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And there’s even one new cave variation!


I hope stealth gets a major rework, at least. Or maybe not stealth itself but how the AI handles interacting with it. No NPC should ever guess that it was just the wind when there’s an arrow sticking out of them or their colleague is lying dead in plain view (or even just doesn’t respond when they call to them).

They should use strategies and tactics that work against stealth. Patrols (including their own stealth patrols sometimes), roll calls, better lighting, positioning of guards to cut off entrance points, traps (and not just the dungeon traps, but NPCs setting new traps when they suspect stealth, where the trap could be as simple as a trip wire attached to metal rings that will jingle if someone disturbs them), spells that locate nearby people, using senses other than sight and hearing, dark vision. Sometimes stealth missions should be forced to end and come back later because the residents realize someone is trying to sneak around and kill or rob them and go on high alert with effective tools to negate stealth. Just sometimes, sometimes it should work like it does in Skyrim where a guard just doesn’t want to deal with whatever is shooting arrows at him and maybe just yells threats instead of using a stealth counter (just get rid of that memory of a goldfish thing).

I mean, stealth is fun, but it’s not as fun when every single character I make ends up becoming some kind of a stealth archer because the NPCs are effective at generating opposition to everything but that.


Having unenforceable or illegal clauses in a legal contract means the contract wasn’t written in good faith, which should void the whole thing. Regardless of any “if parts of this contract are deemed illegal, the rest still stands”.

It would be nice to see more proactive involvement of the legal system with this, like have some people whose job it is to challenge these consumer contracts and standardize them kinda like how some open source licenses are standardized. Modularize it, so instead of writing out the whole “limited liability” section, they could refer to an established one by name. Then each module can be the subject of study and challenge, like if a more limiting one should come with other compromises elsewhere.

I think at that point, most honest companies would just pick a standard license or contract, plus maybe a few modifications and shady ones will have more trouble hiding shit like this in the middle of pages and pages of the same boring shit you’ve read hundreds of times before if you actually do read these things before signing or clicking agree.

At this point, most contracts should probably be unenforceable because few people actually do understand what they are agreeing to, which is supposed to be one of the essential parts of a contract. So many parts should probably have an “initial here to show you agreed to this” at the very least. But I’m no fool, this is likely considered a feature rather than a bug for most of the people involved in making and enforcing these things.


I have no interest in my gaming experience being at the mercy of network latency. It’s bad enough for online games, but there’s no getting around that other than physically going to the same location as everyone else you are playing with. Big no for single player games. If cloud gaming does replace locally computed gaming, it will be another case of enshitification.


I wonder if the “it’s just trolls, not Nintendo” misinformation is actually disinformation also coming from Nintendo…


I’d argue that the indie and AA studios are making games today that are as good as or better than the pre-enshitification AAA games of the 90s and 00s. Maybe not quite as high in production value for cinematics, but on par or better for game content and play.

Like I’ve been largely ignoring AAA options and still have a huge backlog of games and generally have fun with new ones I try out, including finding new gems to add to my favourites.

So I guess if you have a base assumption that great games need to be AAA to even be contenders, the gaming situation looks worse than it did in the past, but IMO that assumption is flawed.


The Steam Deck is priced similarly to consoles and gives access to a lot of AA and indie games. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the divide between consoles and PC gets fuzzier and fuzzier as time goes on and consoles eventually just become specific PC configurations that games can optimize for.

Plus, on that note, if you look at overall cost, buying AAA games can add up pretty quickly to outpace the cost of building a PC. If you buy enough games, a console + AAA game collection can surpass the cost of a high end PC + AA and indie game collection, especially if you’re a patient gamer and can wait for good Steam sales. Every month or so, I’ve been buying a handful of games on sale for on average less than half the price of a single AAA new release. Building a PC just has a higher up front cost (though patience can help there, too).


Point a laser pointer at him.

Him: What are you doing??

Terran voice assistant: Nuclear launch detected.


Any specific enemies you have particular trouble with? I usually don’t run with tight deadline but have noticed that strategy for specific enemies can make a big difference in how easy and quick they are to take down.

And in general, I’ve noticed you tend to get better results dashing towards things rather than away from them. It’s even better with Athena’s dash boon.


Ah, yeah the bow is one of my weaker weapons in that game.

One suggestion is to try Poseidon’s main attack boon as that knockback will allow you to stun lock armoured enemies. But personally, I prefer the weapons with faster attacks.


Awesome, congrats!

