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davel, do gaming w Stay strong this upcoming sale. The game you want but don't have temporarily licensed (AKA "own") is not going anywhere.
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

But my favorite macrotransaction casual game is Buying Games Despite Your Backlog.

davel, do gaming w I'm so tired all the damn time.
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

I like my games like I like my sex: casual, and over in five minutes.

davel, do gaming w Elon Musk Admits To Cheating In Path Of Exile 2 And Diablo 4 Amid Fake Gamer Controversy
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

FYI, we’re considering removing some/most/all Musk 💩, or perhaps creating a Musk containment community.

davel, do gaming w The beatings will continue until the skill improves
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

As the meme implies, stop and think about how to change tactics.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
(alcoholics) anonymous

davel, do gaming w Popular Female Skyrim Modder Has Abandoned Her Work Due to Daily Harrassment
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

We thought the country was getting better

Who the hell thought the country was getting better? No one I know. This is the same weak basket of deplorables excuse the DNC used for Hillary Clinton’s loss. Because they’ll blame anyone but themselves for their failures.

The Democrats fail because they’ve embraced grinding neoliberalism for an entire generation, because they abandoned the working class long ago. The DNC crushed Sanders—twice—because even a little social safety net, as a treat, is a bridge too far for them. Why the Democratic Party CANNOT and WILL NOT be Reformed


I said that with an American slanted focus but sadly it’s worldwide too.

Fascism isn’t on the rise in the US in particular and the West in general for no reason. The cause is ever-worsening neoliberalism, which is monopoly capitalism in decay. I wrote about this two months ago, but I’ll spare everyone the copypasta and just link to it.

davel, (edited ) do gaming w To appease a Steam user's demands for straight representation, Webfishing added a 'Straight' title that costs 9,999 fish bucks
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the Straight moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Gays’ great stumbling block in their stride toward freedom is not the Super Straight or the Super Happy Fun American, but the Straight moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: “I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action”; who paternalistically believes they can set the timetable for another person’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Gay to wait for a “more convenient season.” Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.

— Martin Luther Queen Jr., probably

davel, do gaming w To appease a Steam user's demands for straight representation, Webfishing added a 'Straight' title that costs 9,999 fish bucks
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

I don’t see why I can’t also be proudly straight

Do you hear yourself? “I don’t see why I can’t also be proudly white.”


The only reason “gay pride” exists in the first place is in reaction to oppression. The straights have in no way been suppressed, and “straight pride” is nothing but a backlash to gay liberation.

davel, do trains w Old World Train Electrification in Colour
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

I wonder how Afro-Eurasia feels about being called old.

davel, do gaming w "Wirelessly connect with me" doesn't work as well these days
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

I knew a graybeard whose cable rack was too heavy for me to lift. 30 years of cable collecting.

davel, do gaming w Why are Japanese video games often rated the best?
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

I’ll play devil’s hide the salami.

davel, do gaming w GG no re
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

I haven’t competed since the last time a high school phys. ed. teacher made me, and I never really cared if I won or lost. I guess I’m on a no salt diet.

davel, do trains w ‘Transformational’: how a California city launched America’s first hydrogen-powered passenger train
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

the first hydrogen-powered, zero-emissions passenger train

That depends entirely on how the hydrogen is being produced: it’s an energy storage medium, not an energy source.

Though the onboard process does not directly emit greenhouse gases, the production processes to create hydrogen fuel in the US almost always do.

davel, do trains w How do I learn a freight trains schedule?
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

Well that puts a wrinkle in my train heist.

davel, do gaming w Black Myth: Wukong is too mediocre for all this drama
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

Wut. The reason we’re talking about it at all is because it’s a success, not a flop.

davel, do trains w California’s new electric train makes for a shockingly better trip—we tried it
@davel@lemmy.ml avatar

Yeah it’s not very impressive, electrifying one commuter line, when China now has 45,000 km of high speed electric lines.

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