Honestly the best guide is within lucky patcher itself. Open luckypatcher and then tap on the question mark icon in the top-right corner. There you’ll see an explanation of all of the features within luckypatcher. There’s also a guide for creating your own custom patches.
It depends on the app, really. If the app verifies the purchase server side, there’s nothing you can do to bypass that. But if the app you wanna crack is just a game that doesn’t need internet, it works 9/10 times. With root, it works pretty much 10/10.
Nearly all action games have some amount of RPG elements built into them these days. A few titles come to mind:
Horizon Zero Dawn and then Forbidden West.
God of War and then Ragnarok.
Spider-man, Miles Morales and upcoming Spider-man 2.
Read Dead Redemption, Read Dead Redemption 2.
Jedi Fallen Order, Jedi Survivor.
Guardians of the Galaxy
Resident Evil 2 Remake, 3 remake and 4 Remake.
Ghost of Tsushima.
Plenty more but that should keep you busy. All of these have character progression, leveling up, getting better gear to varying degrees combined with forgiving dificulty (which you can tweak).
Honestly, most “professional” game reviews are made by average joe gamers who happen to have a platform to broadcast their thoughts. Most of these writers are not expert players nor are they always well versed in the genre of the game they’re reviewing.
I never understand why people put so much stock into them when their opinions are no more valid than any random person on the internet.
I think I’ve grown past enjoying Bethesda’s wide, shallow ocean design philosophy and bare-bones dialogue trees. There are simply better RPGs on the market now.
I want to agree but... what other RPGs on the market fill this niche of a sandboxy open world that you can practically live in? Skyrim and Fallout feel like proper open world immersive sims at moments. Cyberpunk might be the closest one in recent memory but it fails in so many other aspects. Other than that I honestly can't think of anything.
Yup, they just keep making the same game with a new map and skins. Everyone had such insane hopes for this game, but I always assumed it’d be at best like fallout 3, better graphics in space.
Do I believe the “journalism” whatever outlet you make produces, that it’s what it pretends to be: an unbiased, honest, authentic, and objective opinion piece on a game? Or is it going to be (now or in the future when you sell out) marketing garbage whose purpose is to try and get me to spend money, no matter what lies it needs to tell to do so?
So classic User Value versus Profit motive conundrum.
It’s not a conflict that’s easily resolvable, and I’m far more stingy these days of allowing myself to be profited off of without concrete (to me) value in return, and tbh I don’t see how any type of game review service could avoid the temptations of profit enough for me to trust a damned thing they say.
You can have an unbiased and objective opinion, pretty easily, in fact
You simply don’t pretend your own opinions are facts everyone should take wholesale, and say as much
An opinion is always subjective, the opposite of objective. Reviews are also always subjective. There is no such thing as an objective review. This also means it can’t be unbiased, because a reviewers’ opinion will of course always be influenced by their experiences and stuff going on in their lives or the world.
Nah mate. I took a minute to search “objective opinion” and I’d suggest you do the same. It may look sort of oxymoronic but it’s definitely a time-honored expression. Opinions may be based on facts and analysis. An expert’s judgement is one valid definition for “opinion”.
Like the other commenter discussed, I think objective when it comes to reviews is a very tricky idea. My ideal solution to it is having multiple perspectives on a game from an outlet, not necessarily in a review score, but in other formats. That’s part of what I loved about Giant Bomb, I’d typically like what Jeff did, but might not be as into a Brad or Dan game all the time.
I don’t think the idea of objectivity makes a ton of sense at this point, but an authentic perspective can serve that role.
I think a large part of why so many outlets sell out is due to the idea of infinite growth and/or revenue dropping from Youtube/Twitch/etc. taking more of a cut. Ideally this would be solved by remaining small, focused, and less dependent on revenue sources that can change on a whim.
it really is as simple as being able to distinguish opinions from facts, and clarifying each in the revew.
Facts: This game has X combat, Y selectable characters, the crafting looks like Z, etc.
Opinons: This game is amazing! 10/10! Best story of all time! GOTY!, etc
You absolutely can have an objective game review, it's just that no writer wants to do that. They'd rather make it more about their opinions of the game than of the game.
You’ll need to download their software to map the rear keys/tweak anything else. They also have a phone app that does the same thing if you didn’t want to install it on your computer
Av1 is pretty well supported now on a lot of devices thanks to dav1d, and it’s the video codec with the best quality:compression ratio. “broad device compatibility” will be up to you and your devices, I would seriously look into it. It’s what I personally encode all my stuff to.
Why is AC-3 bad? It’s pretty much compatible with everything, holds Dolby Digital and atmos. Especially if the source is already encoded in AC-3, would it be wise to re-encode it?
yeah but OP is wondering about transcoding their stuff. there is no reason to encode to AC3. I would just use traditional surround if you plan kn transcoding it.
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I know on Windows there’s settings to enable moving torrents automatically when the category changes. Also make sure to enable automatic torrent management otherwise I don’t think it will work properly.
I’d also check the default download paths too, there’s also a setting to keep inprogress torrents in a different spot. Hope that helps