I played a couple of runs and it reminded me of another tip that might help even more: the secondary damage boons are where you get huge damage boosts. Like the rip current one from Poseidon and extra damage to bosses from knockback boons. Comboing your boons is huge, especially when you can combo into legendaries or duos.


Because it was made as an excuse to fully transition to a f2p business model. It wasn’t a game anyone was asking for and the only way they could get people to use it over the first one was by shutting the first one down. It was their way of pushing enshitification.


Maybe raise a stink with your attorney general and/or representative, too. The whole idea that a company can sell licenses for something and then arbitrarily decide they don’t want to do it anymore and revoke all the licenses doesn’t sound legal. And if it is, it doesn’t sound like it should be.

Gameplay mechanics were also a lot better with more replayability. (lemmy.world) angielski

Ignoring the lack of updates if the game is buggy, games back then were also more focused on quality and make gamers replay the game with unlockable features based on skills, not money. I can’t count the number of times I played Metal Gear Solid games over and over to unlock new features playing the hardest difficulty and with...


These days I’m driving on the way home.


Yeah, I noticed this with mortal Kombat on snes. Every time I played the single player campaign, I’d win one fairly easily, then I’d lose to the next guy. Then I’d use a continue and beat that guy fairly easily and lose to the next one. Repeat until I run out of continues, with the occasional upset of the pattern (extra win or loss).


From what I’ve heard, his son is cool, so we might get two generations of awesome steam.


The tired light theory is an alternative explanation to the red shift of distant light that says it’s not because distant objects are all moving away from us but instead that the light somehow loses energy as it travels, which lowers its frequency.

There was another alternate theory that suggested everything was shrinking instead of the universe expanding (thus wavelengths seem longer by the time they get to us).

Personally, I’m more “open to the idea” than “sold” for the idea of the universe’s accelerated expansion. I like theories that eliminate the need for dark matter or energy, especially given that the current ones requiring them assume that they make up 95% of everything. It just seems more likely that we don’t understand things as well as we do than to assume we’re right about everything we think but just need to add 19 times what’s already here to balance it all out.


I’m replaying subnautica after a few years since my first playthrough. I thought that it was more of a one-time experience than a replayable game but enough time has passed that my memory is more of a general feeling than remembering specifically where everything is, so it’s been surprisingly engaging. Without even trying, I’m pretty sure the way I’m going through everything is different from my last playthrough, too.


Yeah, the one achievement I’m missing is hatching a certain egg so I’ve been collecting eggs this time around. Just got the alien containment, so I guess it’s time to start at that.

I’ve just built my second base. I only had one in my first playthrough, but I built more for sub zero and realized there’s nothing really stopping me from building a ton of them other than how much time I want to spend gathering the resources for it.

I’m considering trying to go to the end without a Cyclops sub since I’ve already got the max depth for the seamoth, though I need to find those deep mushrooms again for the defense shock that would be essential for that. Though now that I think of it, the Cyclops was probably why I didn’t build a second base and the lack of Cyclops was probably why I ended up building more bases in sub zero.


Oh wow, are there any non-fish foods other than the nutrient blocks and those trees on the surface? Can you fabricate the blocks at any point? I can’t remember if the first one has the indoor grow plots for surface plants like sub zero does.

I guess the main question I’m getting at is if you can do this without having to travel to the surface to stuff your face with trees or being very strategic with the nutrient blocks you find?

Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' (www.pcgamer.com) angielski

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but I’m no game developer. 🤷 And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!


There’s no reason for that to be a directed force, just suck in air from multiple directions and eject it in multiple directions to cancel out all net forces. Or ramp it up slowly so it isn’t so jerky. But even if it’s set up in the worst way possible, the forces will be significantly less than shooting a relatively massive bullet.


Nah, active air cooling is a thing that computers have been using successfully for decades. It does create more heat overall, but it moves heat away from the parts you don’t want to melt.

Even liquid cooling or phase change cooling relies on air cooling eventually, those techs can just move heat quicker to a temporary heat reservoir that is then air cooled. If the cooling on the reservoir is slower than the heating, the cooling system will eventually saturate and fail to continue cooling the heat source faster than the reservoir cooling.

Even liquid nitrogen or dry ice cooling does this, it just dumps that heat earlier when the N2 or CO2 is condensed. And for those, you either have limited cooling time or need to top up the coolant as it evaporates.

Edit: not sure why you were downvoted… Your assumption was wrong but IMO worthy of discussion.


They are just production value. How good a game looks and sounds, which isn’t necessarily related to how fun a game is.


