Finally after many many years I have gathered my friends together and played divinity original sin 2. The first session was very fun and we all had a blast. We couldn’t complete any storylines because someone kept aggroing every npc and by the end of the night we had killed every npc in fort joy and used about 20 rez scrolls and many reloads.
After we got out of fort joy and agreed to put our muderhobo ways behind us and keep a good standing with the traders. It lasted about 5s before someone threw a bucket at the lvl 8 skeleton trader and he killed us all. After a reload to previous save we managed to sell our loot and have 1 npc who doesn’t hate us.
Honestly beating that game at such a young age shows a lot of problem solving capability. However getting angry at games is a habit you want to nip in the butt asap.
Beyond all reason. I stared a few months ago new to the genre and after 100 hours of multiplayer I still sucked I was the lowest rank getting flamed most games.
Now I’ve got 250 hours under my belt and I’m really enjoying it. Started doing 1v1s which sped up my progress as it forced me to address the weaknesses I’d developed from playing 8v8.
That’s definitely the right way forward but I’m to jaded. People who brought the crew don’t care about this stuff and stopped playing many years ago and I’d be surprised if it still has 0.1% of the player base wanting to play. To me fighting to preserve the crew is like complaining about a happy meal toy breaking.
I think legislators are to old and unfamiliar with the gaming world to know how bad the situation is. They can barely understand right to repair and that’s a simple concept that their generation should understand.