Nintendo Switch Units Sold 139.36 million worldwide (as of December 31, 2023) ( angielski
Grupy na Signalu
Czy ktoś zna, orientuje się lub jest członkiem jakichś grup na Signalu?...
Dredge – gracze nienawidzili ukrytego licznika czasu (
Okazuje się, że czasami twórcy muszą pospiesznie rewidować swoje pomysły, gdy okazuje się, że nie przypadają one graczom do gustu, o czym przekonali się twórcy Dredge. 😅
Tania siła robocza już nie wystarczy. Nierówności uderzą w polski rozwój gospodarczy (
Jak górnicze lobby zabiło polskie górnictwo - (
Polish History up to 1795 in Polish Games and Game Studies ( angielski
Stanisław Krawczyk:...
Xbox zmienia politykę wydawniczą? Niedługo poznamy prawdę. (
Xbox szykuje spotkanie, w którym ma zostać wyjaśnione kilka kwestii. Jest to odpowiedź na szalejące w internecie od paru dni plotki o planie wydania gier z Xboxa na PlayStation i Switcha. 🤯
Polska nadal bez obrony cywilnej. Prace trwają (
Does Levolin Inhaler impact blood pressure or heart rate? angielski
Levolin Inhaler, also known as salbutamol or albuterol inhaler, is a medication primarily used to treat asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It belongs to a class of drugs called bronchodilators, which work by relaxing the muscles in the airways, thereby making it easier to breathe....
what's your wishlist for piracy?
What can be (realisticly) improved for a better and easier experience
Exolaunch Awarded First European Space Agency Launch Contract ( angielski
Book title on the tip of my tongue
Hopefully someone here knows what I’m talking about and I didn’t just make the whole thing up as part of a fever dream....
Salads Grown in Space May Pose a Deadly Problem ( angielski
7 Monsterverse Mysteries Solved By Monarch's Show ( angielski
Seven lingering mysteries from Godzilla and Kong's four Monsterverse movies finally received answers in Apple TV+'s Monarch: Legacy of Monsters....
Award-winning author's AI use revelation roils Japan's literary world ( angielski
Comments by a Japanese author who revealed she used generative artificial intelligence to help write the novel for which she won Japan's most prestigious book award have roiled the country's literary industry. While some welcome the use of AI as a new writing tool, those managing Japan's book contests question…
Charlize Theron Reportedly Attached to Star in Sci-Fi Movie Courage ( angielski
"The story takes place in a future where the polar ice caps have melted and people have taken refuge in Chicago, which is under a glass dome surrounded by 100 feet of water, in which giant, mind-controlling sea aliens lurk," Sneider's description reads. "The protagonist is a psychiatrist fighting to save their family, though...
Zendaya and Florence Pugh Have Two Very Different Takes on Sci-Fi Dressing ( angielski
Now we're getting into the real questions: What does it mean when Princess Irulan dresses like this but Chani dresses like that?
Microsoft Planning Starfield Launch for PS5 | Game Mess Mornings 02/05/24 (also other Microsoft games heading multiplatform) ( angielski
This show is an aggregator of news stories normally, sometimes with original reporting from Jeff Grubb. In today's edition, Grubb brought in stories reporting that Starfield and Indiana Jones are in Microsoft's talks for PlayStation releases, with Indiana Jones being looked at for some time down the road after initial launch....
Robot surgeon sent to the International Space Station to dissect simulated astronaut tissue ( angielski
cross-postowane z:
Tanie gry na Xboxa – TOP 10 tytułów poniżej 50 złotych (
Nie potrzeba promocji, żeby kupić dobrą grę za małe pieniądze. Oto nasza lista 10 świetnych gier, które możecie kupić na Xboksa za mniej, niż 50 złotych! 💚
"Jesteśmy załamani tym, co się dzieje". [NBP przygotował 200 etatów na spadochroniarzy z PiS] (
Skąd się biorą rachunki grozy za pompy ciepła? W taki sposób firmy oszukują klientów (
In the Core of the Carina Nebula - APOD 2024-02-05 ( angielski