It was something I was aware of and against when I was on Reddit ever since I first heard of them.

And they don’t even make cheating impossible. Cheats don’t need to be running on the OS that is running the game. It could be running in a VM. I believe many VM implementations will let the guest OS know that they are running on a VM, but that isn’t mandatory. Other hardware in the system can have full access to the memory space and do reads/writes without the OS knowing (though caches complicate this). Some cheats just act as a display and mouse, processing the display as it passes through the device to the monitor, and modifying the mouse input to correct aim based on what it sees. If it spoofs a monitor and mouse, nothing in the kernel will necessarily see any difference.


Well, there was recently a judgement on both Apple and Google anticompetitive practices having to do with app stores. Somehow apple won theirs, despite their apps being completely locked to their store while Google lost theirs despite always having supported side loading apps and other app stores already existing. The US legal system is a joke.


Cabin in the Woods remains one of my favorite comedy horror movies to this day.


I slept on Risk of Rain 2 for a long time but finally tried it out and damn, they did a great job converting the original from 2d to 3d.

Still picking away at Hades achievements, too. I’m at over 90% now and will trigger another one once I get back from my current run. 3 more after that: one grindy one, one gifty one, and one with a lot of heat. Might also go for 100% on the relationship bonds.


I somehow didn’t realize there were 3 of them lol.

But yeah, these are definitely games you need to stick with and unlock stuff for progression. I didn’t make it past like stage 2 or 3 until I had unlocked a couple other characters.

And with the way the items stack, you lose versatility but gain power if you use the 3d printer to convert all of your powerups into a single one (though not every powerup is worth it, at least I think). I still haven’t beaten the game for the 2nd one, but I’m making it to the last level more consistently now.


I like to call them deadpan instead of sarcasm. Sarcasm has a tone to let others know that it isn’t serious, while deadpan relies fully on the content itself.

I had a lot more deadpan comments crash and burn on Reddit than here. And even in this case, someone just questioned the comment while it had overall positive reception. I think Lemmy generally gets deadpan.


I found it kinda funny when they gave fighter z and kakarot as examples of DBZ games that broke that mold when fighter z is a fighting game and kakarot was an adventure game that followed the original story. Don’t get me wrong, I loved kakarot (because it was the my first time going through the whole DBZ story), but Xenoverse would have been a better example IMO because it did break the mold more (it does still focus on the original story, but you’re a part of a time patrol whose job it is to basically provide help to the original heroes because villains are trying to change the original story).


I’ve gotten back into Hades, going for full completion. At about 86%, seems like just a matter of time as I’m not really stuck on anything.


Disagree. The fact that I’m only hearing about it now that it’s flopped is a good thing because I might have given it attention before. Well, probably not because it’s EA.

I just hope that companies that aren’t EA don’t take what they say about single player games at face value. EA games probably need friend group hype to succeed at this point. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking that there are many others like me who want to avoid anything from that company and thus would only play when pressured by friends.

But if EA does fail, there likely will be a period where they try to talk about it like experts and will just say, “oh, gamers must not like x genre anymore”, when gamers really just don’t like overproduced garbage games that are clearly tuned to sell MTX rather than be fun.


When I first tried guitar hero, for some reason I thought I should strum using the side of my thumb. I’d have this swollen bump (there’s a word for this but it escapes me) where I made contact and thought I just needed to get used to it to get past that. It made sense to me because I knew there was toughening of the fingers involved in playing a real guitar (never mind that it had nothing to do with strumming).

I was doing double strumming and practicing for expert level that way.

When I realized I could instead use my thumb pad to strum down and finger pad to strum up, it was game changer. You treat it like it’s a pick. Duh.

Buddahriffic, (edited )

But we also knew that those pre-rendered cutscenes took at least a week to render and didn’t think the games themselves would ever look that good.

Edit: after giving it more thought, that should instead be “dreamed of the day gameplay would look that good” because the overall trend was obvious.


Yeah, marketers doing their usual thing lol.

These days, I often can’t tell if cutscenes are pre-rendered or rendered by the game engine (or another real-time renderer packaged with the game).

Though that some of the old Blizzard cutscenes that impressed me a lot at the time stopped being so impressive even a decade ago. Like the Diablo 2 ones are on the far side of the uncanny valley still, but I remember being awestruck by them back in the day.


You’re addressing a Sargent so that should be a “Learn basic grammar FFS, sir.”


Then don’t buy games on release. There’s no rush. I’ve been pretty satisfied just buying games I want on sale and have still built up quite the backlog mainly getting titles at 75%+ off. No Man’s sky and subnautica were both just awesome games for me because the period where they were unfinished and disappointing was long past by the time I tried them.

