Both Sludge Life games. A bit unconventional but I found a lot of spots in the games where I would just stand there and take in the various scenes going on. Both games can be beaten fairly quick but it took me hours to get through them because I kept stopping to just take in everything going on.
Monster Hunter World is five years old and holds up great.
bask in the sun halfway up the Ancient Forest with a Tobi-Kadachi (giant white electric flying squirrelsnake; chill until you hit it)
climb up to the top of the Coral Highlands cat colony and watch the sky jellyfish float by in the sunset
share a hot spring with snow monkeys in the Hoarfrost Reach
They did a great job of making the maps feel like a living system that goes on while you’re not there. (Sadly, this is much less true of the newest MH game, Rise, where the maps are full of traversal puzzles but the wildlife pretty much all exists only to attack you.)
Just a heads up the game kinda made my head hurt physically. The characters move at like 24-30fps while the background moves at a full 60 (or something >30, was not sure). It’s a stylistic choice which I can respect but I couldn’t get into it due to the stark difference in fps between the two which made it feel laggy.
Make sure you are fully connectable (port forwarded). To check this you will want to test your torrent client’s incoming connection port with a 3rd party port test website e.g.,,, etc. Those websites should be able to successfully connect to your torrent client’s incoming connections port. If the test fails then you need to look at adding an incoming port forward in your network router’s configuration.
Also make sure DHT/PEX is enabled in your torrent client (those are enabled by default).
PS - The above is if you’re not using a VPN/Proxy (you didn’t mention using one)… definitely don’t re-configure your router configuration if you intend to use a VPN/Proxy, all port forwarding needs to happen on the VPN/Proxy server in those cases.
Bastion from supergiant games, most of the game is hand painted, it gives a floating feeling, and given the game is on floating islands it gives really nice atmosphere.
On the other side, the art style of Katana Zero and Hotline Miami is dirty and distorted, but I really dig that style . Probably wouldn’t work with standing still part, but in motion they are works of art.
Honestly, I’d check at your local library. A lot of them have inter-library loans, so they can search a network of libraries for the specific title you’re looking for.
You can name the title, that’s fine. The only thing you can’t do here is openly share links to that content (it must be encoded with base64).
When it comes to old media, especially from the early 2000’s and earlier, I start with and YouTube.
Like /u/Sharpiemaker suggested, your library would also be a good spot to check. If you have a reference library in your system they are a goldmine for that sort of thing.
Alternatively, you can pick up a cheap capture card and record the tape to your PC.
I have found a library that had equipment to transfer to DVD, however if the tape has copy protection it won’t work. I’ll find out. Plus, I can buy a DVD version - I found it in searches - but I already own this and don’t want to buy it again.