I started doing that for my entire library after setting up a Media Server and dumping my BluRays and DVDs a while ago. I figured having those backups would be good. The hard ones are going to be my N64 cartridges I think, since there’s now CFW for the N64 and there’s no way to connect it to the PC without an external device.
Not to sound greedy, but I was planning to keep these backups for myself. I don’t have anything rare, so anyone who wants the same games I have can easily get them from other places.
Black Flag is one of my favorite ACs, But god Ubisoft needs to get their Cloud Backup Servers sorted out. It’s a fucking mess. I feel for you. I lost my Unity Save too their servers
Sadly I have never beaten HL2, only made it so far before something fucks up my save, so maybe I’ll try and finish it this time (and hope nothing happens to it). I beat the OG half life though back in January, so much fucking fun, even with how old it is.
I’ve done the same to my friend before, except I spawned in Louisville, so that was the end of that run for him (And me too). After that we always play with the guts camouflage mod so we at least have a fair chance to make it out if one of use fucks over the other.
Sadly the teleporter forced me to end my run. If I had more time I’d be interested in finding a way to skip it but sadly as it stands now that’s the furthest I can take it. I’m now realizing I should have timed myself though to really get into that speedrunning mindset
Lmao. Me and my friend are in the same boat. The only games I can think of off the top of my head that we’ve beaten is Halo CE and ODST on Legendary. We just kind of had to buckle down and say “okay, we’re going to play through this for the next week, until we beat this”. Besides that though I don’t think we’ve beaten much, or the games we play don’t have a defined “ending” really.
I only have one friend who will really play with me, so I get what you mean. I added the NPC mod, and that helped a little, but damn nothing compares to having an actual group to play with.
The wait for build 42 is agonizing. I have major respect though for Indie Stone for keeping up on the game for all these years. I know the game gets occasionally bashed for being EA, but it feels like they care with each update (and the public roadmap to release helps too)
Idk if you’ve been following the game, but we’re about to get Build 42, which includes Weapon Forging, Skyscrapers, and Livestock. It’s really exciting.