I’m weird and play everything with a PS3 controller lol. The best way I’ve found though is the N64 controller, but I believe Nintendo’s official Nintendo Online reproduction can connect to PC Via Bluetooth but I don’t own one so I can’t say that for sure.
Thank you for the appreciation. I enjoy sharing these screenshots with people, it’s something I look forward too everyday. I feel like it offers a nice variety and it makes me happy seeing what people have to say about the games in the comments.
That’s definitely is a sentiment I share with the feeling of mystery it had. I remember me and my Sister would spend hours trying to summon Herobrine or summon the Wither before it was added to console edition. It’s something that’s hard to recapture now I feel like, especially because the game’s inner workings have been explained. That’s not to say modern Minecraft sucks, but I do miss those feelings of mystery with it.
The blood is interesting, i guess they thought not too fix what isn’t broken. Also, yeah, i’d kill for a hard mode remix of Portal 2. Definitely make the repeat playthroughs more interesting
I think i saw that one while putting together this modpack! I considered it but none of my friends i play with are big RTS fans and i didn’t want to mess with a modpack that was already working lol
It’s a lot of fun, but I struggle to keep them alive lol. They always end up killed by zombies or something before I can build the first structure for them to stay in
My first time running into him in the hallway he freaked me out. He wasn’t doing anything on trapped behind bars, but I was terrified to be near that hallway.