Leax, do gaming w Beautiful games?

I can’t believe no one has mentioned A plague tale - Requiem! It’s a stunning game to just soak in the atmosphere of middle age France.

Datas_Cat_Spot, do piracy w Third party Reddit apps just got canned. avatar

The popularity of this community might finally get me into pirating, lol. I subbed out of curiosity.


I like that this community is dedicated to the concept of piracy based on their principals. I’m not involved, but I appreciate it


I’m not involved either. I definitely would never do anything so abhorrent and inconsiderate of rights holders who purchased their copyrights fair and square.



Jaccident, do gaming w How was inside for you?

It excelled as a pass and play game, not too many of those about these days. Good for an evening of exploring spooky shit with a friend.

SBS1313, do piracy w Japanese content

Try Nyaa(dot)si It has a lot of things but idk if it has usenet tho…


Thank you for your reply.

Peafield, do gaming w How was inside for you?

One of my favourite games of all time. I forced my friend to sit and play it one night! I can’t wait for whatever they are doing next.

pipariturbiini, do gaming w How was inside for you?

INSIDE was cool and I enjoyed it, but I wouldn’t say it’s a game of the year by long shot. Although I guess that depends on what else was released in the year of 2016. For me it was a better experience than most AAA games, at least.


To put it in perspective, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was also in 2016 and also won a lot of Game of the Year awards. Other contenders are Hitman 2016, Overwatch, Doom, Firewatch, Dark Souls 3, The Witness, and Superhot.

Kajo, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

I agree with you about a 3D Mario: it’s absolutely not incompatible with the release of Wonder. Also, it would be a good candidate to showcase the graphics of the new console, without taking much risks.

Mario Kart/Splatoon/Smash bros. They need a multiplayer game. For Mario Kart and Smash Bros, they have the same (fist world) problem: the switch versions have so much content that it’s difficult to hit harder. And it’s not nice of me, but I feel like they wouldn’t mind milking the Splatoon players.

Animal crossing. The license gained so much new fans with AC:NH, it would be suprising if they don’t try to take advantage of this new popularity.

Templa, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

Hopefully a new Animal Crossing game! I started ACNH last month and it was my first time with the franchise. I’m already taking a time off because I was too obsessed but the game was so polished and well done that I’m really excited for the next. Also considering they have been busy with something since November 2021, I don’t think it is unlikely they are already working in the new game.


Give us the chance to finally have one island per player on the console, and it’s a day 1 purchase with my SO.

all-knight-party, avatar

And bring back touch screen inventory management. Beyond me why they didn't take advantage of their own console's features when they'd already done that in all past possible games.

magus_clap, do gaming w Switch 2 - launch games?

According to Wikipedia, group 5 develops animal crossing (2020) and Splatoon (2022),

Group 8 does 3d Mario (2017) only and group 10 does 2d Mario (2023)

Group 9 does Mario kart (2017 + dlc) and arms

Pajonk, do bez_miesa w Jak ułożyć dietę bezmięsną? avatar

Jedz regularnie, jeśli mikro i mako składniki masz ogarnięte, to może mimo wszystko czegoś ci brakuje w diecie i organizm tęskni za tym. A może jesz przy okazji słodycze i sporo cukru, i to też zwiększa głód.

Hormony to dziwna sprawa, jeśli jednak jesz dużo, waga nie idzie w dół albo nawet rośnie, mikro i makro składniki masz ogarnięte, to zwyczajnie się przyzwyczaj do głodu. Dziwnie to brzmi, ale nie jest to jakiś problem dla osoby która ćwiczy. W ogóle parę dobrych lat ćwiczeń i zmuszania się do różnych diet, czy na masę, czy potem na redukcję, strasznie potrafi zmienić sposób odżywiania się i nawyki.

iamak, do gaming w Beautiful games?

Elden Ring looks beautiful. You just need to get used to fighting a boss 100+ times before killing him ;_;

Horizon series is good. The 2nd game, Forbidden West is so good I used to open the photo mode at random spots and take pictures because I found the scenery beautiful. I would definitely recommend it.

Ghost of Tsushima is also beautiful. However I got bored pretty quickly but others have enjoyed the game so maybe you’ll like it.

Also Skyrim with mods (like ENB) can be beautiful as well :p

Fiivemacs, do gaming w Need some local coop recommendations

You guys will have a blast playing ninja turtles together.



That game is a lot of fun. The play feels very different comparing 1-2 players (strategizing, skillful combat) and 5-6 players (a full out mayhem and frenzy).

catra, avatar

It also has a killer soundtrack!

sylverstream, do piracy w What's the best way to get German content?

I just had a quick search on usenet, couldn’t find German dubbed results for popular movies.

I know German dubbed is very popular in Germany, but I think English audio + German subtitles is your best option.


So that just leaves private trackers. Thanks for taking a look.


Try scenenzbs There is a lot of German stuff, also new movies

autumn, do gaming w Need some local coop recommendations avatar

i really love stardew valley for a cozy co-op game. for something a little weirder and darker, crawl is a blast.

Juujian, do gaming w How was inside for you?

I thought it was great, and I’m glad I have only picked it up recently. Games like Inside are the reason why I think comparing games only makes sense to a limited degree. It’s a great game, very inquire, soooo enjoyable. But it’s also short, and that’s probably a good thing? Is it better than TOTK? I wouldn’t even know where to start on that question. It’s not worse, it’s just different.

all-knight-party, avatar

The same conversation Limbo started to kick off when they released that back in the day. Quite short, but when you enjoy each moment that much, how can you attempt to assign a dollar to hour value? You just can't always diminish it to something that simple.

In terms of saying whether it's "the best of all time", well, it could certainly be one of the best of all time, but you really can't put it in front of or beside games doing radically different things. Youd have to start making a few wide umbrellas of games to place together and then rank them from there. Perhaps something like Unravel would be more comparable with something like Inside or Limbo.


I liked the story, it really drove the game forward but the gameplay was repetitive fast. I got old of it far quicker than I did when I played limbo.

Comparing games is like comparing movies. I think for the most part it works when you compare segments and styles rather than just whole games. Like I felt portal while also a short one mechanic game, that mechanic had a less tedious feeling towards the end. Probably due to the uniqueness of the mechanic at the time.

WoodenBleachers, avatar

I’d argue it’s worse than TOTK. I completely get your point that they’re wildly different, but INSIDE doesn’t feel as overall “fun” to me at any point as BOTW or TOTK. I think there was only one real flaw with INSIDE; the way in which you solve puzzles can be sort of tedious. One thing I really liked about The Witness was that, despite the fact that some things were hidden or convoluted, it was rarely a stupid long walk just to complete the puzzle. INSIDE featured that a number of times. Sometimes the puzzle’s solution was obvious, but I was still running around for minutes just doing the legwork. I feel there should be instant gratification for the puzzle’s solutions, sometimes solving them didn’t even feel good because I had spent too long trying to actually get the game to recognize I had completed the puzzle even though I had figured it out

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