczywiście kolektyw hostujący łatwo może każdemu pojedynczemu blogowi “wyciągnąć wtyczkę”, ale z drugiej - że stawianie kolejnych blogów oznacza niewielki jedynie przyrost zużycia zasobów serwera - a co najważniejsze pracy zespołu administrującego.

Z Ghostem i innymi “jednomiejscowymi” platformami jest inaczej. Pięć blogów ghostowych, to pięć oddzielnych instalacji, pięć oddzielnych konsol administracyjnych etc., etc.

Poopfeast420, (edited ) do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd avatar

I finished Final Fantasy 7. Compared to Remake or Rebirth this thing just moves, and doesn’t constantly waste your time. However, that also leaves little time for character interaction or development, so that’s where the new games are much better.

Next was Mushroom 11. I played it about halfway almost 10 years ago, and finally decided to go back and finish it. This is a game, where you control some mushroom blob, by erasing parts, causing it to regrow somewhere else, e.g. you erase the backside, and the blob regrows in the front, which makes you move forward. The first three levels are great, but the four levels after that, sometimes require precision, that the game just isn’t build for. I still like the concept, but it really can be frustrating.

Then I started playing through Final Doom’s TNT: Evilution episode. It took me a bit to get my FPS legs back and the first half dozen or so levels were a bit rough, but nothing too bad. I’m playing on Ultra-Violence and with a Pistol Start, so a lot of times, I have to re-play the beginning a couple of times, to get oriented, and look for weapons, while the game just throws Shotgunners and Chaingunners at you to shred you.

Lastly, I returned to Final Fantasy III (Pixel Remaster). The game is basically a bigger and improved FF1, with most of the changes in FF2 removed, for the better I think. The characters are back to being a cardboard cutout though, just like FF1. That’s the one thing FF2 did really well, compared to these first games.

payhn, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of Feb 23rd

Bloons Tower Defense 6. I’m mildly ashamed but it’s easy to pick up and put down when I’m busy. I can’t dedicate large blocks of time for gaming anymore

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