Stolica jako pierwsze miasto w Polsce eliminuje krzyże z urzędowych pomieszczeń. Znikną one nie tylko ze ścian, ale też z biurek urzędników. Zakaz nie dotyczy jednak symboli religijnych “na użytek osobisty”. Warszawa wprowadza też regulacje dotyczące urzędowego języka.
I have almost all extensions installed and most of them are working according to Cloudstream’s own provider provider, but when I do a search (for example, Batman) it only returns 3 results from 3 providers, does anyone else have this problem?
The animation, which simulates the view of someone falling into a black hole, demonstrates how the bizarre objects warp light and space as you approach them.
Group-buy closes on May 12, 2024. Each design is a one-time Group-buy and won’t be sold again. Buy 6+ keycaps for free shipping, or get the full set of 8 for free shipping plus a 10% discount....
In 1950, a U.S. Army psyops officer named Paul Linebarger used a pseudonym to publish a science-fiction story titled “Scanners Live in Vain” in a pulp magazine. It was about a man named Martel who works for the “deep state” in the far future as a mysterious “scanner,” or starship pilot, and whose mind is manipulated...