That lawsuit might take years, and the requested damages from Nintendo are only $66,000. Palworld isn’t going to be shut down anytime soon, even if they lose the case.
The Palnoctahedron. “It’s a totally different shape and it’s just the fact that it’s very small, and we enabled smooth shading, that makes it look like we haven’t done anything to it.”
There was a request to halt sales until the specific mechanics were removed, with the mechanics being throwing pokeball like items and riding monsters.
One of the patents was for seamlessly transitioning from one type of ride to another, as it happens in Legends Arceus, ie: jumping into the water while riding the stag will automatically change to the giant piranha. The irony here is that palworld lacks anything like that, you never transition between 2 different mounts without player input. The closest to that is using some pals as gliders, but you’ll just get back on your feet once you touch the ground or water.
Another patent was for throwing stuff at enemies in order to begin combat. They’re all hard reads, mostly because they read like they’re describing how Legends Arceus works in minute detail.
They would still have to face the courts in Japan if they want to sell in Japan.
Your line of thinking is the same thing that X fell for with Brazil. Just because you don’t have your HQ in a particular country doesn’t mean the legal system can be ignored. Otherwise the EU wouldn’t be gifting fines to Google and Apple every 15 minutes.
The suit is effectively not about the money at all. It’s about setting a precedent in Japanese court to basically allow Nintendo to patent whatever they want, whenever they want, so they can go after and shut down competitors with ease. Pirate Software has a decent and short breakdown on their youtube channel iirc
I don’t care how much of a pirate cheapo game this is, watching Nintendo go ape over practically a knockoff someone could have made as a joke is amusing, especially with their playerbase success.
What were you doing for the majority of those 30 hours? Most likely resource gathering, building your base, optimizing pal usage, etc… Basically the only similarity is that you throw spheres at creatures. There’s no gyms, no turn based gameplay, no trading, no evolution, and not even really trainer battles, just some unique encounters.
You cannot copyright a vague idea. No matter how much Nintendo might want to.
The game is basically just magic animals in the world that you can capture and do things with. It’s literally every JRPG ever. It’s just mounts with extra features.
I think that’s a fair question given how it initially launched.
I’m no longer falling through the map. I can’t remember the last time that happened (except for the early days of the game).
I’ve only seen other players joining my world getting stuck inside of rocks when they initially spawn in, but you can just get out by spawning a pal that you can mount right next to the rock that you’re stuck in. Edit: Note: This bug is rare and doesn’t happen often anymore.
Pathfinding still sucks and people abuse that for bosses, building walls or whatever to glitch them. The good-ish is that this has been mostly fixed for base working pals, they’ll either work in place or teleport to the thing where they’re supposed to work. Sometimes they may still drop “inside” foundations, so you gotta remove/add them again from the base bench.
Enemy AI still sucks - same applies for your combat pals’ AI. Attack, wait, maybe move a bit, repeat. They don’t dodge or attempt to move except when positioning for an attack.
Happens more often with online play. Playing offline is a lot more stable regarding clipping issues
Guess I’ll have to wait till the game is a bit more cooked. Bummer. I hope they win this stupid lawsuit from Nintendo, because Palworld does have good potential.
Allies: aren’t getting stuck anywhere near as often at my base compared to what they were doing near launch. I haven’t noticed it recently, but they likely still get stuck depending on how complicated your base gets. Beyond that, any pathfinding is fairly basic, they’re not smart about it.
Enemies: I’ve seen them navigate through trees and up simple mountain trails when they’re running away from me. And if you attack them, and hide up on a nearby cliffside they usually just get stuck at the cliffside below you trying to walk into the wall.
Dumb/Static enemy behaviour:
Yeah this is still very basic. They usually stay in the same place unless they are running away, chasing you, switching targets, or using an ability that forces them to move. It’s trivial to just hide behind a tree or a boulder and attack them until their health is low enough to catch. They won’t actively try to adjust their angle of attack to compensate for objects between you and them.
Character clipping issues:
The only player structure I still have clipping issues with is one structure meant for increasing your storage/showing off pals at your base. Even then I only saw one player get stuck in it once recently. But he was probably jumping around on top of it for that to happen. It’s rare to see issues at the level we saw at launch.
Really weird physics issues:
The one I can remember off the top of my head was where an attack could launch a character up into the stratosphere and then they would fall and instantly die when they finally hit the ground. I haven’t seen anything like that in months.
Sadly as I get older I game less hours, so most of my games on this list are older. LoL, wow, Dota 2, modern warfare 2 (2009), Wingspan(online boardgame), PubG battlegrounds, counter strike 2, terraria. I haven’t played fps, wow, or dota for years, but they still dominate this list. It’s funny because if I made a list of my favorite games, it would include almost none of these, except terraria.
I’m a bit ashamed of it, but Overwatch, I really enjoyed the multiplayer and played with some cool people I met in game. Stopped playing when OW2 released.
My understanding is they keep adding features even though they’re supposed to be done because they still play the game constantly themselves and end up wanting more content.
I know this is probably isn’t true but it’s my head cannon that they’re just really afraid to put out a “state of the game [month]” posts without anything in it