And in my experience, toxicity doesn’t really encourage improving something so much as it encourages stopping to care how the toxic person feels about anything at all. Sometimes that caring even goes negative and the target of the toxicity can take pleasure in how much grief they’ve caused the person spewing out the vitriol.

Toxicity is for burning bridges, not encouraging better behaviour.

Veteran Videogame Analyst: Subscription growth has flattened [in video games] (files.catbox.moe) angielski

Adding a bit more to the discussion on whether game subscription can be “the future”, it looks like despite the heavy push made in the past decade, subscriptions only make up 10% of total video game spending in the US....


Any time I see someone use the term “fear mongering” sincerely, I add a general heaping of salt to whatever they are saying. It’s often an attempt to turn the topic to the “evil motives” of the “other side” before the original debate is settled.

If there’s nothing to fear, that can be said without accusing anyone who thinks there is something to fear of trying to generate it for selfish reasons. In fact, I’d think that showing someone is fear mongering will be a greater burden than showing any particular thing they say is untrue, let alone a deliberate lie. But it gets thrown around so much lately as if it’s an argument on its own.


I did have a honeymoon phase with gamepass. Now it’s just a thing that keeps charging the monthly fee in the background but also reminds me of the list of games I’d like to try that it has each time I open it up to consider cancelling.

They’ve figured out how to make money from me having a backlog, I just realized. I might have to open it again and compare the amount I’d pay for x months vs the expected sales price to just buy all of those games where x is how many months it’ll take to clear my backlog. I don’t even have to open it to see that I should cancel, because x might be infinite. Hell, I could even just cancel it with the intent of starting back up if I manage to clear my Steam backlog if I want to lie to myself about eventually getting through my backlog.


I think he’s saying that neither extreme is right. Subscriptions aren’t going to take over the entire market but they will likely continue to play a role going forward.



If you liked the concept of captain forever but wanted more of a full game than an experience, try this one out. You build your ships with similar blocks but there’s factions with their own hull piece shapes and weapons and you can use a single ship or a fleet.

A warning though: it’s like civ or grand strategy games as in you’ll sit down to play for a few hours in the evening and suddenly the sun is coming up so I should save and exit right after I conquer this block over here.


Tangentially related question, but who is this guy that downvoted you? It was a completely innocuous question, and I know I’ve seen other innocent questions and statements like this downvoted for no good reason I can determine. Is this truly the judgement of god himself? Just curious.


At this point, I don’t know if Epic can get better than Steam in the ways that matter simply because they are clearly trying very hard to gain a dominant market position in ways that make it seem like they would abuse such a position, while Valve has had that dominant position for decades without abusing it. Valve is one of the few companies I trust these days. That trust is Valve’s to lose, not any other competitor’s to gain, though I am open to other adjacent providers (like I’ve got an xbox game pass sub, a ps5, and switch).


PC gamers: either gay or confident enough in their sexuality to not be scared of being associated with rainbows.

At least I’d like to think that, but then gamergate was a thing, so it’s probably more accurate to say that a bunch think rainbows are gay but their rainbow LEDs are an exception or some shit.


Seems like something Russia would have pushed (along with the opposing side) at the time, too.


I just opened my Steam wishlist and there’s a lot of titles on there with 75% - 90% off. Including a one piece game normally $80 for $12.

Now to go through them and see which ones I still want now that they are cheap and time has passed for more reviews/development. Seems like games I add to my wishlist are about 50/50 for if I actually want them when they are really cheap.


And to add on to #3, you might not even remember how the game works. Like obviously movement is easy but you might forget some other important mechanics.

Though sometimes this can be a good thing because you might learn the game better the second time. Like I got stuck on one encounter in Doom Eternal and dropped the game for a while. I came back and loaded my old save but had no idea what I was doing because the gameplay loop is more complicated than “shoot everything and pick up drops”. So I started a new save to relearn it and didn’t even notice when I passed the point I was stuck on because it wasn’t hard at all the second time through.

I might end up doing this with persona 5 royal, too, though I put a lot more hours in to get where I’m stuck at.


Yeah, the money they are putting in hyping the game would be better spent on development. Don’t talk about it to people who aren’t involved in making it, just do it. I much prefer the steam early access method where it you think you have a good idea, you release it early on for a cheaper price. Then you see how it does and receive player feedback and iterate from there.

Too much hype can make a game seem worse by raising expectations too high.

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